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Miss Star

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Everything posted by Miss Star

  1. I'm not boycotting or anything but I definitely won't be shopping at WalMart on BF this year & I doubt there will be anything in the ad that will change my mind.
  2. I'm in Louisville, Ky. I don't know what stores I will be at yet, I know at least Walgreen's sometime during the morning. I don't have a GD shirt but I might make my own or at least make a little GD sign to put on the window in the car lol.
  3. Big Lots is definitely one of the ads I'm looking foward to the most!
  4. Yes you can definitely keep it there! lol
  5. Yeah I was just thinking the other day it has been a while since we've had a white christmas here in Louisville. I don't like the snow and ice much but I wouldn't mind it for a couple days just for christmas, but after that no more snow PLEASE! lol
  6. I don't know if I will be able to make it another month, I'm already so excited! I was hoping we'd have a few more ads by now, but they are on the way very soon I can sense it lol
  7. My Walmart will have something out for a week and then it's gone for good or moved to another hidden section and stays there for 4 months. They never leave it where it originally was for very long.
  8. Will definitely email and call, this is just craziness
  9. I haven't had any BF dreams yet but when it gets closer and I get more excited about it all I'm sure I will have one or two.
  10. YAY! Congrats for you! Have fun shopping!
  11. This will definitely be very helpful. I make massive amounts of list during the holiday season, this feature is my new BFF lol
  12. All the christmas traditions Putting up the tree, baking cookies, riding around looking at the lights, wrapping the presents, I LOVE IT ALL!
  13. I don't think I have ever seen anything like this, who knows maybe this year will be the first time lol
  14. We usually get my mom to make until a week or so after Thanksgiving and then there's no holding her back, she loves putting up the tree and decorations.
  15. Getting in line time all depends on where we go. If going to Walmart will get in line about an hour before the doors open. Last year we went to Meijer's and they stayed open all night and BF prices start at 5 I think, so we got there about an hour before prices started and got everything we wanted and got in line.
  16. My favorite will always be "A Christmas Story" I'm going to have to get it on DVD soon though, I can't wait til Christmas Eve lol.
  17. I think I might try and get the "A Christmas Story" village this year
  18. I don't really collect anything but I do get Santas for the mom and snowflakes and penquins for the best friend
  19. Both, but mostly I shop by list. I am a chronic list maker, by the time I've done all my shopping I will have revsied each persons list 10 times.
  20. Nothing My mom is super picky about how her tree is decorated and doesn't like toppers lol
  21. Somehow me and my sister always manage to open at least one gift before christmas eve lol But the rest are all staying under the tree til Christmas Day after we all eat.
  22. I like both, we usually always have white but sometimes I would like to see colored at least one year lol.
  23. My mom always fixes the meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve and I always tell her "I don't care what you fix as long as I get Broccoli Casserole" Msotly we just have the usual fixin's - Turkey for Thanksgiving & Ham for Christmas and all the side dishes - mashed potatoes, stuffing, potato salad, green beans, and whatever else the family wants. And always a variety of cakes and cookies, my mom loves to cook in general but desserts are her favorite.
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