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Everything posted by kbasketcr8r

  1. I still need to find an xbox (regular one) for my middle son, and a bike for my little girl- my oldest son (14) just wants money- problem is his birthday is on Christmas, so he gets double money- lol.
  2. Mine shipped today. I ordered them Thursday.
  3. Whenever 50 cent comes on the radio. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  4. I think it is kind of like having a baby- you tend to forget how painful it was, so you are up for it when it happens again.
  5. I probably spend about 500-600 for my oldest - 14 year old boys stuff is much more expensive than my 8 year old daughter's, but my daughter's stuff, I can usually get on BF- I got the Barbie fashion mall for 30 dollars (regularly 100). She probably gets around 300. My 11 year old son is the gamer, so his stuff is closer to 500.
  6. They did year before last. I know, I got killer deals that year. I didn't go last year, so they probably stopped at my TRU then.
  7. Those rats. I grabbed all the Bratz dolls that were on sale at KB and Target, and get to the register, and the guy tells me "we don't do that". So, I asked him if it was a new policy- he gets one REALLY RUDE manager, and he walks over to me and says "we don't do that". I asked nicely- "Is that a new policy"? He just rolls his eyes at me and repeats himself. I said "I get that now, I am asking you since when don't you price match? Is it a new policy"? He walks away from me. Another manager walks over, and I asked her - she says "No, we don't price match". So, I had them take off all the items I intended to match, and next year, I will go to Walmart. I did get the Barbie shopping mall for 30 dollars, so it was definitely worth it.
  8. I got the scooter and WWE ring- paid ZERO because I had Amazon certs- YAY!! I wouldn't have known about the bf stuff being live without this great site!! Thanks a bunch, Rossman and Brad!
  9. Here is the email I sent her: Hello- I beg to differ- I have been going to gottadeal.com for my Black Friday information for two years, and the ads are the exact ads that came out on Thanksgiving Day. Maybe you should research your articles a bit more carefully. Kathleen O'Brien
  11. My absoloute favorite gift for teenagers (boy or girl) is to buy a wallet and stuff it with cash in different denominations, gift cards for the mall (disposable visa cards) gift cards to the "hip" stores like Hot Topic, Pac Sun etc., and gift cards for fast food places- In and Out, Jack in the Box. For girls, I like to also get a nice bag and put some essentials in there along with the wallet- like lip gloss, perfume, etc. I did it last year for my 14 year old and plan on doing it again this year.
  12. I know, but it's a different discount code- I guess you can only use them once (?)
  13. No, I don't know how long it's good for- sorry. I borrowed it from my sweeps site.
  14. This site alwas has free shipping, and prices lower than most other retailers, and now they have a coupon code that gives you an extra 20% off! The code is DD11 deepdiscountdvd.com
  15. I get mine from Home Depot, they have the BEST trees for great prices. I usually spend around 50.00. For that, I get a 9-10 foot tree.
  16. Not to be a bummer, but everyone be sure to check your receipts- make sure the CSR didn't put any magazine subs on your cc. And all of you are probably savvy enough, but don't fall for the extended warranty crap. Otherwise, have a great time!
  17. I am kbasketc Hope to chat with some of you soon!
  18. I don't know- mine has every single year- I have never had a problem. Maybe it is up to each individual store?
  19. The thing I have found is that even though you can't get anywhere else, TRU price matches, so you really don't need to. I get the ads, compare to the TRU ad, and make a list- cut out the ads from the competitors store and attach to the list- so that the employee can see it. Some are picky, some aren't. My best experience there was a couple of years ago when I got a guy who was just too tired to deal with the ads I had carefully arranged, and just told me to tell him what to ring the toys up as- I paid 300.00 for 900.00 worth of toys that year. I didn't take advantage, I really tried to find the matched price, but he would get impatient and charge a buck for some things- lol. I actually get out of there in about an hour and half buying for 3 kids- plenty of time to get to other stores. If you know your TRU well and know where things are located, you can get out quick. Bring a friend or kid to stand in line while you grab stuff and the lines won't be so daunting.
  20. Nope, not new, just quiet. Been a member since last year.
  21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by Kathleenob For great info on Black Friday, including previews of the actual ads, go to www.gottadeal.com. It is a wonderful source. This is a well organized, easy to navigate site. Thanks for the link, Kathleen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The site is online-sweepstakes.com, lots of nice people who are curious about BF. It is my pleasure to recommend gottadeal.com
  22. Dear Kathleen OBrien, Thanks for playing Old Navy's World-Famous Warm-O-Meter Sweepstakes, powered by ePrize. You have received the following Free Shipping offer: Get Free Shipping when you spend $75 or more at oldnavy.com!* Here's your promotional code: D499W7B78R Go shopping now at http://www.oldnavy.com The Official Rules of the promotion are attached to this email. Please refer to them for any questions you may have. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Prize Fulfillment Services via email at [email protected]. Please include the name of the promotion and the prize listed above in the subject line of your email. If you are unable to open the attached PDF files you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website for free. The URL is http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
  23. I will have to look- I don't think so, though. Will let you know after I play today- or if you want, you can go to online-sweepstakes.com and find the Old Navy instant, everyone wins either shipping or a discount every time.
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