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Everything posted by stiltman

  1. Here's my experience today. Went to bb and the customer service guy that helped me had no problem with pming the 3d Bly-rays and to get me the $5 more off the trade in. Well after I left I looked over my ticket and the price match was there but not the $5 DVD trade in. Went back to try to get the $20 bucks but he looked at the ticket and said I guess it won't let you use 2 discounts at the same time. I thought this would happen so I'm not upset about it but it would have been real nice to score a $42.99 normally priced 3d blu ray down to $13.99. But still @ $18.99 I'm a happy camper. Ooh he did give me coupons so now I know not to price match and discount when I go to use the other coupons
  2. has anyone done this yet and have you had any problems? Are they halding to the list or are they letting you get ANY blu-ray. Are the 3d blu-rays in the trade off or not? Let me know your experience with bb on this trade in. Thanks
  3. Can you find out if this will include the 3d blu rays. If it does that would be awesome!!!!
  4. I have now spent about 7 grand (yes $7,000.00) at best buy this year at one store and the store managers know me and it looks like one does not like me.... for tonight I went there to get some 3d blu-ray movies and to p.m. just 2 of them for a grand total of $4.00 big dollars off my order of $150. but she went off when the checker asked if they p.m. FRY'S and she said NO and that (pointing at me) customer should know that we dont p.m. frys because the nearest one is 32 miles away and they only p.m. stores within 30 miles. Well looks like the bb near me will not be getting any more of my money. I see that they are pushing customers towards online shopping as I'M finding it so much easier and less of a hassel. All this over $4 DOLLARS now I have to wait and call to make sure the day manager is there before I go in and I know he will honor a p.m. from frys. What is ya'lls opion should I just spend the extra 4 bucks??? or should I stand my ground and get the $4 bucks off???
  5. I picked up the muti pack $30 for $22.95 they are giving an additional 10% off (15% if you are silver member) with rewards zone members but only on the muti-pack
  6. sears got my respect today...... I went around alot of stores today trying to find a home theater system but now the sales are over they are really high. Then I stopped at Sears I noticed a nice bundle Panasonic SC-BTT370P-K on the bottom shelves. with a sale price of $104.99. I thought that there was no way that price was right and just wanted know what the real price was so I got a sales rep.and he looked down and said that the price for that item was $104.99. I told him I will take it. He rings it up then he takes off running to the self and then comes back and proceeds to finish the checkout. ( When he left I glanced at the screen and saw $299.99 ) He got a price over ride from a manager for a wrong price display!!!! I got a $300 home theater with 3D Blu-ray player for only $104.99!!!! Sweet deal
  7. happen to me too. I was so upset and thought that they should at least full fill the orders because of their mistake.
  8. I need 3 for gifts. Well 2 for gifts. 1 for ourself
  9. Does anyone know if there is a limit on how you can get??
  10. Picked me one up!!! Best deal so far on I tunes cards. Thanks for the post
  11. Here's a pic [ATTACH]6406[/ATTACH]
  12. About 20 ahead of us
  13. Heading out to our bb
  14. I'm after this one as well. Comes with 4 games. Heck ya the wipeout 2 is around $30 bucks just by its self. The best deal on just the Kinect instead of the hole xbox bundle
  15. Its small business saturday. American express. I know this one for sure because I saw that ad and told my wife that runs a small thrift store to do a 1 day 50% off sale. We might lose some money but at least folks will know that we are there
  16. stiltman

    Itunes Giftcard?

    So far the best on that I have found is at either staples or office depot $60 iTUNES for $45
  17. Thank you. I just dont want to get a tv that i'm not able to hook up all my equipment up to
  18. Ooh by the way I would like to thank you all for the help on the wire connections. I feel a bit better that I'm going to get the look that I want.
  19. I have been researching the specs on the tvs I'm looking to get and now I need some help..... The LG 55" 3D bundle at sears page 3 model # 55lw300. Does it have a component hook up or not??? Anyone have the answer??? It looks like it has the hdmi audio and composit.
  20. Thank you for your help. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't messing up with putting all thoses wall jacks and extra cables in and then a bad picture. That makes me happy that i;m going in the right direction. If anyone else has any ideas please send them to me. I want this set up to blow me and my freinds away!!!
  21. sorry Im doing that too. I will have the 5-7 componet cables going to a reciver box then the reciver box 1 wireto the wall. Same with all the composit and hdmi and speakers. ( Speakers will have a switch box so I can pipe music to the master bedroom and bathroom and also outside. Then I will be able to turn on/off any aera in the house with 1 button
  22. Ok now heres another brain tickler..... I want everything in the wall. Im bulding a fake wall in the livingroom (I have the space and the equipment will be recessed in the wall also) Now what I want to do is put wall jacks in for composit, component, hdmi, speakers and so on. Now I want to put a jack down low where the equipment is and a jack behind the tv up higher. So there will be a very short cable going from the (i.e. xbox 360, ps3, blu-ray...) to the wall jack..... and then there will be a cable INSIDE the wall going up to the wall jack behind the tv..... and then a very short cable from the wall jack to the tv. How much signal will i lose in doing this or is there a better way. Im trying to put extra jacks in for addtional equipment that will come down the line. Please understand I have ALOT of equipment to install so there will be close to a mile or maybe more of cords and I want it to look really clean!!!!
  23. Ok here is a question. I am going to be getting a 3D hdtv this bf and I have noticed alot of places trying to sell " HIGH SPEED HDMI cables" is there really a differance in the hdmi cables or can I just get the ones from new egg or other sites that are really alot cheaper?
  24. a gottadeal old fashion type alarm clock the ones with the bells and hammer between them
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