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Everything posted by wnc_mom

  1. ok thanks the store usally opens at 5 am i think!
  2. Kodak EasyShare C913 9MP Digital Camera for 79.99 thats actually cheaper than sears was i think not too bad can't wait to see the rest!
  3. i agree it makes me feel like i am not the only one ready for christmas and they help me get my hubby to realize that its close! i could celebrate christmas all year long! it puts me in a good mood i hate those ppl who dread the holiday (poo on them)
  4. no sorry u missunderstood i only needed baby items last year lol
  5. I will be shopping in hickory nc this year as i usally do this year i know that there will be good doorbusters that i need what time doe's the line usually/ball park fig. start getting midway-long to get a chance at these? i got there last year around 6am i was in line for checkout for like an hour but that was my first time there on BF and i just needed a few baby things. So SHORT AND SIMPLE What time should i plan on being there?its not a CRAZY BUSY city but it is some-what busy on bf?
  6. i submitted for atlanta if i win i guess we are staying there thanksgiving night lol and i would HAVE to convince the driver to speed!!!
  7. wnc_mom

    Elmo Live!

    so u are saing that i should go ahead and get it? i don't wanna be like the guy on the movie jingle all the way lol
  8. thanks for the news my hubby wants a new one we always use my moms i love it!
  9. we will see how great that goes over i hope it works well and they have good deals then maybe it will inspire other stores to mark down toys and such to almost BF prices next year! i don't really shop at kmart that offen just b/c there isn't one close but they have good deals all the time i like there xmas decorations
  10. wnc_mom

    Elmo Live!

    hey i know this is a hot toy this year my son really wants one but they are like 60 bucks do they or other stores usally sell these items cheaper like on BF or other christmas sales? If its not a common thing then i will go ahead and get it this is the first year he has wanted anything really bad and it had to be a HOT toy lol
  11. I have to get my son the Elmo Live its 60 bucks so i hope i can find it on sale sometime this holiday season!
  12. wnc_mom

    Associate Q&A's

    Thanks sooo much yes thats the ones!
  13. do they have deals on other brands of diapers i use pampers crusiers
  14. i just called the toy r us hotline to try to fix my mailing list thing where they failed to send it to me she said i would'nt get one this year b/c it takes 4-6 weeks to re-enter me bull S**t lol ANYWAY she said that they came in last sun paper and are doing another run in this coming sun paper i don't live near a TRU but i can get an asheville paper which Should have it n in Does ne1 know if those have the coupons in them?
  15. wnc_mom

    Associate Q&A's

    hey i have a question you know how ya'll have those ornaments that are for everything they are on a display by themselves i was wondering if those were the ones on sale last year on BF it was like giftables boxed ornaments or something like that if not what brand are those ornaments they are all diff caraters and occasions
  16. my mom goes with me and she stands in line with a few "pretend toys" in a cart so no 1 gets fussy that we are doing it and a run get everything i need and im out in like 30 min depending on what i need to get i always feel like im on that old show super market sweep lol if my mom is still in line i run to the next store like khols or target i always MUST hit walmart and TRU/BRU every year 1st thing the good thing about walmart is you can go in the superstores at like 4 and there is no1 there and scope out all the items you need then just run a grab them when it turns 5am you can be standing at your most needed items. most of the items are taped off or covered in black bags but you can always peek lol
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