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Everything posted by jamlei

  1. Where oh where are the ads?!?!?! I can't stand it!!!!
  2. Yes!!! Where are the ads?!?!? I am looking on here 2-3 times a day expecting an ad...any ad! And nothing!
  3. The best Black Friday I remember is the first year that my husband went with me. We were line for one of the Walmart Laptops. I kept telling him that he couldn't just walk into the store he had to hurry. He thought I was crazy. As soon as the doors opened I was off and I felt him grab for my shirt as he realized he was going to get run over and then I felt him let go of me as the crowd swallowed him up. I remember thinking he is 6'1" and he can handle it as I ran to the electronics section. When I got there he was already in line! He had pushed his way out of the crowd and took a short cut through the clothing the smarty pants! LOL..He still brags about that!
  4. OMG!! When I read this, my heart started to pound! I thought, "YES! Finally an ad!" Darn it! I was so excited! LOL!
  5. That could certainly change some people's plans. I know a lot of people that hit Walmart first then go to Target next because they would open an hour later. It may come down to who has the better ad.
  6. I came home from work today and my neighbors were decorating their house for Halloween!! Even I don't decorate this early! So I guess they will start decorating for Christmas in October!
  7. We will be in Longview, WA and Portland, OR. Rain or Shine!
  8. 1. Kindle 2. A decent Netbook for cheap for the kids 3. Video Games for PS3 4. Dutch Oven for a good price 5. Clothes for my teenage daughter My list is much longer than this but these are the big ones I will be looking for!
  9. It has to be one AWESOME deal for me to fight the mob at Walmart on Black Friday so we usually hit Target, JC Penny, Sears and Lowe's, whichever has the better deals.
  10. Woo Hoo! I can't wait! Bring on the ads!!!!
  11. Darn it. I waited to put the 75% off in step 3 and it put the shipping back in.
  12. I always go with my mom. Every once in a while I can talk my husband into going, but a couple of years ago we waited in line at Walmart and when the doors opened he was a little too slow and got "lost in the crowd" and we became seperated. I knew he was ok since he is 6'1" and could handle himself. However he still hasn't forgiven me for leaving him "to the masses!" Party pooper
  13. I hope it will be better. I did a lot more online shopping because the deals seemed to be better, but it is much more fun going out to the stores and "fighting the crowds!"
  14. 1. It would have to be JC Penny just because I had a daughter that wanted a lot of clothes! 2. PLAN PLAN PLAN! A good strategy will make it more enjoyable and ensure you get the deals you want. 3. Maps where all of the big deals are located. I think it makes it less chaotic when people know where they are going. The coffee wouldn't hurt. And I wish Target would bring back their gift packs they used to give away!
  15. Yeah...starts putting me in the mood to shop!
  16. Yeah!!! I have been getting such good deals on gottadeal and have been so looking forward to the Black Friday forum. Let the craziness begin!!
  17. I got the new Metallica Album for my husband and burned it to CD for him to take to work. $5!!Thanks!!
  18. Does anyone know, if you purchase this, can you use it at any of the tracks they list or do you have to buy it for a specific track? Thanks!
  19. Does anyone have a free shipping code for non-card holders? Thanks!
  20. Are these just 24hr Walmarts opening at midnight or also the regular ones?
  21. OMG! This was great! My daughter had just sent me a wish list from them. I was able to get 2 pairs of jeans and 4 sweaters for $92 shipped! Thanks for the coupon code!!
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