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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. Of course, you could always smash your computer. That'll cure everyone's addiction to GottaDeal, wouldn't it? Or would y'all fall into a deep GottaDeal withdrawl syndrome?
  2. stationchief

    eMachine Question

    Nope. Heh heh. Just wondering since we both posted the exact same specs from the official site at the exact same time in different topics. Talk about coincidence.
  3. stationchief

    eMachine Question

    Model #T3406. The specs are already posted earlier on this topic by dukes (think he stole it from my previous post in another topic ) This machine would be PERFECT for your son. It's best for web browsing and homework (writing documents and such). Not a perfect gaming system, but great for overall use. Best of luck with all the madness that's gonna ensue over picking one up. But whatever you do, please update that old Gateway! I hate those things! Why can'tcha download the scan?
  4. stationchief

    eMachine Question

    17" CRT monitor, otherwise called a "box" monitor. Non-LCD flat screen.
  5. stationchief

    eMachine Question

    eMachines-brand desktop from Best Buy for $149. Check out the specs in the ad. And are you really crazy?
  6. Unfortunately, they are. At least with Walmart. Apparently, HOW different depends on the region you live in. Some places the WM laptop/desktop is $398, others it's $488. Other places, $698 full price.
  7. Did you guys go through all this price-region-difference confusion last BF or is this something new the companies or government is doing this year?
  8. This is gonna sound corny, but I gotta ask. Any puppy mills having a BF sale? I'm interested :) and having too much fun with this all at the same time.
  9. Ok. I was chattin' with my aunt about this whole BF buzz when it turned into what we want for christmas. My aunt + her hubby wants to get, of all things, get ready for this ... a puppy. She wants a truebred golden lab and asked me if there's gonna be any BF deal at places like PetLand and the like. I totally did a double-take and drew a blank! Any bright ideas? Is the kennel portion of PetsMart having a BF early-bird (or should I say -dog) sale on labs? Or am I just BARKING up the wrong tree? (::cough cough:: sorry, couldn't resist!)
  10. My list will be finalized just before thanksgiving dinner. I've got an idea of exactly what I want, and once my family and I tear open the thanksgiving day paper that morning it'll be set in stone. Gameplan thus far: Scarf two TG suppers form two families. Drive by Walmart to see if there's a line yet, continue drive-bys at 1 hour intervals until line begins to show, if no line when store closes approx. 11pm form own line as #1. Play games on cellphone until doors open at 5am. CHARGE!
  11. Most likely I'll be hitting CompUSA last. Not that I really want anything from there right away, just if I can get that $250 gift card when I sign up for 1 year of AOL (read previous posts about that subject) and I don't want to battle two BF rushes in one day.
  12. A cheap laptop, most likely from Walmart. Looks like I won't be getting much sleep thursday nite.
  13. Why, Brad? RossMan ... how ... could you betray us all?! Darn you! Darn you to heck!!
  14. Most of 'em have decent sales every week. I get ads from Walmart, Kmart, and a few others in the mail all the time. Just that we're all hypig the BIG ONE next friday!
  15. Gas prices here in Phoenix are finally going down a bit. Even though, I'm about a block from Walmart and 4 miles from a supercenter, so no stopping me.
  16. I agree. I have a stomach disorder and eating breakfast that early after I get up is a big no-no for me. My tummy will be all tied up in knots alread with all the anticipation and excitement. It sounded like some of those places wold be offering trips and such. Are those gonna be something like lottery prizes for everyone to try for or door prizes to like the first in line?
  17. Already got friday scheduled off work, got the dough saved up, got the game plan all worked out. Think I'm set to rock on my very first BF shopping day ever!
  18. Someone might. Someplace. Somewhere. Just askin'. Yeah, I go there all the time even though I get the local friday paper with the 8-page ad in it. Still might be nice to get an idea of what to expect ahead of time. According to rumors, we'll be lookin' at a GQ desktop w/ no monitor and no windows OS for about $100 (the one they selll for $179-199 every week), possibly a GQ laptop to compete with the other laptops on sale, cheap motherboard/processor combos including a dual-core processor (sweet!), and rebates galore for dirt cheap hard drives, graphics cards, and the like.
  19. I heard last year some parent was renting their 12 kids to people waiting in lines. Each kid was rented to hold someone's place in line while they took a break to the restroom or whatnot. That could be rather profitable to someone with lots of children. Or could be reported to child protective services.
  20. Sooooo ... anyone got any ideas as to when we'll get word on Fry's BF sales? This is the last one I've been waiting for and I'm biting my nails over the suspense!
  21. Biting fingernails over here waiting for Fry's Electronics ads
  22. As of today for sunny Phoenix, 74° for a high on BF day and 49° for a low the night before for waiting on line. Wha ha ha! I hope you all turn into popsicles in those below freezing lines! Wonder what would happen if you suddenly had a blizzard.
  23. NOOOOOOOO!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE post deals that are HOT!!!!
  24. I must second that. You guys have a great site here and you keep it up to date very well. Must be tough with whatever you guys do in the REAL world. To be able to update this site and constantly moderate things all the while through whatever it is you do to make a living, along with working through thankgiving, and maybe even missing out on those BF deals just so you can be here to moderate. That's impressive. Once again, kudos and many thanks for everythingon this great site! Keep up the great job long past thanksgiving and hope to see everyone back next year!
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