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Everything posted by edubbrulez

  1. The ad is on their site.
  2. Here's the link: http://microcenter.com/specials/friday.sale.06.html The website is super slow right now. Not sure what's up with that. Looks like the 42" LCD is a Syntax Olevia 542i LCD HDTV I updated the link as they changed it.
  3. They had some deals last year. I didn't go - but I saw the ad.
  4. There are two BIG catches with this. You have to buy it from TiVo directly. You have to use this link: http://tivo.com/vip (copy and paste the URL into a new browser window - The redirecting from this site screws something up) Erik
  5. I'm still getting used to the phone, so I don't have much to say just yet. I really like the music player. It's very nice. The audio from the built in speaker is pretty good too. The touch sensor is going to take some time to get used to. It seems to be pretty touchy, but you can change the sensitivity. I've done some importing of music from my computer. Worked pretty well. I got a 1GB microSD card so I have lots of room to store music and pictures. My only digital camera is the phone, so I can't take any pictures of the phone. Supposedly the phone can record video too, but I haven't tried that yet either. Erik
  6. It's a very nice phone. I got mine delivered last week!
  7. Just because they haven't done that yet doesn't mean they won't. I'm just letting you know that they CAN do it. I would guess that they are not doing it now because they want more people to know about this. And after everyone starts using it, then the ads and calls will follow. Erik
  8. Here's the catch: When you place a request with our 1-800-FREE411 service, we may present an offer or advertisement to you which is based upon your directory assistance request. So for instance, if you request the number for a pizza delivery service, we may present you an offer from the same or a competitive pizza delivery service. You will then have the choice to accept the offer or to decline it and simply receive the information you requested. But wait it gets better: We will NOT call you for marketing purposes or to offer you products or services. The only exception to this is that occasionally, we may call you to simply ask about your satisfaction with our service and what other products and services you would like us to offer. However you may never receive such a call, and if you do you would not be likely to receive such a call more than once every year or two.
  9. The power requirements should be listed somewhere on the DVD player itself. If you have the manual it should be listed there has well. Erik
  10. Thanks for the coupon. I just used it, and saved 20 bucks!
  11. It's all about context. I agree, that their regular prices are high. But their selection (use to be) better. If you needed a CD right now that best buy or CC didn't carry, then you might get it from them. If so, then their price would be the regular price, and any "deals" would apply. Erik
  12. Yeah, yeah I get it. For all the flame that I got, I'm surprised that the only support I got was from Rossman. I was just looking for someone else that might be in the same boat as I. But, noooo, you all had to jump all over me. A deal is a deal, but if you could choose between 50% off and 30% off, no one here would take the 30%.
  13. I totally get the economics of supply/demand. Perhaps you should have a look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand There is a fixed number of units in the case of the 880's. It makes no sense to drop the price 50% unless they were NOT selling at a lower % off. However, they did sell at a lower % (but obviously the demand was lower). The 880's have been sold out for a couple of hours now, which means that they could have demanded a higher price therefore maximizing their profit.
  14. It's all relative. Your correct, 30% off at the time was a good deal. Now that a 50% coupon is available, in retrospect, 30% isn't such a good deal. Not to downplay your cereal deal, but you would have to have bought 60 boxes of cereal to feel my pain. My problem really has to do with the timing of the deal (less than 30 days). If this would have been a big box store, I would have taken in my receipt and demanded a refund for the difference. But because the purchase was made online, I'm stuck. Erik
  15. My point is when a retailer offers the same thing every week for 10%, then that should be the everyday "low" price. MSRP is BS anyway. I would never pay MSRP for the remote. I know why they don't do that, but it doesn't make it right. I understand how Best Buy runs their "sales". There are certain weeks were some things are on sale, and others are not. Wait a couple of weeks, and the opposite is true. Most people don't see the cycle. Erik
  16. Your kidding right? Dell's plasma's have never been a good deal. Heck, they don't even manufacture them. They are samsung plasmas rebranded as dell, and then marked up.
  17. Don't you wonder why Dell ALWAYS has deals? If something always has a % off, shouldn't it just be that price? Dare I say it, it's almost false advertising.
  18. I don't think this item is a loss leader. I'm not even sure that loss leaders exist for online retailers. It's not like you have to walk to the back of the store to buy the "loss leader" product. Besides, I would be willing to bet that cost is less than 20 bucks. And I'm sure that Dell has some type of deal going with Logitech anyway. Erik
  19. Your right about that. But I know enough now not to give them any more of my money.
  20. Look, the reason I asked the question as to "what is the remote is really worth" is because it's not typical for a retailer to offer something like this at such a huge discount (more than a 50%), especially when others aren't even close to that in price. I worked in retail for many years, and you would NEVER see price swings like that. I thought the 30% off was a good deal, so I jumped. Now I know that dell.com pricing can't be trusted. So another retailer will get my money instead. If you read between the lines you might have understood that. Erik
  21. I understand this site is a business, but why would you continue to promote them if you yourself got burned? Erik
  22. Rossman - Thanks for rerouting to the appropriate forum. FWIW, I would never have bought this remote if it wasn't for this site. While I don't exactly like getting burned by a deal, what bothers me is that I told my sister about it too. And she bought one as well. I guess from now on, I'll have to question these dell "deals". I see that since January of this year there have been 3 "deals" for this remote. All have very different price points. Makes you wonder how much this remote is really worth. Erik
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