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Everything posted by Doresia

  1. https://www.amazon.com/Walnut-Hollow-Hotstamps-Uppercase-Personalization/dp/B0019N4VSO/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1508516191&sr=8-9&keywords=wood+burning+crafts This goes along with the wood burning post from yesterday. These are tips for a wood burning pen.
  2. I am gonna try to get the handheld diagnostic tool and/or the jump starter. Maybe one of remote controls too
  3. https://www.amazon.com/gp/slredirect/picassoRedirect.html/ref=pa_sp_atf_arts-crafts_sr_pg1_3?ie=UTF8&adId=A08338232LJ7HOIPQJQL1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FYiLang-Burning-Adjustable-Machine-Leather%2Fdp%2FB0722C5HZB%2Fref%3Dsr_1_3_sspa%3Fs%3Darts-crafts%26ie%3DUTF8%26qid%3D1508443702%26sr%3D1-3-spons%26keywords%3Dwood%2Bburning%2Bcrafts%26psc%3D1&qualifier=1508443702&id=8638331660331622&widgetName=sp_atf I used to do wood burning crafts. My daughter is showing an interest in it now so I may try to get her one of these
  4. I'v gotten a few things for each of my kids (shirts and stuff). a few for my mom and I've ordered my sisters'. Waiting on BF to get the fun stuff
  5. I usually wait until a week or so before Christmas to wrap and then anything I buy after that I just wrap as i go. This year I decided to start early and have wrapped a few. BUT.....My wonderful sister (Bopeep) posted about how she would freak out about not getting something wrapped, but checked off the list. AND NOW.... I'm second guessing myself and I want to unwrap everything and go back to the way I usually do it! Thanks for that. LOL
  6. My Wal Mart stopped price matching. I would think they would continue the Savings Catcher though, since the money you get from that you have to spend at Walmart, (correct me if I'm wrong on this) whereas price matching at the store you can spend your savings anywhere.
  7. Sounds good in theory. Hope it goes well in reality. I've gone to the kiosk for site to store purchases a couple of times and it was easy and quick. It was only for one item at a time though, so larger orders may be different.
  8. Fall weather, Black Friday ads, $100 gift cards! Life is sweet!
  9. I've bought a few things, but still a lot to do. My son just got engaged to a woman with three kids so I have extras to buy for this year. Not enough time!!!
  10. I'm horrible at saving. I usually stress pretty bad this time of year. However, I do swagbucks for amazon gift cards. I'm so out of touch though that I had no clue there was such a thing as Walmart Savings Catcher. I just looked it up and will definitely be doing this from now on.
  11. My kids have always gotten a bag of their favorite candy (resees's and kit kats). No worries about it getting eaten, its usually gone the next day. I think they would disown me if they got their stocking with no candy! I also put a couple of small cheap items that they could care less about as long as they get their chocolate! I really like the silver dollar idea. I wish I had started that kind of tradition when my kids were younger
  12. We make a paper list as we go through the ads on TG, but I'm so unorganized I usually depend on my sister to keep up with things on her phone/tablet. After reading these posts, i think I will try the Santa's Bag or the Gift List aps
  13. I need a laptop for my daughter for school (home school). Not something really fancy or expensive. Saw one in an ad for $99.99. I was pretty excited about that, but I didn't even think about the fact that it probably doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. She doesn't really need the CD/DVD drive, but I may be looking elsewhere just the same just in case the need ever comes up
  14. I Love this store!!! I could just go in and walk up and down the isles and look at stuff, don't even have to buy anything
  15. I do a little of my shopping online, but that is usually a few days before BF. From what I have seen and heard, the online sales on TG and BF are more frustrating than standing in line at the stores with the sites going slow and other glitches. So....for me, Black Friday is and will always be alive and well!!!
  16. I'm looking forward to walmart, target, gordmans and game stop. We usually go to ace hardware and walgreens also, but that is mostly for the little stuff that they don't usually run out of
  17. Best Buy -- XBox One Rise of the Tomb Raider bundle -- $349.99 Game Stop -- XBox One Expansion Hard drive -- $99.99 Target -- Beats Solo x 2 $96.99 each - Total $193.98 Fitbit x 2 $119.00 each - Total $238.00 Shark Navigator -- $99.99 TOTAL: $981.95
  18. I have been BF shopping for approx 20 years and I feel like such an amateur compared to most people!! My sister always has her tablet ready with lists and the ads saved while I have a loose piece of paper and pen that i have to try to keep up with. Okay, gonna try this year. It's time to get organized!!!!
  19. Moore, Norman and maybe Purcell, OK!!!
  20. Makes a huge difference having S with us. I think R wants to go this year. Gonna be interesting!
  21. We have always done Thanksgiving dinner fairly early so starting on Thursday doesn't cut into Thanksgiving too much for us. What I miss is any amount of sleep i used to get. Used to be get up early to get ready for dinner, eat dinner, go through ads and make a plan then go to bed and get up early to shop. Now its get up early to get ready for dinner, eat dinner, go through ads and make a plan then go shopping through midnight then out again early Friday to get in line for early Friday sales then hide everything then wake kids and go to breakfast. Whew, sleepy just thinking about it.
  22. I think its good that stores like Michael's does basically the same ad every year. There are some "recurring" gifts (art supplies, craft supplies) and decorations (ribbon and such) that you may need every year.
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