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Everything posted by cactusmom

  1. It is really nice that BB does the number thing, that is why they are usually my first choice on BF. The only thing you have to remember is that once you make your choice you are stuck with it example: last year the Emachine had the choice of monitor or no monitor. I chose without the monitor. The guy next to me chose with the monitor. When we got into the store he had changed his mind but he was out of luck, all the tickets had been given out and since they match your ticket with your computer already there is no way to change. Of course he then had the option to not take it at all but heck for the price who would want to miss out. On the subject of stores opening earlier I do not see why it is really a problem. When the line is already a mile long and the people up front have been there since 2:00 am, opening half an hour earlier shouldnt make too much difference. The people who are rushing over from another store would be all the way at the end of the line anyways. Now if BB would just figure out that they should let only a certain amount of people in the store at a time like toysRus does I would be one happy shopper.
  2. Usually only about 2-3. Not for lack of trying though, I end up tossing and turning in bed..lol. I always end up at Best Buy by 2:00 because I just can not sleep.
  3. cactusmom

    Wal-mart ad

    I know for sure that the stuff for 4.77 was on last years ad. I thought about getting the fondue set. It was on the 6-11 ad and our walmart had such a large stock they had everything for a couple of days. That doesn't mean they wouldn't do it two years in row though, you never know.
  4. Lol.. there is a walmart warehouse in our town and every time I see an employee in town somewhere I want to try to bribe them for some information. They must know what is going to be in the ad because I am sure the warehouse is probably starting to stock up on items.
  5. Best Buy (the best ), Walmart, Target
  6. cactusmom

    Black Friday

    Well I am glad to hear that! The forums I checked were not the good ones liek this one Maybe the forums I found were the last ones to get the ads last year.
  7. cactusmom

    Black Friday

    I did some searching on some forums that still have their posts from last year. The earliest I could find for 2003 was November 11th.
  8. I do the same thing, but we are still in for a little wait. I did a search on several different forums and it looks like the earliest hint of the 2003 ads last year was about November 11th. A lot of sleepless nights huh?
  9. Passing the time while waiting? Chat and meet new people of course. It is exciting to meet new people every year who feel the same way I do about BF. I might eat something while in line but I absolutely do not drink a thing. Don't want to lose my spot when I drive a block away to find a bathroom.
  10. The last couple of years I have gotten in line about 2 am at Best Buy. One year I was about number 3 last year I was about number 7. I usually don't plan on being that early but I can not sleep so I figure what the heck...lol. Usually by the time I get out of the store I figure why bother with any other stores because nothing will be left plus it is the pits looking for a parking spot.
  11. Definitely excited for the Best Buy ad. I got a computer the last two years and this year I am hoping to find a bargain on either a dvd burner or a digital camera.
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