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Everything posted by hack2222

  1. Check out the back page of target ad for $49.00
  2. I would suggest waiting for Best Buy they normally have really good deals on Samsung phones I remember one year they had the S5 for just $1.00 and activation. Bestbuy normally has Samsung, i might suggest seeing if Bestbuy has sprint phones in your area. So as to prepare for Black Friday. Check out last years deals as a guide.
  3. It will have to be with Sales Only in Store that's the only way to change the online shopping. Better make it good.
  4. Half Price Books 10/22
  5. Try HSN or QVC football season is just now starting so their quantities should have plenty, look up sites like NFL fanatics and other sports fan sites. It should be easy to find a set at the beginning of the season. You may have been just a bit to early as most online shops try to await changes to NFL logos colors, whatever changes take place during the off season before they release the new wave for the current football season.
  6. hack2222

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to the Gottadeal Family
  7. Important things to remember about Console releases is that the stores are distributed according to sales of video game merchandise. So if you buy all your games at walmart then when systems get released your money spent sends consoles to that walmart. It's about where you purchase your video games and equipment as to how they are distributed. It's all about sales. So support you local stores, when they 8 and another 20. The distribute them based on sales, so poor sales equals no consoles. Limited supply also keeps the demand up, just don't pay much over retail. They will have more supplies and this system is ancient.
  8. So how many people need one still??? Bestbuy was orderly on Black Friday at least the store I went to was.
  9. Just try to go at non peak hours, so avoid lunch. Try early mornings and then like 2pm to 5 p.m. If you know the store try calling them. They would most likely be willing to pull a set back, as long as you are heading there to purchase them. Be honest tell them what time and ask if they would, talk to a manager. Call during those time periods in the afternoon when things are slower. The manager will know whether they will sell out and if he/she can do it. Just make sure to say thank you and perhaps buy a few small extra items if they do that for you. Stocking stuffers etc., Most managers want to sell as much as possible so they will go the extra mile to please a customer. That's why you talk to a manager.
  10. The real question here is how many people on Gottadeal want them for their family. Many people are buying to flip and make profit, but that is going to end as xmas will be too close. They are advertised in the Weekly Target Ad for 12/11. Here's a link to the Target ad. http://www.thecouponingcouple.com/target-ad-scan-for-12-11-to-12-17-16/
  11. Here's a good site to use as a guide, it lists the features and such on each drone.Also has a tab to shop, but once u figure out which one you want to buy. Check Amazon, Toysrus, Walmart, Target, Bestbuy, Newegg.com.This will allow you to find one for a price u can afford. https://www.geekwrapped.com/rc-drones
  12. Just saw a new Sweater for Magic The Gathering https://www.uniqueteeshop.com/products/magic-the-gathering-christmas-sweater-limited-edition?variant=28273476370
  13. What if we combine everything, And Make an individual Black Friday Deal Finder Section. I see lots wanting deals and so they just post in one forum. If we combine we can use the forum space for other things. Threads for each store would work. More ideas later but I'd say merge them, and allow the forum to be better in the long run.
  14. Just keep the TV's at the monitor price. Sell one to a friend for the price of a monitor. They don't seem to care about the product being wrong. Kohl's you did everything correct, make sure they don't bill you later. You paid for the monitors and got TV's. Just keep the next set and sell one to recover the difference. Merry Xmas from Bestbuy. LOL. I've had tons of things mis-shipped, delivered to the wrong address. People make mistakes but it doesn't sound like either one care about it. Find a friend to be there at house for monitors. TV's are big enough items alone, without shipping them. Things happen during shipment, broken and otherwise. But if they don't care about the products, I wouldn't care about returns. Pay for extra monitors, LOL.
  15. I'd have replied enjoy the gift cards they are done.
  16. According to Bestbuy's Twitter it was a Sharp TV and a Mac Laptop. Didn't see prices, just that was what they were for Saturday. At the moment for Sunday it's a HP laptop save $80 and a Westinghouse TV 32 for $89 save $40 also a Sandisk USB for $10 save 25 using the same link as posted above. They are online at the moment.
  17. Great news, the main thing I'd recommend is trying to talk to the manager before hand.
  18. Yes I found tons of deals, just look at the online deals forum on Gottadeal.com
  19. Do a search on the gottadeals black friday page, at this point. YMMV as most sales started already and have limited stock.
  20. Let's say Bestbuy was doing crowd control from the start, people were still waiting to get inside the store when I left after an hour inside, just browsing. Everything went smooth the crowds were there, but Best Buy controlled the crowd. Hit Target and around 6 p.m. they had just about stopped controlling the crowd, almost just walked right in. Next I hit a Macy's inside a mall, but there was no crowd so in and out in a timely manner. Then I went to Kohls to browse around, there was no crowd control just the checkout lines were from the registers to the back of the store about to the middle of the store. Crowds were the worst there, I think because you had to try to shop while trying to walk thru the lines to checkout. I bought 4 blurays and a Garmin Fit Watch at Bestbuy. Best Buy kept things orderly and used their ticket system I think that is a huge key to the success of things there. Target I didn't find anything, went mainly to look at movies etc. They had plenty of Dory Bluray, just didn't find anything. Lots of TV's laying around the aisle, Target was organized and planned out, I just didn't see anything. The checkout lines for target were up and down the makeup aisles so even though it was busy still had room to walk around. Macy's was the store where I shopped the most. Ended up with two nice men's dress shirts, two ties to go with them, 2 4 quart steamer, soup pots for $10 regular price is $50 on sale for $20 with mail in rebate for $10. And purchased three Samsonite Luggage locks for $9.35. Macy's was barely anyone for Black Friday, Kohls was a disaster most of the doorbusters were empty and they hadn't cleaned up all the boxes. The checkout lines were at the back of the store from the front by the registers, I didn't find anything so just left. It was clearly over capacity, Couldn't shop and barely move, trying to go n between all the people to checkout. Having shopped online already at Bestbuy and being amazed they went live at Midnight and it went smoothly. I didn't really see anything other than a few TV deals that were great deals. Probably one of the least times I shopped on Black Friday, will see what tomorrow brings. Then again when you regularly visit GottaDeal and find deals all year round. I don't see small discounts as worthy of the time to go instores to buy.
  21. Just be there around open time depending on the city.
  22. They may be going thru and updating the prices then they will launch the site live. It can take time.
  23. Is this what you are loking for https://www.walmart.com/ip/Electric-Quartz-Stove/54475556
  24. Promark Drone is out of stock at the moment. Other one has not changed prices yet. Here is the link to it, from Walmart listing in the Ad section. https://www.walmart.com/ip/DJI-Phantom-3-Standard-Drone/48748668 Sharper Image Drone is out of stock as well.
  25. You need to change the delivery date and keep trying to find one that will select for it to be delivered. Select a date later in the month or go to December. Good Luck
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