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Everything posted by sas377

  1. I hate Comcast also, but I hate DirectTV more! They have owed my father money for a year now and they just won't send it. They say they sent out a check, or are going to, but it mysteriously never get to him! It's not like it's that much, but it's the principle! Since experiencing this, I have heard of many people never receiving their refunds for the remainder of their month when canceling. It's pathetic that a company as big as DirectTV would do this to people.
  2. I doubt it because their online stuff is not 50% off.
  3. My cousin and her new husband (they just got married on the 14th) gave each of the moms one of these books. It was a great gift!
  4. I love my AmEx!!! I get something like 3x the amount of reward for the same number of points as my Visa. I charge everything and pay in full at the end of the month.
  5. I like having the radio in my Sansa b/c the TVs at the gym I go to are tuned to different radio stations. So I get to watch the news when I am running at 5am! And I also sometimes get to hear Sirius without the Stilletto if someone near-by has their Sirius radio on.
  6. Samsung seems to be the same way. I have had to dry three out (none of my own thank goodness) and all three started up and are still working almost 2 years later.
  7. I've had both and prefer an Sansa mp3 player over the IPod. Mainly due to price, but I also don't like having ITunes on my comp. It's a rather pointless program for my needs.
  8. Thank goodness the Lancaster, PA store isn't closing!
  9. I knew they were in trouble when they cleared and leveled land to build a store near me (I have 2 within 20 minutes, but they were building a third that would have been only 5 minutes from me.) and then pulled out and left the site.
  10. I saw that they had 8x10 frames there.
  11. We have had the opposite experience with our Embark set (we got the 5 piece one). We use it every weekend to haul DJ equipment (cords, surge protectors, table clothes, etc) and it's held up very well. I would guess it has been used around 75 times and it's still holding up well. I'm sorry to hear of your experience with the quality, but that's great CS!
  12. This thread might help... http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=47859 It's usually Your Mileage My Vary
  13. I use www.bigwords.com It grabs prices from a whole bunch of sites!
  14. Thanks for the link! I forgot....it's my first deal post!
  15. Enter Offer Code WXH3123 on the Billing & Shipping page at checkout. Your discount will appear on the Order Review page. Offer ends Saturday, April 12, 2008, midnight (ET). Happy shopping!
  16. If they were just notified of shipping, I would bet that Buy.com didn't ship them on that date. I know the last time I ordered from them, it was a full month before I got my mp3 player!
  17. I just saw these on clearance at my Target for $15.
  18. If you guys that have DirectTV ever cancel, don't expect any money back from them for the remainder of your month. My father canceled service early July of last year and was told he would be receiving approx. $40 back for the unused month. Well, we have yet to see a check from them. Every time he calls, they say they will be sending it out and to expect it in about 2 weeks. When he gets back from visiting my sister, I am going to call them and inform them that if we do not see a check within the next two weeks, I will be calling the BBB and the Attorney Generals of my state and the state he used to live in. We'll see what happens from there. I know $40 isn't a lot, but if they do this to most of their customers, it adds up! I will NEVER have service with them due to this situation.
  19. If/when you return it to Comcast, make sure you get a receipt. My fiancee returned his cable box and modem. When he got home, he noticed that they only wrote down return of the box and Comcast tried to keep charging him for the modem! They're very crooked and I am glad we live in a small pocket that doesn't have Comcast in my area!
  20. If you have a local freecycle group, you can join and post a wanted ad. People are always offering them up in my freecycle groups. Freecycle is a yahoo groups thing. Other than that, we liked out DLink.
  21. The site is creeping! It took three tries and about 15 minutes for my order to go through! But thanks for the heads up!
  22. I remember when they were clearing things out after they announced they were filling bankruptcy and I worked there. I got TVs/Cameras/Sound systems, etc for 90% off! I would love to find deals like that again!
  23. I live about 20 minutes from Hershey. I know you can get discount tickets at Giant Food Stores (The ones in PA, not MD). Sometimes fast food restaurants have them also. I checked my Entertainment book, but there was nothing for the park. I would have given it to you because I luck out and my fiance is a radio DJ, so we go comp.
  24. I used to live across the street from VF (7th and Reading Ave) and we would go over about once a month just to browse. We are now living 20 minutes from it, but I drive by it everyday on my way to and from work. I just don't stop because I am too focused on getting home. I must say I am thankful that since we moved, I found Gottadeal because it is my substitute!
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