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Everything posted by Mommie2one

  1. People on here have already ordered items off BB. Its hard to keep up though as the site keeps crashing
  2. I can't even get onto the site anymore. Will let me onto Homepage but thats about it
  3. I can't even get onto Circuit City anymore
  4. Im so surprised that TRU had nothing for me this year on BF. I bought a couple items from the toy book but thats about it (with my $5 off coupon and 20% off one item coupon as they let me use both)
  5. I just bought the 100 pack of DVD+R from CompUSA. FREE SHIPPING. YEAH!!
  6. Im just wondering when its going up. I would love to get the discs and not worry about CC on BF
  7. Once you browse circular and get to the back page. stay there. On the left hand side, Click TV and Video. Then click accessories and add-ons. Scroll down and you will see the 50 packs of DVD+R or -R discs. It says there available Nove 24-26, but not available yet
  8. On the back of the Circuit City circular. Is the DVD+R discs web only? It says 11/24-11/26 but not on sale as yet. So am I right assuming I can get these online today?
  9. I don't think thats web only. that is for BF sale
  10. Wonder if any of those deals with be online. Weather is going to be horrible on Friday
  11. Maybe its set up for CST time. I'll cross my fingers.
  12. yes, its thanksgiving day now! 12:40am to be exact here in Ohio
  13. My husband just came downstairs to come on the computer. he thought I was already in bed. LOL. OOPS.
  14. heck, do I go to bed or wait to see when it goes up! LOL
  15. I bought my $68 bundle at Target this morning. I read your post about getting one early and ran out there. And yes, they are ringing up for that price. It says on the box about new brighter screen
  16. When does the CC one start. Im in Ohio (eastern time) I see some things I want
  17. When do the web only thanksgiving sales take effect? Some of the items say buy online, but still come up regular price
  18. I didn't know they had a web-only Thanksgiving sale. Its on the back page of the ad
  19. I need the Bratz dolls!
  20. Thanks
  21. Mommie2one

    Snow Cancels BF!

    My husband is telling me to stay home. I only want DVD+R discs, Bratz dolls, and GBA games. I just may and try online
  22. Some people need a life.
  23. Mommie2one

    Snow Cancels BF!

    I may NOT be going out. My life is worth more than DVD+R discs and GBA games! 3 inches has fallen already. Tomorrow another 3-4 inches. By Friday morning we should have a foot on the ground. Roads right now are nasty
  24. jeans here too
  25. What else? Sweatpants are really too thin!
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