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Everything posted by jcarr492

  1. I mean, for those of you after the computer deal and its coming up higher where you live...how about having someone send you the sale paper asap so you can use it to price match? may be too late now..but just thought it would be a good idea if there was time.
  2. Hmmmmm, i wonder if my emachine will fit in one of the dryers????
  3. sorry if this has been asked before...ok...my sil wants to come to BB with me to stand in line, but she can't leave till about 2am...if my husband comes with me and we are there and others arrive, would it be ok for dh to just stand in for her? cause he needs to hit another store, but said he could stand in for her till she arrives and give her her spot. Or would I be staring a ramble?? how would some of you react to that? cause if its gonna tick people off I don't want to do it...she either needs to be there or take her chances then.
  4. dh and i are planning on leaving here and getting to bb by no later than 10pm. I'm borrowing my brothers sleeping bag to keep warm since we won't be moving much. lol. wow..i've never even been camping in a tent much less in front of a store. hahahaha
  5. Good grief...if they got first dibs..I will be highly P'd off!!! I mean to have 25 of them just two days ago and now only 7????? I wish they would tell me if I asked..but I know they won't. I'm starting to have excitment attacks here...lol.
  6. lol..i sure do hope so!
  7. Am I missing something? I was JUST at our BB TWO days ago, and counted 25 of the emachines. We went tonite to pick up my washer from there cause it came in...and I noticed a huge gap where I counted. I walked over..and now there are only 7????? I don't get it...where'd the heck they all go and in only 2 days??? Think they took some down to toss us off? I know the salesclerk we had told me tonite they had their mock BF runthrough this morning. So...HMMMMMMMM.
  8. I won't be able to sleep. I'm hosting thanksgiving at my new house this year so unless i can get rid of 3 kids and me and dh catch some z's...not for me. So what I'm planning is this....I will let dh catch the z's till its time to leave...then when we get there...he and his sis will stand outside and i will sleep in back of the van for an hour and a 1/2, then i'll relieve one...so they can sleep, then so on till its time for dh to hit another store before they open.
  9. jcarr492

    5 more days!!!!!

    I will be driving like a mad woman to my best buy just before midnite!!!!!!
  10. hey Tikilyn..what part of sout texas are you from???
  11. LOL...went in to buy a washing machine tonite and also to scope out the computers. If I saw the right ones...there was a whole stack of them on the top shelf. There was no display model set up for that model. but I did read on the box 256mg. I can't remember the model of the emachine..but there were 25 of them. and of all the other computers that WERE on display, they only had like 5 -10 of each of those brands.
  12. Ok...if i'm gonna be at the best buy a little after midnight to hopefully be one of the first in line...how do i camp out? I live in south texas. The earliest i've every arrived anywhere was at target at 4am and was the FIRST in line. But that totally different from after midnite. lol. Do I wear 2 pairs of warmups and socks? then if i get hot i can shed a layer? lol do I bring hot cocoa? my sis in law and hubby plan on going too. so now I need to find a sitter to come stay with my kiddos. dh said he will sleep in the car but me and his sis can sit against the store, so we can keep each other awake, but one is not alone. then he'll relieve one so they can sleep in the car and then she'll relieve the other and when its time, he'll head to either tru or wallyworld for me and leave us there to fend for ourselves..or i should say fight for ourselves. lol should we bring a blanket? I've never done anything like this for a concert ticket or anything..i'm from a one red light town. hhahaha
  13. your gonna be with me in victoria??? or just at a best buy somewhere at the same time? lol
  14. Well..now that i've seen the computer at BB onsale for 149.00...I will be heading out of here probably early. They just opened a BB at our mall about 2-3 months ago...so its new. Theres only one way in from the outside except thru the employee entrance door out back. I REALLY need a new puter. I have an HP from year 2000. lol. only 64MG...so even if its only 256mg's....its better than what I have now! hahahahaha I only use it for internet and school work anyhow. This old one will go to the kids for games. Anyhow...I will be shopping the Victoria Texas Best buy, is anyone gonna be shopping in Victoria too??? I know there are lists...but their so long to shift thru. I saw several from texas...anyone from or near Victoria?? I will be at best buy early!!! Would like to grab that mp3 player for 39.99 too! Think if i can get a sitter to get here..dh and i will take turns sleeping in the car. hahahaha so I'm heading out by 2am i guess!
  15. jcarr492

    emachines pic??

    is there a pic of the emachine that is for 149.00 in the bb ad? i downloaded the sale flyer but can't find it. what page is it on? if its in there? thanks!
  16. does anyone know if there is a catch with these desktops? like will we have to sign up for internet service for a year or something? I already pay for my cable internet 32.00 a month..I can't afford ADDITIONAL internet service. lol. I dont WANT to pay for additional internet, and my year isn't up with my current isp, so i can't cancel.
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