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Everything posted by hpowers

  1. I know their prices start at midnight but what time zone?
  2. Buy the one you want and to heck with the SIL's! They could have added to theirs.
  3. So the Xbox 360 live is the one he would need for online play?
  4. Hey Terry, sorry to thread jack OP but... My son keeps saying he wants the Xbox for christmas. I tell him we already have a Wii so play it. I try to avoid the subject since I already ordered his laptop but I am still considering the Xbox. The only thing is, I have no idea which one. I guess I also wonder if whatever it is he is wanting with the Xbox, can he get it with the Wii. He likes those killem all games like you mentioned so I'm thinking you know what he's talking about. Can you give this old mother a clue?
  5. What gift cards are they asking for? I can almost see the point if they don't want a lot of stuff that they can't use. You said it's from a children's cancer group, maybe they have different needs than what people normally give.
  6. It may not always be the best deal for waiting for the 30%. sometimes the sales are better when you can add the 15%. Probably works out the same.
  7. I got Lowe's to take 10% off the price of the W/D and it was about the same that they offerend the 5 year warranty for. Considering we know nothing about working on the front load washer, I figured it was worth it. My last washer last less than 5 years because I have a habit of starting and stopping a cycle and it tore up my selector switch. I would have been more to replace the switch and have a service call than just replacing it.
  8. I just bought my DS the Inspiron 15 yesterday and it was the same price. I'm glad I didn't have to try to get them to match a cheaper price today but wondering why it says it's "on sale" today.
  9. thanks, these are great gifts for teachers.
  10. Thanks! It's in the lead!!
  11. http://www.komu.com/satellite/SatelliteRender/Friday+Night+Fever/a9ba63a4-c0a8-2f11-00ef-8f5192d503b0/5c393273-80ce-0971-008b-d2082c39ef4a Please vote for South Callaway for the play of the week. Gotta love that football! They win absolutely nothing for it but vote for them all the same. We are headed for the playoffs!
  12. If it's a disposable camera, don't get too many without trying them first. Remember the good deal on Target Poptarts a couple of years ago? I got probably 10 camera's thinking they would be great for the kids on vacation. Well they didn't develop well at all, big disappointment even for a free camera.
  13. Down in the corner of the picture it says the brand is ELLE. Hope that helps.
  14. PM sent. I guess you gave it to someone else. Anyone else have one?
  15. Anyone have a $25 off $75 code for Staples?
  16. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=151489 You might want to read this first about LG products.
  17. Not all high thread count sheets are soft. I bought some from Kohl's and hate them, I don't even use them. They are not flimsy at all and it makes them like sleeping on newspapers. They actually make noise when you turn over. Make sure you feel them yourself before buying.
  18. I assume others got the coupon in their statement envelope for $10 off a $75 purchase. I went to use it today. Spent $130, - $80 in Kohl's cash, total $50. I no longer had $75 so the cashier wouldn't even try to scan it. Oh well, I will use it another time. They took the 30% off the $50. Still not a bad deal.
  19. I was thinking along that lines. No matter how you put it in, the computer will do it the way the Kohl's cash states. Taken off before other discounts.
  20. I got the 30%. That will help stretch the Kohl's cash.
  21. I got the card but it didn't say what percent I got? Maybe it was just advertising and the official peel-off is still yet to come. I have $80 in Kohl's cash to spend. Wahoo.
  22. Picked one up myself this week. Should be here any day now. I can't wait!
  23. Easy enough to get around if you frequent a store any way.
  24. I just hate it when I buy over $75 to get free shipping and have to take something back to the store that I really didn't need.
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