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Posts posted by georgiapeach717

  1. LOL!! my grandpa has been santa for years via the phone, but sadly this is 99% going to be his last christmas....I actually thought about recording him as santa for myself to remember both his voice, and my son's reaction to "talking" to santa...


    whew...teared up bad typing that up! lots of typos to fix!

  2. POD


    Please don't judge people! I still cry over the year 20+ years ago that I couldn't buy NOT ONE THING for my kids even on BLk Friday! if not for my neighbors my kids would have had NOTHING my neighbors got them 2 small toys each. They don't remember it BUT I do and like I said I still cry when I remember that year!


    so when you see kids out there PLEASE remember this may be the only way they are getting ANYTHING for christmas!

    hence my original post. while i could be understanding of it, it is all very situational to me...

  3. sastolfi i think the flu has a 7 day incubation period....looks like you were more likely just doomed to get the flu that year. :(


    i know i am getting it, my kids will get it, i know this, i have accepted it. the swine flu has made it into my son's clasroom now and we are all without flu shots, sooooo now its just a waiting game! ;)

  4. i actually 100% agree with you, however I can see desperation if money is tight and someone really wants to get thier child something on their wishlist that is unaffordable without battling the BF crowds. I do always worry about the kids' safety and especially the babies out in the freezing cold for hours too. I dont care how many blankets are on them in the stroller...17* at 2:30 in the morning at a target is no place for a newborn! (IMHO)
  5. aww TNT i love that :) what a great santa!


    anyone use black friday as a santa day? I wanted *some* of the credit right off the bat, so my son knows that the day after thanksgiving mom has breakfast with santa and a lot of other local moms and go over wish lists with him! ha! ;)

  6. LOL jerica! and hummin bird!


    our kids know the easter bunny has been to the house before they even get to the kitchen where baskets are left on the table here. He always leaves paw prints across the livingroom carpet! (you do this by giving a hard squeeze at a 45* or less angle at the floor in a footstep pattern) I love when my kids gasp at the footprints knowing the goodies are waiting! :)

  7. Slightly off topic, but another bummer about kids getting older and figuring things out is that I have to be much sneakier. I remember when I could buy my kids Christmas presents while they were with me and just stick them in the bottom of the cart!

    haha!!! i know right!!!!! or i could talk about it right in front of my kid and he's have no clue what i was talking about!

  8. momof3, i am so happy your daughter stood up for herself! I seriously cannot STAND when kids do this. I feel it is deffinately a bullying thing and I am not into that behavior at all!


    lusha, my son now is so excited b/c I let him in on the zhu zhu things, so he gets so squealy and giggly everytime I show him a new piece or the actual hamsters I have scored for my daughter. He loves being "in" on it!! ;)


    eta: i came up with my "plan" while standing in an aisle at walmart! LOL...it was literally like a lightbulb going off!! This is all new to me, so I am always happy to get a halfway believable plan! haha!

  9. my son is 5 and daughter is 2 1/2 so yes they believe...


    but i knew this issue would come up eventually, so i told my son that santas job is temporary. there are lots of babies born every year and that he has to be able to visit them all somehow, so as a kid gets old, santa brings them less and less and mom and dad pick up where he left off. and eventually by the time is his 8 or so santa wont bring him anything, but mom and dad take care of it all.


    i also let him know (to avoid bullys) that some kids his age are so bad that santa never brings them anything and their parents are so embarassed about their behavior that they tell the kids that santa isnt real. so that if a kid his age says there is no such thing as santa he can tell them that santa brings him good stuff every year and its a shame he is such a bad kid that santa wouldnt visit him. I know its mean but i HATE the kids that feel the need to clue smaller kids in and I wanted to give him an argument on his behalf! ;)


    my son already knows that santa will being more stuff for his siter than him this year, but thats why mommy needs so many ideas :)

  10. Alleyc and Johntodd, my heart is with ya'll. I hope that things get easier and that you can look back on this hard christmas and smile by the memories of how great it was to find christmas with the ones you love without (as the grinch would say) packages, boxes, or bags!


    we went through our crisis at the beginning of this year when my husband got laid off after 4 years with a company for simply being the newbie still and the company had to make cutbacks. :( It left us in a bad bad way for the whole first half of the year. Luckily my husband got a once in a lifetime chance to get a job that he has wanted forever and even though he is still making less during "training" than his old job he got fired from, he has a job and is happy. I hope you guys all get that happiness too!


    much love! <3

  11. they should make belly brush guards for those occassions sophia! I hope your baby was ok after the hit. I think its not that people dont care about others on BF, i just think that maybe they have their eye so far on the prize that they are blind to everything else, ya know? I seen a toddler get run down one year, that was really bad. :( Good luck this year!! Maybe bring hubby to take the hits for you ;)
  12. I am SOOO happy to hear that!!! I scored more of my kids' christmas last year during these sales than any other sale they had!! My fav was my DD's princess cozy coupe that is normally 70 for 35.00!!! Yay! Maybe I will get lucky with other items since my son has me pondering equity loans, LOL! ;) (i kid i kid...but seriously the kidney is still for sale)
  13. Alrighty then--I have no map--but if you can tell me what is the 1/2 way point between PA and GA then I'll blow off my family, meet there and go shopping with ya! LOL:tongue1:

    sounds like a plan!!! i am on a diet anyhow and all these people will want me to do is cook food i cant eat for them anyhow!! ;)

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