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Everything posted by momlori

  1. I started going around 1996 when I was a single mom with 2 kids. My mom would watch the kids and I would go for the deals to get as much for as little as possible. Loved the friendly atmosphere of waiting in line and sharing ads until the stores opened and the free gifts you got.
  2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NVM8358?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A2RCOJMI543Q1E I would love these boots
  3. My tradition is to go to breakfast when we are done but with the new times, that has not worked so well
  4. Since the stores started opening on Thanksgiving and I refuse to give up family time, I am doing more online. I still go out after family time is over but it is not as fun as it used to be
  5. Kohls either in store or on line and Target
  6. Guilty as charged. Usually I buy things for the house like sheets, towels, etc because the prices are great. Also winter stuff is at good prices and usually in good supply so I have lots of choices. I also, look for others at the same time so it's not all about me.
  7. I usually also do the hunt on after Christmas sales for things like fun little toys or goofy gifts that you can use to stuff stockings with at half price
  8. I have not run into rude people as well. It is the line jumpers that annoy the heck out of me (especially the ones that pretend they don't realize they are doing it). Most everyone is out to have a good time and get the deals. The problems they show on TV are really far from the norm.
  9. Love another store that remains closed on Thanksgiving
  10. momlori

    Christmas Shows

    I love watching Die Hard1 and 2. I started watching them to cover up wrapping noises and now it is a tradition
  11. 1 Only 10 more Fridays until BF 2 The annual march of the TV carts 3 Look out Martha - Here they come!
  12. Myron - Jingle all the way Merry Christmas, you filthy animal!
  13. I use Cartwheel at Target as well
  14. Welcome back BJS. BF would not be the same without you
  15. Dollar spot at Target is always good for some stuffers
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