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Everything posted by Mommie2one

  1. I also need to get some of the .69 mt.dew 2-liters for my husband
  2. High shipping though. Wish they had a deal of some sort
  3. Mommie2one


    Im in Ohio too. Thankfully not in the snow belt. no snow as yet, but by tomorrow we could get several inches. Thanksgiving shopping at Kmart could prove interesting
  4. I wanted to get the wild west bratz dolls, but the shipping is horrible. One doll w/ shipping is almost $16. I'll take my chances on getting the $9 ones at Walmart. If you do order from target, heres two coupon codes I found: Returning customer: 10% off any purchase TCADVJAB new customer: 10% off any purchase TCNEWACCTVSA
  5. Also, rebate form for board games in last sundays insert. Tons of the stores has the games on sale so make sure you keep that one. I bought Battleship at Target for $7.88. In the form is the $2 rebate for it. So only $5.88! You can get up to $30 worth in rebates on board games.
  6. Mine closes at 6am, then reopening at 2am. Its a 24 hour one so Im glad I can wait inside
  7. Mine is delivered, but rarely has all the ads. 2 yrs running now. My husband ends up having to go to the corner store and getting me one. And every year I call the paper the next day and get a credit. You would think the paperboy would be out of here by now. But no. He had the nerve (paperboy) to tell me the papers are heavy and sometimes he omits some inserts!!!!! I told the paper that and all he got was a "warning". Little good that did
  8. What idiots. That reporter is an absolute MORON
  9. Scary thing is my daughter has ALL of the ones listed above. Included bassinet, baby bag w/ accessories, high chair, etc. I LOVE the Zapf Creation dolls.
  10. Just got back from Target.....The GameBoy Sp Bundles are on sale now for the BF price! $68. They weren't out when I went so I asked the employee if they got them in. He had a box of them behind the counter. I asked him to price check them to see if they were coming up the BF price. He told me he didn't think so, but he would. Told me the price will go into effect on Friday. Well, needless to say they did come up (he was surprised too!) and I bought mine. Only a case of 12 came in. 11 available now. Thanks to whomever posted about this! As soon as I read that post I ran to my Target, now I dont have to worry about a BF timing problem. I can get to my 5am stores now. I would be so upset if people (like myself) bought them all day today and none was left for Friday. Mind you, only 11 available now! Also the box says, TARGET EXCLUSIVE on it. So I guess you wouldnt be able to PM anywhere?! So if you want this bundle, get to your Target too
  11. Mommie2one

    Target today

    Im going to go to Target as thats the only thing I need
  12. Im still hoping that the Target SP bundle goes online. I would love it as Im in a dilema decided what to do. Target opens at 6am but I need items from CC and Walmart which opens at 5am. The sp bundle is the only major thing I have to get on BF so thats priority.
  13. I'll be going to kmart for the GBA games
  14. My Walmart has the coffe pots and other small appliances out in the main aisle along with the roaster. All higher prices, but the exact ones on sale on BF. Huge piles of each on pallets
  15. Thats what my problem is. I need some items at walmart, but I want the GBA bundle at Target. Their 6am opening is screwing my timing up. May have to suck it up just to make sure I get it as thats the most important thing on my list. The super mario advance 2 game included with it runs for $30 by itself. Thats on my daughters list so that bundle at Target will get 2 items off her list with one purchase and save me tons of money in the process
  16. The register gal HATE when you forget to tell them about a price match. Right when she gives you the total, tell her you forgot to price match something- when she asks what...Tell her everything. LOL
  17. Odd. Haven't got my ad as yet though. I know I was in Walmart today and The Tumble Time tigger is all over the place. (Over heads). I was checking the overheads out as tons of the items such as tiggers and sabers are up there.
  18. Mommie2one

    Staples Ad

  19. Mommie2one


    havent' gotten a thing as yet. Im hoping some start coming in tomorrow. Otherwise, the paperboy will complain of the weight and ads will be missing.
  20. Thanks for posting.
  21. I doubt if the other Walmart is in another state.
  22. Mommie2one


    I hate my paperboy. For the last 2 yrs, he doesn't pack half of my ads. I always seem to have to send him to the corner store for another paper. My newspaper I subscribe to is constantly riding this boy as they say they give him all the ads. I've gotten a refund for the Thanksgiving paper for 2 yrs now. Wonder how this year will be?! Same paperboy!
  23. Thanks. Just bought one for my cousin's son
  24. Just an FYI. I was listening to Q92 today and they will have a "secret shopper" walking around Belden Village Mall on BF. They said he/she will be there from the time the mall officially opens until someone finds him/her. They said to approach EVERYONE you see as they will have someone walking the mall. Can be male/female, Young/Old. You are to ask "Are you the secret Shopper from Q92?" (have to mention the radio station) If you find them, you win $1000 cash and a $500 certificate from Aeropostale (sp). WOW, $1000 cash could come in handy this year.
  25. My Big Lots is about a mile away, however, the link said no ads currently.
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