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Everything posted by jamlei

  1. Ok..my Uncle says the laptop sale is Sunday and they will also have an accessory kit with a wireless mouse, laptop sleave, and wireless headphones for 49.88 that would normaly cost I think he said 79.00. --- UPDATE: Continue discussion of Saturday's particular sale here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=124318 This thread will remain open for discussion of potential future weekly sales. - Brad
  2. He just called me back and he thinks the sale is actually on Sunday. He said they are calling it "Pandemonium Sunday" so he thinks there will be lots of other special sales. When he finds out more, I will post. As a side note, if anyone is interested, they will be putting "Kung Foo Panda" on the shelves on Saturday even though it does not officially come out on Tuesday.
  3. My Uncle works at Walmart and he just confirmed that they will have a laptop this weekend for $298. Compaq 2gb. He is trying to get more info for me.
  4. Is it online only?
  5. Could anyone tell me if the Sanyo digital camera is a good deal? My dd is wanting one for Christmas and it will be her first one. Thanks!
  6. Did not work today either. Bummer!
  7. Ours was a nightmare!! It took almost two hours to check out!! There was no none directing the lines so people were cutting in front of others and people were getting angry. It was the worst experience every at Target and we go every year.
  8. Yes..but will this be available online?
  9. gottadeal.com featured on KATU news in Portland, Oregon this morning :)
  10. Nothing Exciting
  11. jamlei

    37" Olevia 1080i LCD

    Thank You:)
  12. jamlei

    37" Olevia 1080i LCD

    Can someone tell me the price of the TV now?
  13. Yeah! No rain on BF here in Washington State! It's a miracle! Too bad the sales aren't as good.
  14. Too Funny!
  15. jamlei

    Lowes BF ad

    We got them also. They will be great to use on BF!
  16. I sent my e-mail. I am very disappointed with Target, especially after the Walmart fiasco.
  17. Wow, 4am? I live in WA State. Is it close to the LV/Kelso area?
  18. Our Walmart put them in, took them out, put them back in and then took them out again. They said the will not bring them back again because they had too many problems with them breaking down. It sure was nice to be able to use them when you only had a few things to get and you needed to get out quick. Oh well.....back to the long lines!!!
  19. Can't wait to see them!!! Thanks Brad for your hard work!
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