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Everything posted by sdigman6

  1. I tossed alot in our club account 2100.00. I don't think I will spend that much but then I can take the rest and save it for next year or to help with the bills then if need be. We have no idea what our heating bill will be this year, with new siding and windows....hoping for a drop in cost. I plan to take 100.00 in cash to cover gas , breakfast that sort of thing. the rest I will use my debt card for purchases.
  2. the trouble is I can not find it really anyplace now as far seeing it in person. I was concerned is it quality toys.
  3. I think it helps me out that my kids have less on there list then ever before...well the older ones do! the 2 younger ones have yet to actually do a list. my 1 dd who is turing 6 her birthday shopping is done. My other dd who turns 3 in Dec. her shopping for that is done too. That leaves just Xmas unlike other years seems I get hammered with all of it and end up broke! I think when we buy for the god parents we may do a family gift they can all use or do together. we will see!
  4. I thinkyou dialed wrong andgot my dh family . his family got stuck on tradition , I am all about that but when your talking a money crunch that effects everyone its time to adjust the tradition a bit. I feel bad for you and know your fustration! make up some gift FAMILY baskets for each group with a board game, pop corn ,etc and call it a holiday
  5. my dollar general has some that are not to bad in price
  6. I have only seen them through Walmart site, never in person. DD will be 3 and i am wondering if she will be to old for this or not, she really likes them alot. She also likes that little chinese girl and these other goofy creatures that are orange , some are green and look like monsters. It seems to be a goofy show but she enjoys it. I like the wonder pet idea but not sure if the items are going to be one of those entertaining things for 15 minutes and tossed aside??
  7. We buy for my dh god children 20.00 is the average amount on them. we then buy for his parents. We also buy for our kids god parents something simple. This year we are giving them there school picture in a nice frame and somthing else small . There are 40 plus people there and its way to muc hto get for everyone that is there. His parents buy for everyone and they spend 50.00 per adult, and 10.00per grandchild. Alot of us parents know its hard to get anything for that much and they have no idea what they all like. We get the money from his folks and then we shop for them. I often buy stuff even if its over 10.00 and just eat the rest. I would rather they get something they enjoy then something that sits in the corner. I would suggest it to the entire family, there is a good chance everyone else feels the same way ...the economy is bad. Good luck!
  8. Buy hand warmers if its cold and for your feet too! make sure you have gas in your car for when you get up in the AM cell phones charged for family to reach you at other locations plan, plan, plan who is going for what etc pull seats out of vehicle if you can -might fiind a deal you can not pass up! bring a kid with if you can they are good for getting something you can not get to! pack snacks dress in layers make sure your credit or bank card people know your going to be making a possible large purchase make transactions easier for you. they may wonder if someone has your card!!! Bring your ads, your Xmas CDs and have a good time, befriend the person in line you never know they may be your life line to help you get something !!! I know that I do that if people are nice to me and i see them hunting for something I go and grab it and hand it to them inhopes it would be the same back.
  9. I know that no matter how much you carry that list.... if they are with you as much as it sounds like ....your still going to struggle to get anything done with out the distraction. save yourself the fustration get a sitter or something and go out. Like I said my kids have been bummed out but you know what~ they will get over it. sometimes i bring something back for them sometimes i don't.
  10. Oh my gosh that is wild I feel like I read my own life in orginal post! We have 4 kids-12,9,6,and soon to be 3. the 9 and 6 year old ALWAYs want to go with me, I have to sneek out or they get upset. I have resorted to saying ok here is the deal... I am going shopping to do X,Y and Z this is my alone time ( SAHM myself). However I will take you shopping when I get back to a store close by on the condition you help dad around here and stop with the fits etc etc. Seems to have worked... if I know i can not take them then i tell them I will bring a treat back for them once and while... I usually bring back a lip gloss something like that. they think that is fun too, they wonder what it may be while I am gone. If you have no one at home then I would check about setting up a play day with a friend and you and the other mom take turns then you both get your shopping done.
  11. I thought it might be fun to see what others want and maybe give ideas for those who don't have a clue what to get... Ok here is my kids list as of last night they are done with there list aside from the 2 younger kids. Son 12-Laptop New Ipod other bit the dust Nintendo DS football jersey baseball jersey memory card for computer shoes AGAIN- he likes the 90$ kind lucky me! DD 9- Nintendo DS AG Mia bed set 125$ 2 other AG things around 30$ clothes New fuzzy blanket DD6- AG MIA Camp Rock CD she is still thinking on the rest! DD3- no idea yet! DH we are residing our house,and garage, new roof on garage and part of house, new gutters, and 3 new windows -Merry Xmas! we have a good deal a friend of ours builds homes but it still is not cheap with the cost of materials these days!
  12. I have a feeling Craig's list is going to be the way to go to get ridof things ! I listed a bunch of things from video games, dolls ,furniture, elctronics and have recieved responses and hopefully some purchases over the next couple days.
  13. WOW we have some great ideas! Some of these things might actually work for me. Seems my 9 year old finds EVERYTHING, thank god she tells her brother who is 12 so, he can tell me so Santa is not let out of the bag! if she only knew he was working against her -heehee
  14. no attic here, and MIL is well....a pain in the rear! She gets all worked up when you keep your belongings there no matter what the reason. If she does it for us she will need to do it for the other 9 kids even though they more then likely would not ask to or need to, she feels that way. I may need see if I can use my sons closet at all.
  15. I swear to god if I can keep the entire santa bit under wraps this year from our 9 year old it will be a miracle! I have hid things in the garage for YEARS, or in my basement. I went to a AG doll sale in Madison and bought a bunch of things for the 3 girls. I thought I can stash them in the garage and they are safer NOW then previous years , with dh thngs for work in there ...right? WRONG! She left to camp the other day and went to get her bike from the gargage ( its never in there mind you)to take with. Her brother tried to beat her in there so she would not get to looking around...whoosh!Our son who is 12 comes out to tell us she saw Kits bed, bitty baby stuff for the littlest sister who is 3 etc etc! OKayyy now there kills that! Now the Kit bed has to be saved for another time, the bitty baby has to be for the soon to be 3 yr.olds birthday and now I have to start from scratch for XMAS-UGH! I guess I need a new hiding place now that the garage is becoming off limits with her in there! I used my closet but now I need a high up lock, she saw I have a doll and stuff in there even though it was covered up with blankets..she seemed to find it. She is ruining all my hiding spots that I have had forever!!!! thankgod teh 5 year never is looking...yet
  16. I have a friend who did a candy theme on her tree, she used plastic suckers, canes, gum drops for garland etc etc. She then added in some REAL candy to the tree , when it came time to take it down she was able to get the kids help by letting them eat some of what was on the tree!
  17. I hope some people can post some great ideas! I could use a few new good ones myself! If I get a handful of recipes then I can bake up a storm and plate them up pretty with some coffee mugs and cocoa for Xma gifts.
  18. I would really love to win a Tshirt pick me , oh oh pick me. I am also from WI !!! I can also wear it year round throw a shirt under it ! I NEVER win anything it always seems the guy next to me wins or I lose by 1 number! I would so very thankful! I know I am new here but I still would love to win
  19. This year I am hoping that they do the "family" dinner of 40+ people after Thanksgiving or else a few days before it. I like to have dinner at home with Hubby and kids, put up the tree etc etc. Then that evening I map out were we go ( my son who is 12, friend, and myself) get all our gear ready ( hand warmers, footwarmers etc etc) Usually when there are 40+ of us together there is some sort of "issue" between the women, though I must admit I usually say nothing take it all in and tell dh when I get home how his sisters and sil acted and what it was about. the more you speak at family things the more trouble you find
  20. I went to the Walmart that is bit further away but also in ANOTHER STATE and they had the exact same thing I bought for 67.00 and not on clearance or anything. I wonder if that was a error on there part and I got lucky!?!?!
  21. Maybe they did it by us because the area I live in is a very small population-1200 people.Hopefully someone else comes along that was able to get the bargin like me.
  22. this was clearance price! they ran out of room in the on aisle and then ran the stuff across the way where the bikes were at. the scooters were down to 15.00 and the ripsticks were down to 40.00 . they had quite a few because i think no one knew they carried over to the other side...good thing dd were looking over there or I would missed them also. online they are still 75.00 though
  23. My son wanted one and his birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I was over by the bikes and found one that had like flames on it normally 93.00 now for 40.00! That is a nice savings:D
  24. Ok not to be a dumb butt but I have 70$ in reward dollars, can I use those on BF to shop there or does it need to be out the catalog I hear about??? thanks
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