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Everything posted by hpowers

  1. I can usually get everthing I want from Kohl's on Weds nite/Thurs morning sale start time. Works great so that I can concentrate on just Walmart on Friday or should I say Thursday nite.
  2. THe story was updated today that they were fired. The orginal story said they would be "talked to". Glad they were fired.
  3. I don't really mind it. Like I've said before, I can have family time anytime so "It's Thanksgiving" doesn't get it with me. I like getting a good price on something I was wanting anyway. My kids love to go now that they are old enough. Even my 21 and 23 go to watch the crowds panic over $5 movies, LOL. We go with family and friends and just hang out all night in Walmart. We travel between lines so it's not so boring just standing in one line so we really make a fun night of it.
  4. We went for the Smartphone instead of GPS. Our Maps App takes care of us to the point that the people we travel with frequently rely on me and my phone to get us everywhere, find hotels and restaurants or whatever else we need. Apparently I need to clarify my post..... Original post by person asking for help...DH just sprang the info on me that he wants one? I think I remember these being on sale on BF, but not sure. We've never had one before. The Nuvi 50lm is going for around $120 right now. Can I get a better price on BF? Mine was mearly a suggestion on what we realized was actually a better deal in the long run when we first went to purchase a handheld GPS. If you currently have a smartphone or are thinking of getting one also then you might look outside the box that others might try to steer you in.... Geesh.
  5. I can make family time any time if I want to. I don't just stick to it on Holidays. I don't have a problem with them having the doorbusters as early as they want to. If there is something I want to buy, I'll go, if not, I'll wait. I do feel sorry for the people that have to work during those time and their family acts like it's the only time they would have gotten to see them. Think about it....
  6. It takes me hours to check out sometimes but I like it so that I can go to other stores.
  7. I love saving money and with Black Friday and Gottadeal I have saved a ton of money over the years. Here's to many more....
  8. Most of the time those work fine. If you have otter box cases sometimes the cord doesn't always fit between the case around the outside. I've been lucky and found a 12 pack of cords for $12 at 13deals but that's been a while ago. For $5, I say try it. If nothing else it's worth it for the plug in's for the car and wall, you can never have too many. We have 4 iphones and 3 ipods so we are always looking for connectors! Just a quick look on amazon brings up even cheaper and for a lot of them... http://www.amazon.com/Purple-Green-Charger-7Color-Cable/dp/B008M2VG10/ref=sr_1_27?ie=UTF8&qid=1351862855&sr=8-27&keywords=iphone+chargers
  9. I don't know what year I started but I do know that the first year me and my friends could barely fit into the Expedition because it was packed so tight!! I haven't missed a good deal since. And thankfully in 2004 I was researching coupons for Overstock.com and came across this site. I have been saving a ton of money ever since. In the early years there was a lot of drama but now there's a nice happy community that helps each other out for good deals of good advice. Thanks Gottadeal and here's to many more!
  10. I bought these sets 2 years ago. I was surprised how nice they actually were. They have the same prices a couple weeks before BF so I got them them.
  11. You can buy them at Walmart for that price right now.
  12. Once again, if you are willing to spend the time being transferred and not in a hurry it works there too. Hubby got ours lowered, added extra receivers since we have two houses all for a great price. He spent several evenings on the phone and kept talking and being nice and explaining that you don't want to switch they WILL eventually listen.
  13. Hitting the Like button! Good job.
  14. I wish I would have seen this sooner. We LOVE our infared from Lowe's. It never flares up even with hamburgers. I really don't think you could burn anything on it. Food tastes better than dried out with regular grills.
  15. I was prepared to cancel. Tell them you are going to cancel and see how it goes. I think it was when they sent me to the cancelation department that they offered the better price. Tell the person you are talking to at first that you want their supervisior. That's what I did this last time. If you get to the cancelation department and they still don't offer it back out before it's a completely done deal. I think they want business bad enough they will keep you.
  16. Allow yourself and hour and call them and refuse to pay that much. I did that last year and they dropped it to $80. This year they jacked it up again and I called to tell them it was suppose to be $80 and they informed me that was a one time thing. I informed that it wasn't one time for me and finally got a supervisor to give it to me for another year but he said next year I won't get that price. You wanna bet? I've been a subscriber for almost 5 years and you are gonna drop me. Doubt it.
  17. Lake of the Ozarks is finally getting a Kohls! Wahoo! It opens this weekend, I'm surprised they don't have the usual 30% going on for a grand opening.
  18. Both last month, I guess it's worth a try. I would say the giftcard part is what will throw it out.
  19. Ticks me off since I just purchased 2 from Target. Dang it.
  20. Theres a difference in store credit and discounts. Store credit is just like a gift card or cash.
  21. After reading it I wondered why you couldn't just use the other brands the same way, just leave them on longer as Rembrandt requires you to do. We have the Crest Whitestrips and the Equate brand whitestrips and I waaaayyyy prefer the Equate brand. The Crest ones move all over and don't stay in place where the Equate ones do and don't irratate my lips as much.
  22. So how long does a bottle of CO2 last? Or should I say how many 2-liters do you get out of it?
  23. I do have the rewards so I like to team the two together for an even better deal.
  24. Anyone with Dick's SportingGoods coupons that expire next year let me know.
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