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Everything posted by erose630

  1. My local CVS lets me combine ECBs but I'll be out of town for BF - can you combine ECBs everywhere or does it vary by store?
  2. I also started today - I try to wait until the week of Thanksgiving - but I too have the bug this year. I think I just need to focus on this positive thing with the economy being so rough!
  3. Well I was leaning towards Poinsettia pens (ballpoint pens with fake flowers attached) but now I might steal this from the 2006 thread: "This is what we did last year, and it was SOOO awesome. My son made them for teachers and administrators, and all relatives. We bought the wooden shapes at Michaels or Hobby Lobby and drilled holes in the top. You smear them with peanut butter, and roll them in birdseed. Then run a wire through the hole. We wrapped them up in cellophane snack bags, and tied them with pretty curling ribbons. TADAA!!!! Instand bird feeders, and they make cute decorations when picked clean. You can buy these in star, reindeer, trees, santa, etc. I recommend sticking with common shapes, because some get hard to recognize."
  4. Got matching ones with a pic of dd and her bf for the two of them, and then one with "Thomas" for my 2 yr old ds - they're gonna love these. Thanks OP!
  5. erose630

    The teens

    Has she read "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil" it's a must if she's moving to Savannah :) As for college gear I'd hold off on the big stuff, a lot of university housing includes fridges and microwaves. A good laptop is a must have - as well as a good planner! Gift cards are a great idea, she'll probably need some new clothes if she's moving from Wisconsin to GA.
  6. Should I get this? Will I find a better deal on BF? Decisions decisions - I know I'm going to get one for the hubby this holiday season....hmmm
  7. I used diapers.com - free shipping, good prices, and you get them in bulk so you don't have to worry about ordering often. They also take coupons - you just have to mail them in.
  8. My great aunt made me one of these when I got married 10 years ago - it's wonderful! Great for injuries/cramps, backaches...you name it!
  9. I'm going to be watching this thread - I'm very curious about this. Does anyone have it? do their kids like it? The reviews I've read seem to be mixed.
  10. I would LOVE a shirt - I deserve it because I'm totally devoted to GottaDeal and I'd be so proud to wear it on Black Friday!
  11. Ty - i ordered one too...we have a Wii but no driving games, so I'll have to work on that next :)
  12. Me too - I'll transfer mine to you (don't have Speedways in GA)
  13. I think CRUISE will give you 20% off in the outlet (I think)
  14. Hey Everyone, I'm Erin living in middle Georgia (I'm originally from Michigan). I'm an academic advisor for students pursuing their BSN degrees. My background is a BA and M.Ed. from Kent State (in Ohio). My husband and I met at Kent State, he's in Sports Information. We've been married for 7 years and have two children: Torin is 4 (see avatar) and Trip is 2. I just got into Black Friday 3 years ago. My first two years were in the freezing cold of New York at the inlaws house - but we now celebrate thanksgiving at my sister-in-law's in North Carolina, much better weather. BF is a new tradition for me, my mother in law and sister in law...and yes - everyone thinks we're crazy. We love standing in line looking at people and saying "Man, these people are crazy" then cracking up because we are "those people"!
  15. Wow - I totally thought this was a joke when I opened it, how exciting.
  16. Aww - how cute are these! 28 - 48" Animal Drapery Rod was $25, now $5.99 http://zoom.jcpenney.com//is/image/0900631b80dcdd3eM.TIF?op_usm=1.5,.8,0,0&resmode=sharp&hei=250&wid=250 http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/Products.aspx?DeptID=2652&CatID=9104&CatTyp=LFS&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=SIZ&ItemID=1195751&ProdSeq=127&Cat=%249.99+or+less!&Dep=&PCat=&PCatID=2652&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=169&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=&RefCatID=0&RefDeptID=0&Page=99&CmCatId=EXTERNAL|9104
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