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Everything posted by jcarr492

  1. My 14yr old is wanting to buy a gaming computer, preferably a desk top model and monitor. He has his eye on the ones from Walmart for 579 for the desktop model and 178 for the curved 27" monitor. Anyone see any better deals out there? From what I see on Walmart: HP Pavilion Desktop 579.00- Model 690-0073W 8GB Memory, 256GB Storage, Graphic card NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB Monitor 179.00- 27" curved He shows boer goats every year with 4H at our fair and would like to spend a little on what he has saved up over the years to get a gaming pc, but I don't want him spending a lot of money on it in case its something he ends up not liking over his xbox one.
  2. I remember you! I used to be a very active member on GD years ago too, like when the "Hoff" was all the rage on here and they gave GD points on here too. LOL My girls were little back then and I spend a lot of time on the Target section waiting for the Target toy clearances of 75% off then we'd haul butt to Target and stock up. Just not what it used to be. Now my girls are 19 and 20, in college and I'm dreaming of the day they make me a grandma and I can spoil little ones again.
  3. Hobby lobby is 80% off today for remaining Christmas.
  4. Okay, thanks kathytheshopper! U think it'll go 80% on Wednesday?
  5. Their sale ad says Christmas is 66% off and it's good until 12/29. Does that mean possibly Wednesday the 30th may be 70 or 80%?
  6. What percentage is their Christmas stuff the day after Christmas? And what about their wrapping paper? I bought one roll Saturday at 50% off, always used cheap Walmart kind, and I'm in love with it! So thick and lined for straight cutting!
  7. So I'm confused. Sams ad says 200.00 GC for Iphone 6/6S Plus. But the ad through Sam's Club facebook pages takes you to their website showing 250.00 GC. Which is correct? Also...I'm wanting the rose gold in 6S Plus...will they have optional colors or just one color?
  8. So I'm confused. Sams ad says 200.00 GC for Iphone 6/6S Plus. But the ad through Sam's Club facebook pages takes you to their website showing 250.00 GC. Which is correct? Also...I'm wanting the rose gold in 6S Plus...will they have optional colors or just one color?
  9. guess I better check the ads again and if I need to make an appointment, call them and find out when I need to call to make the appointment.
  10. I was going to upgrade my phone at Walmart for the 100gc and 100 bill credit, but then saw Target is offering a 250.00gc with iphone upgrade. My question is...u think these are going to be available with no problem or is this really something I need to get in a line for WAY early? I wouldn't think most people would be upgrading in a mad rush..but you never know. LOL And I don't guess Walmart would match the gc amount to Targets would they? I'd much rather have a 250gc from Walmart than from Target. LOL At least I could use it for gifts or future groceries!
  11. Anyone see any landline home cordless phones for Black Friday? Especially ones with Ike 4 extra handsets and maybe comes with a wireless headset/earpiece?
  12. Did u see the prices of the DVDs on Amazon? Lol. And don't trust the ones on eBay...from what I read they are pirated or from Korea in subtitles.
  13. Anyone have one for sale??? I've been wanting this dvd for years and fir the life in me cannot find it ANYWHERE!!!!! Help!!!!!
  14. Its okay! I was able to find it in Colorado! I'm in Texas. A friend of mine lives in CO and said to check her Toys R Us and they didn't have it available to ship to home, but did have it available to order ship to store. So I ordered it..and HOPEFULLY it will arrive there in 5-10 days and she can pick it up. Crossing fingers. And Deal Grabber..thanks but thats not the one I'm looking for. that is doll size..the one I'm after is a life size pull cart.
  15. They run about 44-49.00. I can't find one anywhere!!! Only place they are in stock is Ebay and I refuse to pay double and triple the prices. Please help!!!
  16. Why is my SAMs Cub offering the Galaxy S5 for 49.00 and get 49.00 back from Samsung???
  17. may have to bundle up his 360 with all his games and pieces and sell it as a complete set on the for sale page on fb. Then use that money to buy him all new games on bf?! lol
  18. Really? Can anyone confirm this? The only reason I was even considering letting my son buy one is because of the possibility that he could still play his 360 games on the xbox one still. But if you can't, that sux. His cousin and few friends have the xbox one, but that is not a good enough reason to me to buy a new system and then have to purchase all new games. Especially when he has a LOT of the skylanders and the games for them.
  19. can the kinect from an xbox 360 be used with the xbox one?
  20. Just wondering what u think about it.
  21. is the monsters university combo the one the link is taking me to? Because on the list it says dvd/bluray combo for 9.96, but when I click the link, it shows just the dvd kind and in the specs even says format: dvd. nothing about the combo, but its listed at 9.96. Want the combo, but scared to order it if its only the dvd.
  22. Dagnabbit!!!! I had the Monsters University dvd combo in my cart for about 20 min cause I was checking other sites out before I bought it and other stuff...and when I decided to go with it...it changed to currently not available at this time???!!!!
  23. Target has the trilogy for 13.00 but not available to purchase online. Will walmart price match at the store? I checked both websites and the dvd's are exactly the same.
  24. jcarr492

    Layaway allowed?

    I'll layaway be allowed on Thursday like day for the 50" tv for 288???
  25. I would like to see a list also like the dvd/bluray list someone made. So much easier to print and highlight!
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