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Posts posted by daz

  1. AHAHAHHAH this is too funny, I have thought of doing it just in everyday shopping (taking something out of someones cart) but just for fun to see if they'd notice.


    On my worst day I may do that, but if I tried to snatch something out of somebodys hands I would expect to be swung at. heh


    Maybe I should......start a big riot, then go get all my items, climbing over piles of people on my way to the checkouts :)

  2. I'm glad I don't live in that state.. If the AG is going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of YOUR money on a lawsuit when legally all they have to do is compensate the very first person in line (1 computer minimum for it to be in the ad).



    This is straight from the walmart ad


    "It is our firm intention to have every advertised item in stock. Occasionally, however, an advertised item may not be available for purchase due to unforseen difficulties. If this happens, Wal-Mart will sell you a similar item at a comparable price (or reduction in price if the item is on sale). Or if you prefer we will issue a raincheck at your request so you may purchase the item (ECLUDING SPECIAL BUY-ONE TIME OFFERS) at the advertised price when the item becomes available. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal retail purchases."


    They have covered themselves. All they have to do is take an average 6 hours during any other sale during the year and see how many laptops they sell, (maybe 2 on average) and compensate those first 2 people in line.


    Sorry. Those are the facts. CC here I come.

  3. everything in that scan is cheaper than the "leaked" ad.


    It was all a setup, you watch, the day the ads come out (the REAL ads on thanksgiving day or the day before) the prices will be the same countrywide, and even cheaper than the first 2 scans we saw.


    I've been checking a lot and the above scan looks like the real prices to me. the tv is 10 cheaper, the flatpanel tv is ($24) cheaper than the original ad....


    Wal-Mart knew what they were doing, period.


    We talked about it for the last week and a half, they got it on the national news, now everybody in the country wants to see the WM ad!

  4. well I am one of the few people on the planet that have actually read the DMCA and they do have the right, since the ad was not released to the public, to sue anybody that posts it, however it would depend on the judge and spend as much time in court as napster has. DMCA laws are VERY vague and open to all kinds of interpretation, next years bf ads would be out before a decision was even close to being made.



    I don't understand why they say they will try to recoup any losses incurred by the posting of it....that's just retarted. If anything, they will get more sales by releasing it early, (and the controversy).

    Unless they fear because OD stores are so few and far between in most states that competitors will somehow manage to lower their prices to match or beat OD sales in the last 6 days before the sales?

  5. well this is the below cost wording of the law


    "Most state statutes provide that fixing the price of a product or service in agreement with another individual or business is illegal. The general rule provides that a vendor may not in combination with another vendor agree to set a certain price thereby creating a fixed price within a certain market. A business acting on its own and not in concert with another may use legitimate efforts to obtain the best price they can, including their ability to raise prices to the detriment of the general public. Also, conformity of prices within a given product is not illegal unless such conformity was created by a combination of vendors agreeing on a set price. For example, where competitors agree to sell their goods or services at a specified price, minimum price or maximum price and they receive profits from such an agreement, they are in violation of price fixing. Additionally, setting a price to be charged only within a certain area in order to get rid of competition or to create a monopoly is generally illegal under most state laws. A majority of states have also enacted a "Below-Sales-Cost" law wherein businesses may not sell goods below cost if they do so with anti-competitive intent or effect."


    another part: " it is unlawful where the intent is to injure competition" to sell a product with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice of selling [below-cost]."


    A 6 hour sale would NOT fall under this law. I would challenge it and win.

  6. they will easily go by 11am for 400 bux (I know 30 people at work that are going to get one (try at least) and there are only 300 people working there). If not they do what they do every other year, send the overstock up the road to a bigger cities' store.
  7. aww, I don't work for sony but you should get the PSP


    UMD (the format the movies are on) will replace dvd's, or at the very least be a far better rival than vhs ever dreampt of.

    Soon sony tv's will have a umd slot on the front, the playstation 3 will soon have a umd "port" and within the next 2 years or so a UMD slot will be as common as a USB port on your computer.


    Sony was brilliant for developing this.


    Don't gimme that blue ray disc crap either :) It'll be 10 years before they are affordable

  8. since wally world will have VERY few

    Why does everybody keep saying that? The 2 years I worked there we had over 40 of each computer, and my motherinlaw (photo manager) has seen 2 pallates full so far this year of laptops (around 55-60)

  9. Christians are a dying breed, walmart is smart to say happy holidays instead of merry christmas, as to not offend the majority. How many christians do you actually know that are offended by "happy holidays"? My guess would be none, it's a group of about 10-15 hard core christians that want to force their beliefs on the rest of us so they write one letter and send a copy to a newspaper in BFE, it gets picked up by the A.P. and voila, boycott walmart!


    Guess what, it's not going to happen. WM grosses almost a billion dollars a day in retail sales, yes almost A BILLION DOLLARS A DAY (around 925million at last count), do you think they give a crap if 200 people following reverend umptysquat stay home from a sale? I think not. As far as the unfair wages go...yes cutting the hours to just under 40 is unethical and those people should be able to take legal action for losing benefits, but low pay? No. They tell you the pay when you put your application in. If you can't live off it, don't go to work there.


    my .02 cents

    Not meant to offend anybody. Not anti-christian, I'm pro-common-sense, which most christians with a voice lack (tele-vangelists or any one with a radio show that thinks it's his/her job to save the world. Guess what! I don't need your saving. Keep it to yourself.)


    Also not pro-wal mart per se, Pro-Cheapass!!!!

  10. best buy and staples both have the samsung 914v BB(229) staples ($199)


    the differences between the samsung and the mag are:


    Samsung - 12ms response time

    600:1 contrast ratio


    Mag - 16ms response time

    500:1 contrast ratio


    the max resolution and dot pitch are the same

    so the picture quality will be identical, but the samsung will go just a tiny bit brighter. Hope this helps

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