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Everything posted by jlr1260

  1. I said that same exact thing about 2 minutes ago. Their website is awful.
  2. OK, forget it. The site's too slow and I got an error code when I clicked on an item. Shoppers beware.
  3. The Payless website is always so slow to navigate. I usually give up before I buy anything. Thanks for the code. I'm going to attempt to use it. My son needs winter boots.
  4. They usually run really great sales on their graphic tees. Just last month they had short sleeve tees 2 for $15. Now they're 50% off $24.50? I think they think they're fooling us or something. I wanted to buy some long sleeve shirts for my daughter for Christmas but I refuse to pay a 50% off price of $15 at Aeropostale. Walmart sells similar shirts for only $6 regular price. She'll outgrow it before it falls apart.
  5. I was in the store this morning and was not impressed with the "sale" prices. My local store has no clearance section right now either.
  6. I'm not impressed with this sale. Most of the deals are for girls, not the dolls. Their site timed out on me a few times as well. I'm going to pass on this one.
  7. You'll need a wireless router to go online. We gave my son the XBox 360 for Christmas last year. He was able to play games right out of the box but we picked up a hard drive on ebay a month or two later. It was used and wasn't that big of an investment money-wise. I think it was $20 or $30. The router was more expensive. My husband got it at Radio Shack and if I'm not mistake it was about $80. You need that if you want XBox Live. You also have to pay for the XBox Live, which is $20 for 3 months, $50 for 12 months. You can pick up XBox Live cards at any game store, Walmart, Target, etc. BTW, we have a desktop computer and the router is hooked up to it. My son uses it to go online with his PSP too. BTW, I know nothing about video game systems or games. I picked up this info as we went along.
  8. I didn't know Xbox Live goes on sale (we just got it this year). I bought it with the Paypal $20 off $100 promo that Best Buy ran recently. I picked up some marked down video games and a Club Penguin card at the same time so I thought I got a pretty good deal.
  9. "Your search could not be completed." That's the message I got when I clicked on the DS link.
  10. My local Walmart was fully stocked with the .40 turkeys on Friday morning.
  11. We watched the show last night and my daughter thought it was really cute. I was disappointed that it was only a half hour long including all the Walmart commercials. I was under the impression it would be longer than that.
  12. We're in the market for a new smaller TV for the bedroom but we plan to stick to name brands like Sony, Sanyo, etc. There's too many off brands coming out of the woodwork with cheap TVs these days. If I'm going to spend a few hundred dollars I want it to last.
  13. Today's Walmart flyer has a Stove Top 2 pack for $1.50.
  14. This deal expired last month.
  15. They're shoes that look like slippers. They're popular with tweens and teen girls. I recently bought a pair for my daughter at American Eagle. I paid $35 with no coupon or discount because she needed shoes and HAD to have that style. The Skechers at Chadwicks with the code are a really good deal.
  16. Bumping to the top
  17. No need to buy it. TBS will be having their 24 hour A Christmas Story marathan starting on Christmas Eve.
  18. I think it's Target that has Stovetop for only 79¢ a box this week. Bring the flyer to Walmart and they'll price match. Although my Walmart is pretty good about marking things down a little lower than the competitor.
  19. I got a .40 River Bend turkey early Friday morning at Walmart (I meant to post here and forgot). It was about 8:00 am and there weren't many left. I got a 14 pounder for just over 5 bucks. I'll be serving Christmas dinner for five people for about $15.
  20. Funhouse [Clean] by P!nk MP3 download Price: $3.99 Savings: $11.49 compared to buying all songs http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61%2Bnt3LZ%2BIL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  21. Skechers® Sweater Mules Item # 2136-37907-1112 In the Holiday Shop under $40 (teen girls love these) Merchandise Subtotal $24.99 (on sale, reg. $38.99) Promotional Savings ($15.00) Shipping & Handling $6.99 Estimated Sales Tax $0.00 * Your Subtotal $16.98 http://media.redcatsusa.com/is/image/chadwicks/mm/2136_37907_mm.jpg?wid=230&hei=331&qlt=95&op_sharpen=1
  22. Man, I was just there last week.
  23. I'd love to get a good deal on a small TV but nothing will entice me enough to go out at 4 a.m. If I can find it online I'll be happy.
  24. You can get pretty good deals just about anytime at those stores. My son's favorite store is Hot Topic and I rarely see deals for them (although I got a surprise deal last week when I purchased something in their store).
  25. I keep getting error codes on Walmart's site.
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