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Everything posted by siczlo

  1. Sorry that happened. Frustrating...
  2. Maybe dance star mickey? http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41R7FYe8vNL._AA300_.jpg
  3. I give my sons' teachers Target giftcards. As a former teacher, candles, coffee mugs, and ornaments---I got plenty of, although appreciated.
  4. Thanks, 3 pairs for $20.xx site to store.
  5. Ahh yes...
  6. They are in TRU's sunday ad. $14.99
  7. My Epic Mickey has shipped. Remote expected to ship 12/16.
  8. Also cool for New Years, 4th of July, Crazy Hair day at school, skating rink...
  9. I have seen them at Toys R Us, not sure the price though.
  10. Ohh, do dish when you get 'em!
  11. UPDATE, just called to add something to my order, and I complained about the $25.xx shipping cost and the lady said she will credit me the shipping....Merry Christmas! She totally made my day!
  12. http://www.toysrus.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=2255974 Okay, right now if you buy a select game (I choose Black Ops for dh) you get a second game (certain ones) half off. So I bought Black ops, the got Power GIG with 6 string guitar for $53.99!!!(BEST PRICE OUT THERE) Then, if you buy a select ds game, you get a second one for $5. So I got Marvel Hero Squad for $29 and got Toy Story 3 for $5. Then if you spend $100 or more on Video games or accessories, you get $20 OFF when you use your mastercard. This made Black Ops $39.99!! Then I bought a nerf case $14.99, a Dora ds game $19.99, a spongebob game $19.99 Then if you use code GIFTGIVER, you get $15 off a $100 purchase. So, I got Black ops, powergig with 6 string guitar, 4 ds games, and a nerf case for $206.xx SHIPPED. Save more with some video games by choosing store pick up. 1 Dora the Explorer: Dora Puppy Playtime for Nintendo DS Item#: 697926 $19.99 $19.99 1 SpongeBob: Truth or Square for Nintendo DS Item#: 711360 $19.99 $19.99 1 Power Gig: Rise of the SixString Guitar Bundle for Xbox 360 Item#: 565864 50% OFF ANY ONE of these Xbox 360 or PS3 Games when you buy select games! See Terms $107.99 $53.99 1 Call of Duty: Black Ops for Xbox 360 Item#: 069510 Save $20 off your Video Game purchase of $100 or more when you pay with your MasterCard card at checkout! See Terms IN STOCK $59.99 $39.99 1 Toy Story 3 for Nintendo DS Item#: 665913 Buy 1 Get 2nd FOR $5 THESE Super Hot Nintendo DS Games! See Terms $29.99 $5.00 1 Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet for Nintendo DS Item#: 534957 Save $20 off your Video Game purchase of $100 or more when you pay with your MasterCard card at checkout! See Terms $29.99 $29.99 1 Nerf Starter Kit for Nintendo DSi - Orange Item#: 289218 Now through Dec. 24, Earn 10% Back on Your Holiday Purchases with Rewards"R"Us! See Terms $14.99 $14.99 Cost Summary Subtotal $183.94 Save $15 on your Toys“R”Us purchase of $100 or more! Certain exclusions apply See Terms -$15.00 Shipping $25.21 Sales Tax $12.13 Total Cost $206.28
  13. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41OnyZ1hSyL._SL160_AA160_.jpg Cars Toon Monster Truck Wrastlin' Ring Also, how about a remote control monster truck, a trampoline, bike, scooter, paper jamz, basketball hoop, nerf gun, portable dvd player, reader rabbit computer games, fisher price kid tough digital camera, inline skates, hockey net and hockey sticks, a new sled, hmmm...I'll keep thinking...
  14. Oh, he also loves the shake n go speedway we got him last year, and Tag reading system. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41BTeLWTqaL._AA115_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51W3BE-BSPL._AA115_.jpg
  15. For my 4 year son, we bought him Criss Cross crash, Batman castle, Geo trax airplane, dsi and some games, Iron man robot, a new bike, action figures, crayola stuff, character pj's. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41XMbMg3qXL._AA160_.jpg Criss-cross crash http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/410hM4yOacL._AA160_.jpg batman castle http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41wNn60rJBL._AA115_.jpg Geo Trax http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41xLVwUS0LL._AA115_.jpg DSI http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51-UxhB6qpL._AA115_.jpg Iron man robot http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PGCGuH4oL._AA115_.jpg We got him this last year and he still plays with it daily. Dragon World Fortress
  16. http://www.meritline.com/images/product/medium/414-231.jpg http://www.meritline.com/hair-clip-fiber-optic-extension-flash-lights-decoration-rainbow---p-61815.aspx $2.49 Shipped
  17. http://www.meritline.com/images/product/medium/267-322.jpg $59.99 Free Ship http://www.meritline.com/wireless-network-adapter-for-xbox360---p-55035.aspx http://www.meritline.com/images/product/medium/247-302.jpg $75 Free Ship http://www.meritline.com/microsoft-wireless-n-network-adapter-xbox360---p-47271.aspx
  18. :gdclap::gdnum1::clapping::gdthums::woot2::victory::bow::thumbsup::angel1:
  19. I just went to PA the 2T hard drive. A little hassle, but I got my adjustment. CSA asked if this was part of the bf ad. I said I don't know what it is, my dh just sent me to get adjustment. She had to go talk to someone, then came back and gave me the adjustment.
  20. Just wondering if anyone was able to PA the 2 day sale items.
  21. Look online to check local stock.
  22. Maybe a big recycle bag that says, "Yeah, I got your doorbuster, in my bag."
  23. I am officially addicted to Amazon, and my dh says I seriously need help..... I get upset if I see I could have gotten something cheaper, nt fs, after I just purchased something somewhere else. Seriously upsets me...I guess I do need help..LOL
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