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Everything posted by theboyzmom

  1. It would NOT be BF or GD without Dev's live show!!!
  2. I did the same thing!!! I bought 3 last year as well and it was worth not worrying about not finding enough for the kids to skip the gift cards. I bought 2 refurbs for the twins and a 5th gen for the big brother.
  3. The change to Thursday evening start times last year was a huge game changer for me. I wasn't going to go at all, but ended up heading out around 11pm just to see what was up. The lines were crazy, little kids and babies were everywhere and appeared worn out and tired, teens were wandering the mall, and the amount of drunk people was appalling. My family is full of traditionalists and there is NO WAY I could get them to move dinner from any other time OR day (Thanksgiving dinner is at 2pm on Thursday). I will not choose shopping over my family, and since I host, I am home until they leave. Now, having said all that, my kids are teens and their wants are fewer and more expensive. Last year I ordered Ipods months before Christmas and gave them each just a few other things to open. This year I believe we are getting them a Playstation (haven't decided if we want to go for a 4 or 3), so BF will be a 'take it or leave it' event. I am quite sad over this! This was one of my special days! I spent the evening after dinner on the phone with my sil and we made our plan, took a nap, got up and headed out to stand in the cold (Michigan!!) while waiting for the doors to open. I guess this year I will do my first online BF because I believe the early trend will continue.
  4. 1. The entire JCP ad 2. ANYTHING where the 'deal' comes from a rebate 3. Genie bra...or ANY bra, underware, and sock deal...not BF items IMO 4. Mini appliances that go for $3-$5 and are basically junk that works better as speed bumps during the BF rush than actual appliances
  5. You have summed it up perfectly
  6. Ok, I need some help...the itouch bundle for $179, is this a good deal? What is the gb?
  7. theboyzmom

    Store Map

    doesn't matter, mine are always wrong...sigh...
  8. hate it...don't agree with it...won't participate It was fun; an exciting event when after Thanksgiving dinner was done we would set up our game plan, take a nap, get up early and spend the entire day shopping. And that all day shopping was like being part of an exclusive club...all of us die-hards. Now everyone and anyone is out after drinking and so many little kids...just driving in the parking lots is dangerous! There were so many large groups of teens, parents with little kids, lots of people who had never done BF before and just didn't know how it worked. They have every right to be there, but it sure made the atmosphere different and it was more difficult to navigate around the stores, find ends of lines, and find parking spots. I'm sad that it seems to be all over
  9. I won't support this...Thanksgiving is about family time I really miss the early morning sales
  10. The anticipation is my favorite thing!
  11. My Kohl's just switched over to these signs...they are on EVERYTHING...and I HATE them!!! What an unhappy surprise when I went shopping this weekend
  12. Yay! It's official now!!
  13. EIGHT pm???? That will pretty much ensure I won't be going out this year...it was bad enough with the 10pm and 12am openings.
  14. No way no how! I missed out on BF shopping for several years because my kids were too little and it was just too cold and dangerous to take them (and I was shopping FOR THEM). I agree with the others that it really depends on WHERE you are going...be smart and really KNOW what the store is like on BF. My sil brought her kids with us for the first time a few years ago and I will admit that they did ok, but they were burned out and ready to go home way before we were. Last year I took my 16 year old with me, but it really took the fun out of shopping for him with him right there. People get CRAZY over some of these deals and the economy still isn't strong...that makes people desperate. There is no way I'd take a young child to Walmart, Target, or Toys R Us on BF
  15. I'm looking to buy THREE i-touches this year...so confused as to what to do! and it's only September! lolol
  16. Ace on October 4... I was half expecting it to already be here! lol
  17. Sigh...last year was my first year of no toys...it's sad I've got 3 boys who each want an i-touch...that's pretty much gonna be their entire Christmas...one tiny box...
  18. got and used my $10 off $10
  19. guns are tools...really expensive tools, so a really good sale on one is going to go well (these things rarely go on sale!)...I'm not surprised at all
  20. Well, with stores like Meijer, Kmart, Big Lots, Family Dollar, and others open at 5am on Thanksgiving, and the big push for 9-10pm openings that evening and midnight it's not much of a stretch to see the stores all having all day sales on Thanksgiving. Probably not next year, but like the posters above, I can see BF being eliminated and becoming BT...forget about family time and a time set aside to reflect on what really matters and to be thankful for it...
  21. I can't stand seeing babies and toddlers out on BF It's so unsafe and unhealthy for those little ones to be out all night with crazy selfish people who don't care about the well-being of others
  22. this is exactly how it went at my store too
  23. It just makes me so sad...I remember the years where people would all be happy and help each other out on BF. Now you have to be physically fit and prepared to defend yourself Can we flag this thread for next year when the first post comes up about, "tell me how to take my kids with me on BF and don't try to talk me out of it"....even those Walmarts (where most of the chaos seems to happen) that seem safe one year become part of the mayhem the next year...I get frightened for the little ones that I see out on BF
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