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Everything posted by davidbugs

  1. What part of Pennisula do u live at? Did you heard we getting snow maybe sat and sun!! I can't wait to see what is next week weeks ads
  2. i LIVE in norfolk, va. they are selling for 449 for no rebate at all
  3. congrats you are a senior member!! It is a funny name
  4. oh my sammy goody store will close too. I can't believe it
  5. thank you i was going to print that ads
  6. I receive 1.25 dollars plus a shipping handling. Wow 9 bucks
  7. They should bring it back. Valentine day is Coming!! Why did they took it off. It doesn't make any sense!! Valentine day, Easter, St Patrick day, 4 of july and more.
  8. congrats Where did you buy it. I want to know where??
  9. lol super funny comment Hey about Hd dvd or Blue ray dvd coming out this year
  10. hAHA very FUNNY only Garfield. i GUESS Garfield Spilled Spaghetti in your Portable Dvd player. Garfield is an evil cat doesn't want to you to watch other dvd movies. sTAY away from Evil Garfield. lol
  11. YOU CAN buy today newspaper.
  12. Does your Xbox360 really work. I heard some rumor that Xbox360 having a problem on their game system.
  13. It is not a Holiday Trees. It is called Christmas Trees. Do You hate THAT people are consider calling it as holiday trees instead christmas trees. i Guess political correctness goes to far. iM CALLING it Christmas tree.
  14. Why this Thread seem to be Anti K-mart.
  15. iF YOU return YET. You have to pay a Restocking FEE FOR 15 Percent:(
  16. why do you try George W Bush Jigjab Recap for 2005. A very funny G W bush recap for the entire year.
  17. They didn't have included any Rw? That seem pathenic.
  18. Wow and Dissapointment!!! No online deal I have found on Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday holiday is overrated and the Media just want to hype it out!!!
  19. poor newbie!! Wow 1 post. He got 50 points. omg
  20. cYBER Monday is a silly name. Come on!! If you get caught shopping online at Work. YOU'RE FIRED :gd_not_ri
  21. I saw some Ebay users are willing to pay 10k for xbox360
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