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Posts posted by EliteABombAZ

  1. Apple refurbished generally doesn't go on sale unless there is a major excess in inventory... that being said.... Apple refurbished is generally just as good as new if not better than new. They cosmetically are indistinguishable from new... but you can bet that whatever problem the device has previously has been looked at with human eyes and fixed. Not massed produced on an assembly line like new devices.

  2. I currently work in Tech Support for one of the national wireless carriers (don't want to say which). I will absolutely say this... No matter which platform they start using (iOS or Android).... please... please... PLEASE... educate them on the importance of knowing the associated account and password for their phone. (Like their Google Account and password or Apple ID and password). You have no idea how many elderly people call and need to get into something on their phone... and they don't know their Apple ID and/or password. (Same with Google Account).... and they think that I (a rep from the wireless carrier) am supposed to know that information or that I have their password.


    People constantly lose access to backups of their contacts, photos....etc because they don't know this info.... or sometimes... lately with the creation of activation lock features.... they cannot reset and re-activate a phone because they don't have the info and don't have the means to retrieve it.



    If you gift a smartphone (or any other connected device), educate them about these things!

  3. I used to be all over Black Friday laptops... every year... but then I realized... buying laptops in this price range.... usually means you'll need to buy a new one every 1-3 years... because they don't last. I finally started buying Macs... and realized you can get 5-8 years out of them easily. They are worth the extra money!

    • Like 1
  4. Macs are seldom discounted as well as "PC's" but I believe the best deals of the year on all PC's and Macs alike are to be had on or around Black Friday.

    Not really. The best deals for Macs are usually found during the summer "Back to School" sales. Best Buy has been known to knock off $150 off of a Macbook. Combined with the USPS Movers coupons and the Best Buy Student coupons... and you can get some great deals. A year ago I bought a new 2014 MacBook Air within a month of that refresh being released... for only $650 plus tax! Not bad for a $899 computer.

  5. Does anyone know which things will be online also I'm not exactly wowed by this ad that I would camp out there is not $74 tv like last year and the laptop doesn't look so cheap

    I see 3 laptops. The $189 laptop seems cheap... but they gimped on the RAM.

  6. I find it ironic that someone using the Apple app store icon as their avatar is complaining about ANYTHING going "mainstream". LOL


    When exactly was that time when you remember that "only the most hardcore" knew Black Friday as Black Friday?


    What does that have to do with anything? I am an Apple fan... even before iPhone. Before Apple dominated the MP3 player and smartphone market, they were anything BUT mainstream. Oh... and I had an iPhone from day 1... I jailbroke it right away and I was installing apps before Apple even had an iPhone App Store.

  7. I hate that "Black Friday" has gone mainstream. I remember when ONLY the most hardcore Black Friday shoppers knew what "Black Friday" was. I hate the fact that now retailers actually use the words "Black Friday" in advertising to the public. I hate when you see retailers putting on "Better than Black Friday" or "Black Friday NOW" sales ads at random times of year. I hate the fact than instead of a few sites getting Black Friday ads early and posting them, there are now hundreds of Gottadeal clones out there racing to be first... thus making BF even more mainstream and transforming it from getting good deals the early morning after Thanksgiving... to eating your Thanksgiving dinner in line in front of Walmart or Best Buy to make sure you get your items.


    I miss the old days.


    R.I.P. Black Friday as we knew you. You will be missed.

  8. Android is an operating system designed by Google. Kinda like how your computer runs Windows. Many phones run Android. It makes your phone act more like a mobile computer than a traditional cell phone. Built in email, web browsing, music playing, movie watching, youtube...etc. While it is very advanced, it STILL is not in the same class as a desktop computer or laptop. There will be limits as to what it can do... like websites that have Flash or Shockwave will work on a very limited basis or not at all. Now many companies are jumping onto the tablet bandwagon and putting Android on tablets. Tablets have bigger screens than cell phones, but they will be missing the cell phone features such as calling or text messaging.


    Don't think of a tablet as a computer replacement but more so as a compliment to your computer for your internet connectivity.


    If you are sitting on the couch watching TV and you get a Facebook notification... no need to run to your computer.... just pick up your tablet sitting on your coffee table to check it.


    Example of an Android tablet:


  9. For the average in the Phoenix, AZ area it's supposed to be about 47 degrees when the doors open at 4am. We gotta wait 'til next week to see the more 'official' forecast for BF.

    ::High Five::

    I love Arizona. Born and Raised. I'll never leave. No treading through snow for me. Just some baseball sized hail once every 30 years... lol.

  10. Anyone who refers to an iPhone as an I-Phone or an iPod as an I-Pod or an iPod Touch as an iTouch or I-Touch... DESERVES a whole bottle of Tabasco sauce in their eyes.


    Speaking of Google. I also hate it when people refer to all Android phones as "Droids." Android is the operating system. The "Droid" brand is for Verizon's line of Android smartphones. Android phones on other carriers are not "Droids."

  11. http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/6662ef9d.jpghttp://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/ec15a159.jpghttp://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/da3e56b9.jpghttp://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/ad76185f.jpghttp://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/f937c87e.jpghttp://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/b42e08bd.jpghttp://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz336/1080p-1080p/c68f4adb.jpg
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