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Everything posted by momee2twins

  1. I have 9 year old twins that want to play games and watch netflix . I'd like to be able to spend under $120 each to get them some sort of wi-fi tablet that will let me download and support flash. I have an android phone and love it, so would like to get an android platform. Don't mind downloading movies to a card to put in it. Have seen a lot of chinese websites offering "android" tablets for $60 or so, but am thinking its not the android market I'm used to, even though some are labeled "google". There is one from WM for $108 a Velocity Micro Cruz . Anyone seen it? Can't afford to go the Kindle Fire route as need two of them. I am SO not a tech person, but am really, REALLY getting tired of them sneaking off with my phone. Please help!
  2. I have got to start brainwashing my kids better. NOTHING any of the three of them want has been in ANY sales ad this year. ARRGGGG!!!!
  3. not impressed
  4. My kids got them last year (7 year old twins and 3 year old) and all three love them.
  5. Cell phone. Wallet. Taser.
  6. I hit walmart and tru, even though I didn't really need to. Went to JoAnns and got some fun stuff. May try Target this year if the ad is good.
  7. wii car stereo for hubby pillow pets legos some sort of car that fits a barbie doll makeup kits and earrings for girls clothes for everybody toy tool kit
  8. was hoping for some action on fisher price...like the digital cameras...oh well. We're almost done shopping anyway.
  9. If you have a Kohls, they are doing 50% off all Fisher Price on BF and that should include the FP Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Choo Choo Express Train.
  10. I'll hit my other stores in the morning, do returns Friday nite, when the stores are nice and quiet.
  11. Not overly impressed. And the way the stock has been in the stores and online lately, I'm kind of in the mood to just grab and go argue for price adjusting later.
  12. The manager here says shes ordered 150, 200, and 180 over the last three weeks...and got 12.
  13. I wish they'd quit sticking the hamsters on the ads. They don't even get on the shelves around here when the dozen or so does come in. But there seems to be a lot of stockmen in town who have the things for sale.
  14. My girls saw an ad for this thing and went bonkers. It's 150!! Any clues on if it'll get cheaper??
  15. I was five months preggers with our twins one year. I wasn't allowed to do the full BF shop 'cause the doc said if he even suspected I'd done it, he'd throw me in the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. I got to go to one store and had to have a wheelchair (my twins were 8'8 and 8'12 when they were born, so even at five months, I was HUGE). Everybody was really, really nice, but then I wasn't at WalMart or ToysRUs either.
  16. Don't mind getting bumped, just when the folks try to unzip my purse that makes me mad.
  17. other than trying to get the girls Barbie muskateer stuff to get the tote and 4.99 animal, i don't see much that I haven't already seen at same price (or cheaper) at walmart or target. Kinda bummed.
  18. None of my kids want anything "hot", so I'm always trying to guess..will it or won't it?? I've been stalking the clearance aisle of walmart to get some things. Got two of the pink razr scooters for $15 each. Just trying to be patient to see if the blue ones get marked down from $32. Lurking for best prices on Fisher Price digital cameras and VSmile games. I know that the Barbie Three Muskateer dolls probably aren't going to be on sale, so I'm dreading writing THAT check. I am wondering if anyone will have cheaper Playdough kits than the $10 ones Walmart has right now. Hoping that My Friend Chuck, the talking truck gets marked down. Looking for Batter Batter Baseball too. Geesshhh...and here I was feeling good yesterday about having a lot of shopping out of the way and now I look at the list of just SOME of the stuff I'm still looking for .............
  19. Sony Handicam for me razrs for the kids memory cards for the inlaws digital frame Packer stuff for DH
  20. It was my first Black Friday sale and I took my DH for emotional and physical re-enforcement. We went to Best Buy to get an E-Machine. Got in line with about 200 other people who were after the x-box at 4 am in Chicago. He went across the street and got me coffee and donuts from Dunkin Donuts. We got SO many deathstares from the other husbands as THEY got the "look" from their wives. We get the ticket for our item while in line, so got to relax a bit. But once we got inside the store, I got behind my 6'7" bohemoth and let him toss the scavengers out of our cart. It was insane. This one guy tried to grab our ticket, not even knowing what it was for. Bad choice of victims on his part. Anyway, after that I was hooked. I LOVE going. It was, however, the last time I could talk DH into going. He thinks I'm nuts!
  21. I saw that they have a new "cyber" pocket with a stylus. Anybody seen these? Is it worth the extra $$??
  22. Any chance these will be on a deal? I haven't looked at them before, so I have no idea. And whatever we get for our six year old twins, their three year old little brother is gonna want. I've checked some re-sale sites, but the prices are almost what stores are charging new.
  23. We're considering getting our twins (6) and son (3) a Wii for christmas..if I can get a decent price and find one. Is it worth all the cost and hassle to get one of these? They love their v-tech stuff, but we don't have any other systems, so I have nothing to go off of. I just don't want something like the stupid robotic lion cubs they "had" to have last year for $70 each and are still sitting on a shelf in their closets.
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