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Posts posted by wx4svr

  1. VCR? What's that? ;) I still have on in my basement SOMEWHERE. I think you may be able to find them at WalMart or Target, but not really BestBuy or some major Tech store. Thats just my thoughts. I'm not sure if you will find VCR/DVD recorders on BF.. but its possible. Don't take my word on it though.
  2. At our Wal-Mart that is open 24 hours they have all the items out on big palletts and everyone just stands beside what they want until 5 am when they unwrap them. Then it's a free for all. No one is allowed to touch any of the items until 5 AM though.

    Same here. Its soooo nice. Don't have to stand out in the freezing cold. Wish Best Buy was like that. :no:

  3. I actually like my xD card. Never had problems with them, hold a lot, and they are small enough to throw in a pocket and never know its there (could be a bad thing I guess.) But my Nikon D90 takes a few different cards with an adapter. I get to choose what kind of card I want. lol.
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