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Posts posted by CrayZMama80

  1. My prediction is that most of the ads will come here in Nov. (Good guess huh?) :rotflol:

    Hopefully though they will start rolling in within the first week.


    Is it just me or does it seem BF is taking forever to get here this year?

  2. For me, I tend to give just about each time. I know every year I give too much. And like another poster, my children love to put something in the bucket. Now that they are older they understand they are also helping others that are in need. It's a good lesson to teach them at this time of year.
  3. Love the photos and the 1st video, it's sad that people get trampled though.

    Actually I like your name! Lol!



    This year I had planned on trying to get some pics of the kaos. Our bb was crazy enough but a lot more tame then wm the year before. :gdgirlfight3ol:


    My only problem is I don't wanna get my camera distroyed in the madness. Gotta have that for my daughters graduation from college.

  4. I bought a remote control AirHogs plane this summer on clearance from Target. A breez does make it harder to fly but it is so much fun that I was planning on going to the website to see the regular price. I only paid $17.00 so it wasn't a bad deal. The XPVs are a little overpriced in my opinion.

    And the FlyPen is on clarance at target right now. They come with a charger and they are scanning (ALWAYS SCAN) at around $62.00.


    If you're still interested in the Fly Pen, Target had some on clearance for $69.97. I seen them at two different Target store's in the back toy aisles.


    Thanks to both of you.. will have to go check them out. I found one with the charger and all in it at wally world but they wanted 128.00 for them. If our target has them on clearance for that price I can get 2 for what WM wants for them. Thanks again!

  5. I originally posted this back in 04 on here. Just wanted everyone to get some giggles while waiting.


    None of this is meant to offend anyone.. just wanted to give ya's a giggle while reading posts.


    15 Things to do at Wal-Mart while your spouse/partner is taking their sweet time:



    1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.


    2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.


    3 Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.


    4 Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in housewares..... and see what happens.


    5 Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.


    6 Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.


    7 Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.


    8 When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'


    9 Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick your nose.


    10 While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti- depressants are.


    11 Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.


    12 In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels.


    13 Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"


    14 When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"


    ( And; last, but not least!)


    15 Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and, then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"

  6. On Toys r us website, customer comments for the XPV are not very good. Some people say the toy is awesome but most say its a cheap styrofoam airplane that gets knocked around in the wind.

    I was actually starting to think about getting one for my son after watching the demo video that is linked into the page from TRU.. but after looking more closely to see the foam you were talking about and the peoples reviews there, I'll pass. For a total of 80.00 between the XPV and the battery pack, it's not worth it to me. Glad I read more here before ordering it.

  7. Ok guys come on..Whoever has em.. give em up to Brad and Ross.. I know you're out there somewhere and I'll find you! :lolrun:


    It's gettin aweful.. I can't take it anymore.. I need a new fix and I need it now, :gdchatter: stand up, you know you can do it.. see there.. you were sitting on them all the time, scan, email, simple. :D


    There now don't you feel better! ;)

  8. That was one of the things that got me so hooked. The first time I went out on BF, there were so many people getting so upset with others for taking what they wanted. It cracked me up. That's what got me hooked.


    Later in the day we trade stories like omg.. this one did this and that one that. We have a good laugh for the day then the reality sets in.. Who's gonna wrap all this stuff?

  9. I also love it for the family time together. Bargains are great too of course, that's why we started going originally. Me, hubby and before my mom moved a bit too far away she went too. Then when old enough we started taking one of the older daughters with. One would go one year and the other the next. The one that stayed home watched the 2 youngest ones. It is time well spent with family. Then when we get home, it's fun with the younger ones.. drives em nuts trying to find out what was bought for them.


    I have great hiding places and they change year to year! Lol!

  10. It confused me too with Kmart selling the craftsmen tools. I knew that Sears was bought out by Kmart, but what I did not know was that Kmart was selling anything craftsmen. I thought that they were selling off brand stuff still and Sears was still the only one selling craftsmen. Whoa, I think I just confused myself! :shock:
  11. Don't ya just love being sneaky like that. Last year we had a hard time with this bike Meijer had on sale really cheap. I'm talking a west coast chopper for 25.00..Hubby waited there and was first in line to get one of only about 10 they had. He was there at 1 am and walked to where they were going to hold the line. Anyway, we had to hide it in the garage and keep him outta there. That was one great deal! Your daughters will love ya once they open them!
  12. Originally Posted by msharpsteen

    I'll be 20 weeks along as well (when are you due pinkroses? We're 4/16)-nothing will stop me on BF! I plan to get up just as early as always, although 2nd trimester is cake compared to 8 mo. I'd maybe sing a different tune if I were that far along. Peeing would definately be an issue.


    I am due 4/12! I normally am sick the entire pregnancy, and was worried that I wouldn't get to go, but thanks to the wonderful drug zofran, I am actually feeling decent. I do pass out the second half of my pregnancies, but hopefully that won't have started at 20 weeks. I would not attempt to go by myself though.

    Lots of April babies gonna be born I see. I'm gonna be a gramma for the first time around then. My Daughter is due right along with you 2. She's due on 4/17. Good luck to ya both! ;)

  13. Our traditions are, going to bed really early. (I normally don't sleep) Get up about 12 am and out the door by 12:30. Sometimes there are 2 cars going, normally to different stores to get what we need. Then we go to the stores that we haven't hit after we get what we want at the stores with the best deals, get what we can if anything there, stop off and bring home breakfast.


    Last year was funny, our youngest (son) took something to his bedroom door and made a peep hole in it so he could try to see what was picked up. Lil stinker!


    Not crazy wonderful traditions, but we all still enjoy it.

  14. The next 25 they had "preloaded" software and/or memory, etc. and upped the price. Of course once the first 25 were gone you had no choice -- they weren't going to take their extras back off. Sleazy sales tactic if you ask me.


    Both stores did this from what I hear.



    BB did this last year to us too for the desktops. However, they told us that the ones left had the software package added. We did not have to purchase it tho. But, we did have to wait until they removed it if we did not want to purchase it. It was a hassle.. but it was a tactic for them to make more money. I chose to wait and have it taken off, which after throwing a hissy fit, they did it right away for me. :D

  15. As a parent of 4 kids, and soon to be a gramma..(who said that :eek: ) I wish they would let us all test drive things. Mostly it's just a hit and miss.

    It would be nice if they had fly pens on BF. I homeschool 2 kids and I'm wondering how good they are for something like that. I'm pretty sure that the pens have like little computer brains in them. I could be wrong tho. The fly wheels I'm unsure about. But I don't watch much tv. Darn thing puts me right to sleep. Sorry I couldn't be of anymore help.

  16. It's stories like that that makes BF so interesting...


    If nothing were on sale I wanted I'd go just to watch people...

    :rotflol: This is one of the reasons I go too! I love the deals that's for sure, but I'm the type if I get what I came after good for me. If not, I'm not willing to fight over it. There are people that get mad at me at times when I laugh cuz others are so nuts over getting everything to keep others from getting it.

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