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Everything posted by coleman4905

  1. I'm a newbie,.just started this week,..but I'll stick around till I can join in the fun next year!! can't wait
  2. I have a prelit and it's in it's 3rd year,..last year towards the end i noticed a set wasnt working,..why doesnt anything last long anymore? i'll be so upset if they dont work..!!
  3. the same here,..Walmart is usually my first stop and open 24 hirs makes it even better
  4. well before Wal mart opened 24 hours I sat out freezing with blankets and warmers but now if it's my first stop i go around 2a.m. in the store cuz its open and shop for non BF specials till its time,..sometimes the ppl from around here take the stuff early by ripping the plastic,..last year i almost didnt get any of hte athletic girls suits for $7.00 ,..th3e managers had to gaurd the specials,..it was crazy
  5. we live in an area where alot of the children cant affor even $5 gifts so we dotn normally have gift exchanges. The parents usually send in juice or snacks and teh school buys pizza from the PTO fund,..last year though the teacher had us bring in a gift for my daughters 2nd grade room and which ever child didnt bring one in the teacher had extras and did it quietly so no one know who didnt bring in a gift..i thought that was nice fo her..but usually we dont do gift exchanges.
  6. my daughter is now16 but for the past few years i bought her inexpensive jewlery, a nice jewlery box, tons of gift cards,..she loves them , purfume, a box filled with girl socks, undies, etc..she likes it because its girly (boy cut undies, funky socks) she actually looks forward to getting her box of stuff,..and then i usually do a cool purse filled with bathroom stuff..deo, shampoo, conditioner, lip balm, makeup, anything to make her feel good about herself...i found a good deal on a digital camera last year...
  7. I have used this site for years,..my kids love it,..they start after Thanksgiving getting on their alot,..I have even seen them throught the year checking on the site,..haha
  8. On Jan 1st for me,..hubby goes to cousins to watch the games and me and the kids put them away,..and relax!
  9. The lights go up before thanksgiving on a nice day but they dont get turned on till BF,..teh tree goes up after Thanksgiving dinner towrds evening and we do nicknacks and stuff then or after we shop on BF. I like to get the tree up and start putting presents under there asap..i love the look of it all..watching the movies,..sittin with the kids!
  10. first real x-mas with hubby and he and I was at his mothers on x-mas eve, I took my dughter and his daughter (blended family haha) home to get ready for bed,..so i bathed the girls and he never showed up to give them their jammies (x-mas eve gift) i was furious so i gave them the gifts and sent them to bed ,..After they were asleep and I couldnt find him I started pulling the gifts out,..around 2a.m. he came in with a cast on his foot and crutches..He was messin with his brothers and fell somehow on his foot and broke it,..He didnt want me to know so i wouldnt spen the evening in the E.R. with the girls,..I was so mad at him ..but I had to forgive him,..he was in alot of pain!!
  11. X-mas eve morning we let the kids open 1 small gift from us so they'll play while we cook and stuff,..then my dad and sister comes over in the evening to exchange gifts and the kids can open them up,..then before bed 1 more gift of jammies to sleep...then x-mas day the MIL comes over for the opening of gifts,..i have a small living room so it can get ugly with paper flying ..
  12. best gift: engagement ring worst gift: people who give me ashtrays for x-mas for when they come over because we dont smoke!!! nice huh!!
  13. I try to be fair and spend the same amount on all kids and try to stay within the same budget but its hard,..my kids dont count the presents so i'm lucky there,.
  14. Still get a few gifts from santa,..I tell my kids the same about believeing,..when you stop believeing he leaves u no gifts..haha
  15. I cant name just one,..i love them all,..i have a drv and tape them all and watch them all year,..my hubby gets mad cuz i tape so many theres not much room left for his recording,.haha
  16. I owuld love to get a real one but the son have severe allergies,..so a fake one it is.
  17. Thanksgiving day here for me,..i've always put up the tree on Thanksgiving,..it gives the kids something to do after we eat,..we eat around 1p.m. and by like 5 there bored so we put the tree up and decorate the house and get ready for BF. I go first to shop and then take the kids towards evening to do alittle of their shopping,..the 2 youngest like to head to the dollar store to get gifts and the oldest helps them wrap, then we put a few things under the tree..
  18. I also have a pre teen and he'll be getting games for his WII, he also wants posters and stuff to decorate his room, a bean bag chair, an MP3 player, and what ever I can find,..For my teen daughter, shes wants a dorm fridge for her room,..haha i think it's a great idea i'll have to buy one for college soon anyways and her room is in the basement so she wont have to come upstairs to get a drink ...she's drivin me crazy with her gifts all expensive!!
  19. Relax,..i have it nice the in laws live right next door and me and the mom in law get along great,..shes my BF buddy,..haha so the kids run back and forth eating and playing,..
  20. Hi all,..new to the site,..I live for Bf ,...haha out there at the mall usually at like 2 a.m. with an armful of ads...ready to shop,..
  21. I love to wrap,..i wrap in whatever i find from CVS after CHristmas sales for like 10 cent a roll...i try to get kid friendly stuff though,..but everything gets wrapped in a variety of paper because i like the look of it under the tree...
  22. I change mine for the season,..Love to look at all the diff ones on the net..
  23. I hate the twelve days of christmas,..i don't know why i just do!!!
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