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Everything posted by Mommie2one

  1. I couldn't imaging going in line on BF 15-20 minutes before opening. This is my first BF, but I know not to do that! I agree with an earlier post. Show up super early and stay in your car. When people start coming, get out and form the line. Personally, I want to be first in line!
  2. It won't stop me. Gas is down considerably here. $1.99 where it was almost $3.
  3. I'll have to check out TRU website on Thanksgiving. Thanks for the heads up
  4. I'll have to check it out online. Thanks
  5. GameBoy SP Bundle at Target
  6. Mommie2one

    Moon Shoes ?

    I saw them the other day. Didn't know they did a come back
  7. Obviously a plug for the newsapapers.
  8. I only have my one. Im spending more this year because shes getting older and the items she wants are more expensive. Im trying not to over buy though.
  9. The only store now I really have to go to is Target. BUT if the SP systems are available online,then I can just go to Walmart
  10. Thanks for the code. I usually find one or two things during the holidays there
  11. Hmmm, wonder what kind of sales they will have on the games.
  12. Theres not much I want on the ads. Only the SP system. After that I may just go around to checkout the stores. First BF so have to go to more than one store :)
  13. I dont think I have a FRY's.
  14. Please find out about Target! Want that SP system
  15. Im going to target first to get the SP system.
  16. This is my first BF, but after being on this board for a week or so, I realize the earlier the better for getting the items. Even if I wait in the car until people start arriving, I will be at Target for the GameBoy Sps by 2am. Once I see someone pulling in, I'll get out to form the line
  17. I was going to say that too. Kohls doesn't really sell the new released ones. The older ones is what mine carries. Not a bad price really if you want those games. I may go just to look for my daughter
  18. I was going to say a scooter too! A few of my neighbors have them and they are so cute. I had a Honda one growing up. (Bigger model though). I loved it
  19. Mommie2one

    Blank DVD Deals?

    He bought a bunch so he offered us a pack. I think hes keeping the rest but if he offers again, I will bring it on here to let you know
  20. Walmart has great prices year around on bikes. I have always gotten mine there. My husband, daughter, and I love bike riding together and thats where we bought ours. You don't have to pay much to have fun with the family!
  21. Im in Canton, and from what BF regulars have told me, there are a lot of early bird shoppers. They have no fear waiting in line by midnight or earlier at BB. I would go by midnight and worst case you will just sit in your car until people start pulling in. Just make sure you rush up in line!
  22. As much as I love Victoria Secret, I wait for sales and clearances. I won't pay $40-50 on a bra and/or underwear. Walmart stuff is fine with me.
  23. KB TOYS
  24. Depends on the sizing too. My husband is in the popular mens size 34 waist and it always seem they go first. I want to get a pair of jeans for him and the pajama pants at Walmart
  25. Haven't checked as yet. This week is rain/snow mix so Im crossing my fingers that gets out of here. I can handle cold, but I hate the snow
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