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Posts posted by wx4svr

  1. So sorry to hear about your mother.

    Congrats on your winning however!! I think that you should spend the money on yourself! Get a nice Laptop, iPod, digital camera, anything! Heck, a thousand bucks doesn't go far this year, but if you look closely, you can find KILLER deals! Good luck!

  2. Take my advice... Don't choose something based on features. It will come back to bite you later. Choose something that works for you as far as features. Those Aiptek ones and the small hand helds from companies you have never heard of are generaly the ones you want to steer clear of. EXCEPT... the Flip Camera!! I have one that I carry in my SUV and it is just about as good as my Professional Cameras I use as part of my Biz.
  3. Not sure about the best, but I can tell you to look for a Sony. I have 2 Sony Blu-Ray players and thy are absolutely awesome. I love them. I'd stick to a good name company, like Sony, and choose one based on features.. NOT price. If you choose one just based on price, you will likely be replacing it within about a year. Trust me... my cousin found that out the hard way. He was not happy.
  4. Hi, I just want to let you know that Amazon.com has free two days shipping for 30 day if you sign up for amazon prime (free trial). In addition amazon never charges tax so you can save up on shipping and do your holiday shopping at home.


    Also amazon has many COUNT DOWN TO BLACK FRIDAY special deals going on.

    Cool! Thanks! I may order some more Blu-Ray DVD's then with tis deal.

  5. Yes... BestBuy did have a *small* Thanksgiving Sale online last year. I bought some things during it while waiting for the rest of the family to arrive at my house. Multi-Tasking at its best my friends! -)
  6. I learned my lesson buying an off brand TV... NO MORE of that for me!! I'm sticking with good name brands for a while or until someone can prove to me my 3 year old TV that went out (bought on BF) was just a dud. Other than that, NO MORE off brands, only name brands for a few years.
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