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Everything posted by Jen8112

  1. Didn't get one. My fault, didn't get there early enough. If DH was here to watch the kids I would've been there at 5am!
  2. Please tell me there is going to be a better deal on laptops!
  3. I went. Was almost last in line at 8am. No laptop for me! :'( I blame it on my DH, if he were here this morning to watch the kids I could've been there at 5!
  4. Thanks Len I plan on it! My MIL said they have 29 so I hope I will be able to get one! :)
  5. The (rumored!) Toshiba from Office Max seems like a nice computer, especially for $400!
  6. One thing I got was this cute little calculator that was on the shape of a tire I bought at Staples! Another thing I thought of was one of those sunglasses clips that clip to your car visor. I HAVE to remember scratch tickets! I forget most of the time so DH just buys his own and sticks them in his stocking when he puts out my stocking! I'm a horrible wife!
  7. To add, my 14 year old nephew died about two years ago from cancer and he too had a CarePage.
  8. I saw this posted on someone Facebook status. Never even took the time to verify it. I re-posted it there and will be sending a card. Thank you! :)
  9. We put ours up around 2 days after Thanksgiving and take it down the day after Christmas!
  10. Ok thanks, I'll wait. Hopefully someone will have a higher end GPS on sale BF. We still haven't seen Wal-Mart or Target ads yet!
  11. All for nothing anyway, my Wal-Mart was sold out of the Acer's mid-day on Monday.
  12. Oh BTW, they were sold out of the Acer's for $348 around mid-day on Monday. :)
  13. Ok just talked to my MIL. The Wal-Mart by me, Seabrook NH, have 29 of the laptops, they will go on sale at 8am and will be located behind the electronics counter. I will try to get there as early as I can and hopefully score one! Wish me luck!
  14. I saw a GPS on clearance last night at Target. It was a Garmin nuvi 255w I think. It was about $219 on clearance for $159, I think. So far all the GPS's on BF are the bottom of the line models. Is this a good deal or should I wait for BF?
  15. That's what I was worried about. I can't get there until about 9.
  16. Nope, didn't forget. I'd just rather have an HP with an Intel single-core than an Acer with an AMD duel-core...and it's $50 cheaper! :)
  17. Do you really think this will be a "stand in line for hours" sale or would it be ok to show up around 9-10am and still get the laptop?
  18. I don't see anything about a BF SneaK Peak. Am I missing something?
  19. I never thought of it that way! Kinda takes the fun out of BF! I hope Wal-Mart doesn't have anything I want this year!
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