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Posts posted by trob67

  1. A few months ago, there was a link for a good deal on tents. that was before I had any extra money! I was wondering if anyone knew of any tent deals or could remember anything about the one that was posted before .


    Thanks for any help!




    Kids or adults? I know target has kids sized stuff on sale.....50% off and more...

  2. Saw this on cnn.com


    Netflix sends frequent renters to the back of line

    Policy designed to reduce number of films rented for monthly fee







    This has absolutely happened to us. We returned all 3 movies at the same time and live in jax fl.....daytona dist center is 1.5 hours away and that is were all were mailed to....took 1 3 days to get here the second 4 and the last 7 days! we rent 3 at a time and hit the 12 per month mark most months....we though something was up before christmas but werent sure until I saw this tread a few weeks ago!

  3. My mom needs to buy a coin counter for the middle school that she works at. She has been given a budget of up to $150 (including s/h, tax, ect.).


    Through the many differnt programs, the machine will be used to count hundreds of dollars of change, so I would like a very sturdy/ good quality one. Thanks for your imput!

    is she in a large town? Generally a large name bank in a town will do this for you/community if you identify yourself and come in an hour where they arent so busy....

  4. Is she into sweet and fantasy ? Like get a dozen (two would look better) of balloons all red pink and pearl white and weight them down and put them all over her yard.. you can even make them into a heart shape placing them arround the yard and in the center put her make her a picnic or place her gift wrapped up with a card.


    if you live with her then maybe have the balloons all around the bed when she wakes.....


    Sneak them into her car when she is at work? just fill it up.....Helium and regular air kind.......


    Balloons are generally cheap if you buy them in dozens. In Jacksonville/Orange Park florida we can get them for about$6 a dozen for latex. but you would have to blow them up the day OF so they would still be floating. UNLESS you asked for this glue like stuff that they spray in them to make them last longer.......If you can afford it......MYLAR will last for weeks to a month! or you Could do the treated latex and mylar mix!



    Think if the movies she watches....if she watches the love story chic flix then she would probably want something sweet......love letter in with her card? dinner made by you....or at least brought in a heated (like suggested)


    Picnic, even if you pick up the goods on the way....just tell her to come with you and get a basket to carry the stuff and go to the grocery store on the way.....you can call ahead and have the balloons ready for you and then pick up your favs then take her to some place special .......dont forget something to sit on and napkins at the least!

  5. do a search for a french press. that is what it is called. starbucks sells an 8 cup one for 30 and world market has two or three sizes. I know someone has one that is more insulated which is better if you use the larger size. However, you could always take the coffee from the french press and dump it into a thermos/insulated carafe......much cheaper probably!
  6. I have a son graduating HS this May and we are thinking about getting him a laptop for a graduation present & for college. Why should we get him a dell? I don't know too much about laptops and would appreciate any advice I can get!


    Overall performance and reliability. Without too much detail. Hubby is in computers. Has the ability use several brands of laptops, servers, hardware etc. Says overall for laptop their product is currently the most reliable and you get a better 'bang for your buck'.....Now you can go crazy and get a really expensive one but it would be better to maybe talk to a few studious college kids and see what kind of hardware they have and programs. Just make sure you have plenty of memory and server space...not sure if I am saying that right, hubby isnt handy for me to ask but if you will want something reliable with alot of storage space. also is he computer smart? I would suggest that he learn more than just the basics so that he isnt maybe using the internet and getting a bunch of cookies stored and not know how to clear them or getting alot of virus' and ad ware and not know the right way to get rid of that junk. It can seriously bog down even the best of computers.....


    good luck, if you need one really cheap. Contact a few med to large companies in person and writing and see if they have any old laptops that they would be willing to get rid of. alot of times companies will upgrade in batches for their workforce and then get rid of the laptops.

  7. I've NEVER bought brand new furniture....


    but I need a "small"" sofa and loveseat (70" and 60") and don't know whether to go to ArtVan, VanDrie, or any of those other big names. Who has the BEST deals...like clearance...on furniture? Mattresses? I need a new king that doesn't feel like a board!


    Also in August i plan on getting at least 1, possible 2 laptops for my sons. I was looking at Sam'sClub, but I'm not sure about HP products...I've always had Gateways. Where's the best place and time of year to purchase laptop computers?


    Thanks a million! :confused:;)


    many questions....are the laptops for college? if so get the best dell you can afford.


    Rooms to go has a new outlet here in North Florida. I havent checked it out but heard it is good. Also check your local consignment stores for new bed frames and then buy the mattress brand new....huge savings....Look for a bed maker in your area like Simmons or Sealy and see if they have a showroom for scratch and dent/tear and soil (like if the plastic came off and they got a little warehouse dust on it....)

  8. I am very happy with Netflix and would recommend it. I am a member since November 2001 and I watch 3 DVDs every weekend that is 12 - 15 a month. With a little bit of "queue management" I usually get the latest movie as they are released each Tuesday.


    we have been using the queue management and live close to daytona where they send alot of movies from but they are starting to get lax. We have about 8 movies at the top of the queue that have been there for two months that we can never get. I finally went to blockbuster, which I cant stand generally, except for the fact that they just gave me 50 empty dvd cases, and rented 40 year old virgin and wedding crashers.....I am ready to write them and see what the heck is up.....


    Has anyone done this

  9. Awesome! It took calling several local stores. But I got 50 from one and 8 from another. If anyone else tries this I would suggest you hop on it now, Blockbuster is chaning how the dvd's come in. Initially they were getting them in the manufacturer case then swapping out to the blockbuster logo case. Now many stores have switched to getting them in house just the way they need to be put on the shelf.



    Two managers said they will still from time to time have 5-6 empties but they will probably start holding them for returns of bad disks etc...


    Thanks again!

  10. I have more patience with Target being at 30% because you know they will go lower...walmart you just never know....and the price doesnt seem to be set on what is marked off....some of the prices showed regular...now I dont know if they rang up less...but I just didnt have the patience.
  11. My mom and dad bought this for christmas for Andrew....it was marked down to 49.99 then....and it was a great deal...even better now.....






    I bought one extra flat track pack to make it the design we wanted. In the mean time I have looked at other packs and this one by far has more than any other.....the train house/round house alone sells for $20.....


    If you are not familiar with this one it can be played manually or remote control and expanded very large!


    Any questions ask me...there is probably a coupon code for shipping or more discounts

  12. Anyone know when the non-Christmas clearance goes to 80%. That's when I like to stock up on my boys winter clothes for next year.


    My store here in Fleming Island Orange park had tons of boys and girls clothes left at 70%.....Their prices are a little out of whack!

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