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Everything posted by blakes_mommy

  1. Anyone know if this is in the store too? I have the tv and I need the DVD player.
  2. It sounds neat but I don't think that I will use it though.
  3. Looks like it is going lower... I still have to wait though as I need two of them. Thanks brad!
  4. And I was just in the area where there was one but was too busy baking for my aunt's bakery!! Urggg!! Thanks though!
  5. I like boscov's, they have some nice things. You have to be patient though. Wait, we bf shop, you will like it!
  6. My 3 1/2 year old does not like it, either does my mother!!
  7. Amen to that! At work too!! I had it up when the boss came in!
  8. Around 6ish if I can keep everybody going, usually they are done at that point.
  9. I never have seen an ad for there nor on gottadeal...
  10. It snowed and spit one year, we didn't even care though!
  11. It is always with my mom even if we meet up later in the day, my cousins have been tagging along now and occasionally my aunt.
  12. It would be amazing at those prices, and I will stay far away from wally world if this is the case.
  13. I just can't imagine what that would be like. It is full of people to begin with!
  14. I went 4 months pregnant and got mean when I was there. Just tell her to whip out the pregnancy hormones and she will be fine... Keep an eye on her though.
  15. Many items are the same in the store too.
  16. HEHE!! What a great idea! I asked my friend in layaway to scope the scene. She hasn't seen anything yet!
  17. I would lie for as long as I can about Santa. My son found out at 10ish and it broke his heart. He wondered where we got all the money to buy him everything!
  18. no problem in the reading area when i visit.
  19. I am starting to mind, cause I have my own things to get, I don't need to worry about disappointing someone else.
  20. Also adopt a child off the angel tree if your local stores have one. We not only do that, but we "adopt" a child from our local school that a teacher has submitted their name and get them a coat, hats, gloves, scarf, socks, an outfit and 3 to 4 toys. Last year, I was at the party and happened to hand the gift to my "adopted" child. She didn't know it came from me, we marked it Santa.... It was wonderful! I highly recommend it. Many of us do it at my work and my family loves it.
  21. Hope they have some good stuff in the store too!
  22. Yes, I would like to send mine too! Wrapping is the worst part!
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