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Everything posted by brownlands

  1. Well, I have a thrown together tree. With my family, its the only way to go. The kids have so many ornaments that they make and love to display. Also, they like to decorate and usually the ornaments tend to stay near the bottom, but they have such a wonderful time doing it and are usually so proud that I just leave it. Although, this year we did get a few more toward the top since my 10 yr old is quite a bit taller this year. But, the baby is making up for it by pulling off all the ones on the bottom. Oh well, it still looks great to me!!
  2. It is truly amazing, I am almost done. Usually I don't come close to finishing till Christmas Eve. Sometimes even after Christmas. :)
  3. In Kansas City, MO we had 15 laptops. I was out at 2:00 AM, I guess that was to late. It was my first BF that I actually got out there early. I guess I'll have to be earlier next year. Shoppers had already been waiting since 9:00 PM the night before. Anyway, when I got there I asked where the laptops would be and how many. The only answer I could get was that nobody knew how many there were and that they would be in a place you least expected. But of course no one knew where that was either! They said that it would be announced at exactly 5:00AM. So, I just had to wait in the middle of the aisle and hope I was close to where the laptops were. (They were in sporting goods). I was fairly close, but about 100 other people were closer. I didn't get my laptop.
  4. Laptop here is not 398 either, but 378!!!!!!
  5. That's on MY list of favorite things!!
  6. Who needs fast food. Last year, my WalMart gave out doughnuts and coffee!!! :yay: :yay:
  7. Are we all crazy???? My husband thinks so. Oh well. I'm excited too!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
  8. Yes, I am at work too, but not really doing much work. And thats pretty sad, I'm a school nurse. Guess those kids throwing up will just have to grab a trash can and take a seat! Just kidding! It's the last few hours till Thanksgiving break and all seems to be quiet for now.
  9. brownlands

    Not Happy

    That sucks! I'll be praying for you.
  10. My kids make several lists. Each with about 3-5 different items on each one. The lists are then handed out between grandma, grandpa, aunts, and uncles. That way, we have no fear of duplicate gifts and with all the lists combined and the list they make for me and Santa, they get pretty much everything they ask for.
  11. My thoughts exactly. My daughter is going crazy over Cabbage Patch Kids. And I'm loving that they are $10.
  12. I love the freebies and contests. Everyone is soooo nice here and I love checking out the GottaTalk Lounge. I will be here all year round!
  13. Hey, I'm going for both for my 15 month old son. We can do it!!
  14. Yes, I have done this too, but I think I better lay off. My kids are starting to pick up on my secret. They start hiding toys at W/M while saving up their allowance. What a great role model I am!
  15. Thanks for the tips. I'm going with the bra!
  16. At this time, I will be at my sis's house for Thanksgiving. We are celebrating on Fri instead of Thurs. But I'll still have plenty of time for BF shopping before I have to be there.
  17. I hear you. I don't think I know what work is anymore!
  18. Thanks for all the info regarding the BBB. I was wondering about them, although I don't have near as many as some of you guys do.
  19. I have not heard or seen anything regarding Old Navy yet. Sorry.
  20. My 15 month old has the Little Touch Leap Pad and honestly he does not play with it at all. In fact, I think the books are to easy for little hands to tear up anyway. Go with the bus.
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