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Everything posted by edubbrulez

  1. So who here bought a Logitech Harmony 880 less than a month ago from dell.com and paid the "great" price of 174.30? (This price does not include the $50 rebate or the tax and shipping). Well I see today that Dell.com has the SAME remote for $129.00 (this does not include the $10 off paypal code or the $50 rebate). I've emailed them to ask for a refund of the difference. I doubt I'll get it though. If I don't this will be the last time I buy anything from them. Erik
  2. Product lifetime is being phased out on March 15th 2006. I've heard that if you buy a TiVo before March 15th, you have an additional 30 days. I would contact TiVo just in case though. Erik
  3. I think there is a missprint on page 3. The Phillips 50" Plasma should be 3999.99 after $300 savings... If it's really 2999.99 after $300 savings this would be a very good deal!
  4. Thanks for your reply. So am I correct in assuming that all deals are either user posted or from the Admins? Seems like most deals are from Amazon, Wal-Mart, and buy.com. You didn't mention if paid placement takes place. If it doesn't than who verifies that these really are deals? I'm really not trying to stir up a fire, I'm just questioning the authenticity of some of the deals. I'm especially leery of the credit card offers and ING postings. FWIW, the MCE 150 I can find at another online retailer for .50 cheaper (shipped) than buy.com. Erik
  5. So I was looking at the front page links for "today's" deals, and saw this: http://www.buy.com/retail/Product.asp?sku=10383781&adid=17662 Thought it was a pretty good deal, but then I checked out newegg.com http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815116620 And it's cheaper there. Granted, then don't have free shipping, but with newegg's shipping they are only $1 more. Although I've never bought from buy.com, I have bought from newegg before, and have been very happy with their service. I guess I'm wondering if these really are "deals", or are they paid promotions of some kind? Thanks, Erik
  6. For what it's worth, they have an online store as well.
  7. Well I'm going to play Devil's advocate here. So what if he did get on the "walkie" and they did have one. What was he supposed to do? Hold it for you? Toys (especially one's that are hot), are first come, first served. If you would have gotten yours, the other lady might not have. C'mon people, it's Christmas time were talking about here. If any of you had actually worked a day in retail during the holidays, you would understand. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Unfortunately, they might be in the right here. In the terms and conditions for the BBB, it says, and I quote: "Not good in combination with any other coupons or offers." The BF doorbusters could apply here. Erik
  9. Thanks for hoarding them. Jackass
  10. This is a ED set, not an HD one. The resolution is 852 X 480.
  11. Please provide a link to a 42" HD Plasma that doesn't have 1024 X 768 (or 1024 X 1024). All sets that I've researched have one of these resolutions. They use "anamophic" widesreen which I don't want. I want a native 16 X 9 mode. The 50" Plasmas have either 1280 X 768, 1280 X 720, 1365 X 768 or 1366 X 768.
  12. Yeah too bad shipping/handling is another 99 bucks! I wish they were more upfront about this additional cost.
  13. Not sure what year your in, but this year tuesday is the 22nd... The ad still isn't up though
  14. I have one near me (Wilmington, DE). Just caught an advertisement their running on T.V. for Friday 25th - Sunday 27th. 43" Pioneer Plasma for $2699.00 A pretty good price!
  15. Here's the link: http://g.msn.com/0AD00028/805823.1??HCType=1&CID=805823&PG=SHPTXT
  16. Anyone near the Saint Davids store in PA?
  17. Damn that's funny. BTW - the cow bell avatar totally cracks me up!
  18. I've seen too many of these hoarder types before. It's really a shame. I wish there was a way to distinguish people that hoard items (so they could be asked to leave the store).
  19. Damn man. This is the reason why people are lined up early. To avoid people like you (hoarders). Always trying to make a quick buck. Why don't you get a job?
  20. I wonder if KFC is having a BF sale?
  21. An excellent question. I was wondering the same thing. I figure that these are going to be given out on a ticket basis, rather than you have to run and grab one. I bet Wal-Mart does something similar. Erik
  22. Now I remember why I hate CompUSA. Their advertising is deceptive. They should not be allowed to advertise a price that REQUIRES you to sign up for AOL. It's simply outrageous. My last experience was trying to purchase a PC they had advertised couple of months back for $299. It was a good deal, and a reasonable system. After calling two stores (their phone system is terrible), I finally got a hold of someone. I asked him about the deal and he told me this: The system was 299 after rebates (before rebates it was over 500 bucks). I needed to come down to the store to purchase it. I needed to pay a delivery free (I think this was 80 bucks). The computer would then be delivered to the store within a week. I would need to come to the store to pickup my purchase. I asked him that since I'm paying the delivery fee, can't I have it delivered to my home? His reply - No. The best (read worst) part is that the PC's are coming from their distribution warehouse (not from the manufacturer). Needless to say, I didn't purchase the PC. Erik
  23. I would like to bite too. I don't want to rush out on BF and pick it up if there are a lot of people getting the same thing. I would guess that quantities are pretty limited. Here's hoping that my Walmart will have them, and no one else wants one!
  24. Boo - No HDMI Also be aware that if your planning to hook up a PC to this, if you want the best possible picture, you need to output the native resolution. 1366 X 768 is not offered by every graphics card manufacturer.
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