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Everything posted by KBsDarling

  1. I understand the competition driven price but why do some people have more ads then others? That doesnt even make sense to me. And before you ask I am shopping in a large city so it isnt cause Walmart is the only one there LOL
  2. OK someone had mentioned and I was curious about the same thing... For all of us NOT seeing ALOT of the items...The ad is called a Sneak Peak. Could there be more to come?? Spelling edit cause I am freaking out if this is all there is............
  3. The target bundle is out biggie too...The ad says shopeonline on Tday so I am REALLY hoping its there. cause even though that is the #1 thing I need to get its the only freaking store that I only need one thing at! i'm hoping w/ the two day sale thingy it will be just considered a normal thing and be online...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE lol
  4. Last year one of the Drug stores (CVS, Walgreens, rite aid, ETC) had little sno globes for 3 for $.99 They were not works of art but Our Preschool class thought they were the most amazing thing ever LOL I was hoping that someone would have something similar for DD to hand out again this year. Am I just not seeing it? If I somehow over looked an amazing deal please LMK lol There are 18 4-5yr olds this year and i am starting to think that Oriental trading company is gonna be my best bet Gonna end up paying faster ship cause I waited for BF too GRRRR:splat:
  5. Target.com online Perhaps?
  6. But if you take it home and sell it you are doing so on your own property. If you sell there, I am pretty sure it is against the law. You cant just set up a money making business on someone elses property. I do think it is amoral to do this but thats my personal beliefs. I would be more concerned w/ not what people on msg boards think but with what the laws are. Both my BB and my WM wont even allow Bell ringers. They are NOT going to allow you to scalp their tickets.
  7. I would think that selling a ticket would be considered solicitation and be against the law. Doesnt best Buy(and most stores) have it on the doors "no solicitation" I know I dont want to have to call a family member at 4am to bail me out of jail for "solicitation"
  8. i'm so horrid but in my case i hope everyone in front of me is after those laptops and all stand around screaming and rioting while I can slip past and get those CP babies LOL
  9. No they will just post a "ad correction" by the product at the service desk and on the door
  10. cant wait to see the toy side....hope it doesnt mess up all my plans LOL
  11. man i was really hopeful that since it said to shop online Target would have them on site but not there Big bummer Will keep looking but starting to feel a niggle of worry LOL
  12. Otay Brad TY i so rarely leave the forum....LOL i'm a forum hermit
  13. This is the one w/ the Game car charger and case?? Since the ad says shoponline on Tday...gonna go look to see if its listed
  14. And if someone w/ over 100 posts just has the undying desire to search for something where would they get the link? *wink wink* Cant have you guys going broke when i just found ya!!
  15. I believe (and not a 100% at all) that the regular dolls are 18in the babies are 16in and the newborns are 14 but I am just going off the CPK sewing patterns I have so no idea if that is still accurate
  16. DH- BB desktop Me- those dang CPK babies LOL I was worried about the GBA but gonna hope that the target one is online Thursday. If not The TRu has an online symbol so will get it there :) They are more then the walmart one but come with items you would have to get anyway and the benefit of just ordering the stinking thing and not freaking out about it is wonderful LOL
  17. We take old phasing out blankets....If they let us take them in fine if they dont they can stay on the sidewalk...If they are there when I get back ok if not...Hope someone needed an old used mystery blanket that bad LOL
  18. FYI: I ordered 2 orders on last thursday at 10pm and they both just got dropped off They came quick! :)
  19. I have been using this like crazy LOL probably cut my christmas list in half!! :) Also made Secret Santa gifts for the racing boards i mod VERY cheap LOL
  20. When I was growing up we always spent Christmas in Toronto. Honestly i think the boxing day were better on stuff like clothes/household. I may have just been to young but I wont remember the electronics/toys being unheard of.
  21. But couldnt you go back at any point after BF and say "opps grandma bought the wrong size" and exchange? Is getting the right size that day needed?
  22. Isnt Target an online option on BF? I thought I have seen people talking about it so perhaps it is worth looking on Tday JIC.
  23. i usually staple a note on the front of the ad w/ item, $, page # and like "lower left" to make it even easier I know that seems overkill but anything to speed things up LOL
  24. Gonna hit the DVDs to PM at WM hopefully Wish the GBAs arent all in bundles cause would give me more of a shot at getting it SOMEWHERE lol May try a WM to Sears PM if i cant get the GBA anywhere else If Target goes online before BF (like Tday PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) I will get most stuff there. AAA members get free shipping and 10% off (found that out from here TY so much!!) so that would make me a very happy camper
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