My fiancee and I start out spending all TG looking over the ads, making decisions on what we want to get and prioritizing in the event that we can't pick up everything. Then we usually take a quick walk around Meijer/Kmart to walk off the turkey and see if there's anything we'd like from the TG sale, and head back home for a quick nap. We're up by midnight and out in line at Best Buy by 12:30am, armed with our DVD player, sleeping bags, chairs, blankets, and a thermos full of hot chocolate (and Bailey's :) ). We usually get through BB in a half hour/45 min or so, then it's across the street to Target just in time for them to open the doors. We may hit Kohl's or a couple other places before we go to Big Boy for the breakfast buffet, then drop off the finacee at home to sleep while I hit up Old Navy and the mall (Bath and Body Works for sure!). I'm usually done around noon and after I get back, I unpack and take all the price tags off, pop in a movie and crash on the couch, enjoying the gradual thaw after having been out all night in the Michigan cold. :)