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Everything posted by siczlo

  1. not one price switch in my cart yet
  2. Come on Menards...Give it up already!
  3. There's a newer 'soft-tip' e-cigg out now called "real feel." http://www.realfeelecig.com/ My favorite disposable e cigg so far.
  4. I got all of my BF shopping done online with the exception of Menards. I LOVE shopping online in my pj's. It's now my favorite WEEK of the year
  5. Cant get the sheets to add to cart either : (
  6. Westinghouse UW39T7HW 38.5" 1080p 60Hz LED HDTV $179.99 http://www.officedepot.com/a/p4809/Westinghouse-UW39T7HW-385-1080p-60Hz-LED/roducts/35
  7. Got the swap force in IL. Thanks gottadeal. I can sleep in : )
  8. DS6--Loves his Skylanders DS13--His phone and Northface coat DS17--His phone and Blueman group tickets and they all love the wii U Surprise favorite--they all love their "big one" blanket throws from Kohls ☺
  9. I was able to buy it and pick it up at our local store about an hour ago. So it's still working for store pick up.
  10. Amazon just matched it for $49.99 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007XYBUBE/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_4?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  11. i dont know about gamestop but TRU does.
  12. Target has it for $49.99 this week.
  13. Well, I would have no where safe to put it now in a house full of boys! I am hoping I have a grandaughter one day to buy the biggest most amazing dollhouse in the world for! LOL I forgot to mention one of our traditions is to go to Bass Pro Shop every year and get our picture taken with Santa. I have a collage picture frame with all our Santa pictures through the years. We all love seeing how much we have changed. We also do the open one present Christmas Eve thing. And it's always new PJ's.
  14. My most memorable Christmas was when I was 5. My parents were broke, very broke. My brother and sister got a new sled to share and I got a HUGE Mighty Mouse coloring book and crayons. I layed on my stomach on the floor all day and colored in my life size coloring book. My DH says that's the reason deep down why I spoil my kids on Christmas. IDK, maybe he is right. I think it is because my whole childhood I always wanted a doll house with 'real' working lights. I never got it.
  15. If anyone see this onsale anywhere please post. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61JhDje0qYL._AA300_.jpg
  16. yeah, I will probably cave soon...lol I wanted to keep my budget at $500 per kid. DS6 is easy, DS13 is right about there, and DS17 will blow it out of the water... It gets harder as they get older.
  17. Ugh... I guess I just don't understand why does it HAVE to be windows? I don't understand his answer...lol..Something...music...his 'band'....when they record...easier to move around than his laptop...blah, blah, blah I'm just a kindle fire girl, lol It's just hard to pull the trigger, because if I do, he won't get much more.
  18. Windows 8 Tablet Asus Vivo Tab Umm, they are like $600 Is there something else that's close to the $200-$300 range? LOL
  19. I have relatives like that. I send them Omaha Steaks. Do they have a favorite sports team? Something with the logo always works. Tickets to a show or concert maybe? Magazine subscriptions?
  20. Yep, my $ went to AMAZON (too much! lol), Kohl's, Newegg, Nike, 6pm, and Menards No Walmart, No Toysrus, Not even Target
  21. Oh, last year I spent over $300 at Walmart.com---This year, ZILCH, NOTHING, NADA, $0
  22. Walmart.com sucked! Didn't spend any money at Walmart BF week. Got the basketball hoop I wanted on Amazon lightning deal for $99 shipped! Had Walmart offered it online, I probably would have ordered it there. And then not worried about finding it somewhere else.
  23. I second Oriental Trading Company
  24. WOW! thanks for the list! Went with the $99 Best buy ones
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