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Everything posted by Peppermint

  1. I can't believe it was released this early!! Now it's starting to feel like [emoji1392][emoji319]!!! [emoji322] Sent from my iPhone using GottaDEAL
  2. Thanks Brad! [emoji173]️[emoji319][emoji318]
  3. All the radio shacks by me are gone.
  4. I stopped with the dvds. It's pointless to get all those old titles for $5 when most are on Netflix or on demand. I do love the kids Walmart pjs. My ds wears them all the time. I agree with the $10 or less appliances like toasters! [emoji107]
  5. #1 pass this to the back, this ones not the doorbuster #2 when you manager says he brought in a turkey dinner for the staff #3 mom said she'd be right back...
  6. Still waiting to hear back too nhughes.
  7. I too have seen every add 100 times by the time Thanksgiving rolls around. By there is something about getting the paper with the adds and sitting on the floor with it all spread out checking my list for the 1,000th time. [emoji4]
  8. There might be some bundle sales especially with the new Xbox being released.
  9. PMed you Brad
  10. 10/13 Half price books
  11. Just family? 13. When you add in little items (5 coworkers) & ds 2 teachers.
  12. I'm so excited because I ordered 3 more gifts this weekend that were all on sale! I got 2 Ancestry DNA kits (hubby has been wanting to do this) and a on sale Victoria's Secret shirt w/free shipping!
  13. So glad to hear this. Missed it last year. Love the special webcast when ads break since Saturday webcasts are hard for me to attend.
  14. [emoji322] I'm making my lists an can't wait for the ads. I know we have a couple months to go but I can't wait!!
  15. I have a running list year round that I put down ideas as I hear those I buy for say they like something. Makes it a lot easier come shopping time. Leading up to BF I create a binder to keep my lists and coupons. If I see a hot item or something on clearance before hand, I'll buy it. I just bought the switch because I don't want to deal with it being sold out at Christmas.
  16. I've done the ad linking the past couple years and would be happy to do it again.
  17. I picked up a Nintendo Switch already. They never seem to be in stock so I hunted one down. I'm not going through what I had to last year with the Hatchimal and NES! [emoji23]
  18. Oh and around 7:05 a lady drove up and yelled to her daughter "get in, I already got it". She came from Target who had 10 NES's and 3 Hatichimals with no line because everyone was at BB!
  19. I arrived at 4:30. Was #18 in line. They had 27. My aunt was 11 behind me. She didn't get a ticket. BUT there are still good people in the world. I made friends with a lady and her boyfriend in front of me. She said she was only getting one. When the tickets came out, her boyfriend took one too. As they ran to their car I stopped them and asked how much he'd sell it for. We'd be willing to give him $20 or $30 for it. He handed it over no questions asked and said Merry Christmas.
  20. Just got mine at TRU today. They had a big shipment but they raised the price to $79.99 [emoji35]
  21. I like the separate forums
  22. Any live streams tonight?
  23. I hear ya! I'm trying to find the Nintendo NES. If I could find it $20-30 more, I'd still scoop it up. Good luck!
  24. right now on diapers.com. $89.99
  25. on diapers.com $89.99
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