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Everything posted by threelittlecupcakes

  1. I am looking also. Mad I missed out on that deal, didn't realize mine was up for renewal until now.
  2. Thanks - I was afraid of that. I was going to print it out yesterday and forgot!!
  3. No unfortunately I don't get the mailers. Sometimes the online q's have codes to order online but I can't remember if that one did. Anyone know?
  4. Does the 10% off coupon have a code for ordering online? Anyone have one that they can check? They pulled it from target.com.
  5. Does anyone still have this coupon for Target for the Ipod? Is there a code with it for ordering online? Thanks
  6. The Night Before Christmas by Brandon Heath
  7. thx, thought i was losing my mind. Fighting a cold here and have to do all my BF shopping online this year. So as long as I am anywhere on Amazon's site, if I am on a waitlist for an item, will it just take me to the page when/if it becomes available? First time doing this.
  8. On waitlist for WII Party but why doesn't the lego duplos show up for me to order? Is it too late?
  9. Thanks for pointing that out - never realized this.
  10. Care to share the cappuccino mix recipe?
  11. Our Menards staff is extemely helpful. If you are missing something, they will go get it for you and bring it to you. The parking is terrible though, not a big enough parking lot to accomodate all the traffic. If you are getting big stuff make sure you take a cart in if you find it in the parking lot as they go super fast and people are always hauling their stuff around in big plastic trash cans. This is the first year that I didn't find anything I wanted at Menards and am really disappointed but I guess it all depends on what a person is looking for.
  12. Prince of Persia Lego sets are on clearance at Walmart Battle at Alamut (7573) $49.00<a href="http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c127/threelittlecupcakes/legos/?action=view&current=7573.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c127/threelittlecupcakes/legos/7573.jpg" border="0" alt="7573"></a> Quest Against Time (7572) $29.00http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c127/threelittlecupcakes/legos/7572.jpg The Ostrich Race (7570) $10.00 http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c127/threelittlecupcakes/legos/7570.jpg They also had one more set which I didn't pick up #7571 The Fight for the Dagger http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c127/threelittlecupcakes/legos/7571.jpg - I am thinking this one was somewhere around $19.00, not for sure but it was also on clearance.
  13. Do all these american girl dolls have eyelids that open and close? My dd wants one but is freaked out by dolls that have eyes that open and close.
  14. Thanks, ds wanted to spend his Christmas money and this saved me the tax!
  15. Ordered on the 21st and one of my two hoodies came today. Nice quality and the size is spot on. Hope the next one comes tomorrow but if not, ds get a picture of it in his stocking.
  16. Thanks Shanni! Thanks kdawgg! You guys were very helpful in finding me something that was on my kids list!!!
  17. Thanks again Patty! We love the MySims games at our house!
  18. Thank you so much Patty! Grabbed it for my niece who's birthday is in March and her parents are getting her and her sis a Wii for Christmas! Perfect!
  19. Online only save an extra 15% on blankets and throws thru 12/16
  20. That is a lot of teachers. You could always buy a tray of cookies and hot cocoa/coffees etc. and put them in the breakroom for the teachers and aides.
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