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Everything posted by sherril
I have gifts for the family wrapped but havent even started wrapping dd's gifts yet. She has gotten to where she dosent take a nap during the day and has been up til like 10pm every night so I may be up Christmas Eve wrapping if she dosent go to sleep early one night this week.
i have been trying to get through forever, its just a very busy phone number
That link didnt work for me try this one http://www.blair.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?jspStoreDir=BlairCorp&pcats=99999%2C100306&catalogId=10001&categoryId=100306&productId=22773&prnbr=37450&cmCategoryId=Keyword+Search&langId=-1&storeId=10001&ddkey=ZoomDisplayView http://www.blair.com/static/images/Product/image17/w37450f.jpg and its showing as 8.99 now
Santa brings them all Christmas Eve night.
Bratz - Wild Wild West Yasmin - NOW $3.99 ($16.99) @ Amazon
sherril replied to noehlp's topic in Online Hot Deals
super deal, it says it wont arrive until after 12/25 though -
too funny! sorry
Baltimore, MD? I do and would be interested also
Oh, alimfp, I hear you! My dh hates going to his families house also! I have to drag him and then we get into a fight and the whole time his family is blaming me cause he dosent call them or go over their houses! He will ask for work on weekends where he knows there are bday parties for his family so he wont have to go (btw he is salaried too, so I dont even get OT when he works)! So then I have to call them to say we cant come. Once again I look bad. The only one to start to see how things really are is my soon to be SIL, her and BIL just had a baby this year and my oh my how everything has changed! She actually told me that now she sees that I am not the psycho "witch" they all think I am that it is his family not me! DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA oh i hate this part of the holidays! They have a 20.00 per person gift exchange. I decided we are not going to participate. We just dont have 40.00 to lay out for some crappy gift we wont ever use! Last year they did 10.00 and we did join in. I also only bought for kids this year. We always buy for his cousins 2 kids too but this will be the last year for buying for them. She is pregnant with #3 and we just cant keep up and dont have the money to buy after this year (my mom said that is mean) but hey we are on a 1 person paycheck here. We are buying for my nephew but not my BIL and soon to be SIL and they know this. I did buy for MIL but she never likes what I buy her anyways. Sorry to vent, geesh but its good to vent about them sometimes! I normally dont cause you never know who could be on this board
I just placed an order my total was 23.08 3 Fleece Poncho's 2.48 each 2 Pur Desir Shower Gel Kit of 4 minis 1.50 each 2 Comme une Evidence Trial-Size Collection 1.50 each 1 Duck Terry Hand Mitt 1.48 2 Orange Heart Shaped Sponge .50 each 1 Hair Detangling Spray for Girls 1.75 3 Baume Nature Stocking (has 2 lip balms in it) 1.75 each 1 Lady Bug Hand Mitt 1.50 each 1 Strawberry Lip Roll-On Gloss 1.25 FREE "Watch and Ring Set" "FREE: Set of 3 Gift Bags" FREE BONUS: Arnica Restorative Hand Balm, an $8 value." Plus free shipping since i spent over 25 and then I applied the 10%
Amazon.com Vote For A Deal Round 3 is up!!
sherril replied to deelite's topic in Deal Finder & Deal Discussion
i could REALLY use that Elliptical machine! -
lol, too cute, my dd will be 3 on 12/23 so I dont have any crazy things I have had to tell her yet. But I am sure they will come soon.
I would like to share my house with every one,Pictures of all 4 kids
sherril replied to Illinoismom's topic in 2006
There is a tree in your bathroom!!!!!! I am just curious how long does it take to put everything up and take everything down ? Very Festive!!!!! -
My dd is 3 and likes these dolls and will be getting a few from Santa this year as well as the Jeep. I dont think any of the ones we bought her were "hoochie" we got her the snowboarder and iceskater (she loves iceskating) and a few of the boy dolls. I think it is great that they have the themes to show that girls can snowboard and be pretty iceskaters and play soccer and such along those lines.
I was curious and googled it since I had never hear dteh story this is what I found. Sounds very interesting It is a quaint tradition that nobody wants to claim. And its story would not be the first tradition of Christmas born of a total fabrication. It is the little-known tradition of the Christmas pickle. The Christmas pickle is not really a pickle at all. It is a pickle-shaped ornament that is the last one hung on the tree on Christmas Eve. The first child to find the Christmas pickle gets an extra gift from Saint Nicholas. Or so the so-called legend goes. There are two other versions of the origins of the Christmas pickle. One is a family story of a Bavarian-born ancestor who fought in the American Civil War. A prisoner in poor health and starving, he begged a guard for just one pickle before he died. The guard took pity on him and found a pickle for him. The pickle by the grace of God gave him the mental and physical strength to live on. The other, perpetuated in Berrien Springs, MI, is a medieval tale of two Spanish boys traveling home from boarding school for the holidays. When they stopped at an inn for the night, the innkeeper, a mean and evil man, stuffed the boys into a pickle barrel. That evening, St. Nicholas stopped at the same inn, became aware of the boys' plight, tapped the pickle barrel with his staff, and the boys were magically freed. Berrien Springs calls itself the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. They celebrate with an annual Christmas Pickle Festival held during the early part of December. A parade, led by the Grand Dillmeister who passes out fresh pickles along the parade route, is the featured event. You may even purchase the German glass pickle ornaments at the town’s museum. Rumor and speculation place the origin of this tradition in Germany. However few in modern-day Germany recognize or have even heard of the Christmas pickle. Some in West Germany blame generations of East Germans who may have had nothing more than pickles to decorate their Christmas trees with after World War II. But even families and historians in East Germany shrug at the mention of the Christmas pickle tradition. Regardless of where it came from, the Christmas tradition survives. Ornament manufacturers continue to make the specialty decoration and enjoy perpetuating the myth of its legendary origins -- false though they may be.
Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie Cranberry Candy Cane
thanks! now i will have to get dh to buy some ink;)
My dh's family plays this every year.
presents then a huge breakfast. We open 1 or 2 presents on Christmas Eve night
I am thankful to be standing here today after being diagnosed with cancer this time last year. I am extremely thankful for the love and support of my family. Last but not least to be blessed with such a smart and beautiful daughter that I was suppose to never be able to ever have.