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Everything posted by slinkster65

  1. Iwllrserve final judgement until the "last second" deals are announced. I am betting there will be a couple of really good deals in that. Overall, about the type of add I expected from them. I mean, work on this was started late alst year and probably finished in the spring. Plus, I am not one to normally venture to any of the BB near me. WAY too many people given where I live. So the stuff that isn't doorbusters that interest me I will probably look at online. Like DVDs and such.
  2. Looks like they are closing the one closest to me In marietta (just north of Atlanta). The closest one will be 45 miles away and after that the next closest is in Tennessee. Not a shock to me though, they rarely have a lot of cars in the parking lot...even on weekends. I used to shop there mainly for DVDs, but then it got to the point where I wuld want 1 or 2 they had on sale in a given week and I would be there 30 min trying to check out and the associates would just stare and stand around so I would ahve to wait for the 1 person at customer service who wasa ctually doing their job. For the alst year+ I have got all my DVDs at BB, Target or Amazon.
  3. slinkster65

    Home Depot

    Went to HD...I think 2 years ago. My dad and I were in and out in roughly 30 min. Had plenty of people to help us find stuff and answer questions. That was actually probably one of our best BF with a couple of the items we got. They didn't ahve one of the flashlight sets so they marked an entire section of flashlights as 50% off...this included Mag Lights. So my dad and I and a couple other guys who heard this qucikly grabbed a few different sets of Mag Lights and others that were there and checked out before they changed their minds. Ended up getting probably $300 worth of lights for just about $150. Still giving those as gifts to a couple uncles and cousins today... I am interested as to what they willl have this year. Depenindg on the opening times of stores my order will probably be HhGregg, HD, Target, Ace. And sicne I live in the metro Atlanta area...we got plenty of Home Depots to shop at. There are like 5 within a 15 min drive of my house.
  4. I kinda do both. I will see what the ads have when they come out/leaked and then see if something really grabs me. But I don't go to stores in a specific order or anything. And with the area Live in, I will NEVER fight with going to Best buy or circuit City to get any DVD or video game deals they have. And if I want electronic items, I try and stick to hh Gregg, Radio Shack and target. And the only store I (or my dad and I if he is off on that Friday) have gone to for the apst 3 or 4 years is Ace.
  5. Went to CC sicne they had a saturday ad in the paper today. Got 2 of the James Bond collections for just about $40. Awesome deal. I don't think anyone there knew about the ad. When the cashier saw the price she couldn't believe it...
  6. I left the house around 9:15. Nothing in the ads to get me up super early. Made 4 stops and was in not even 2 hours. Ace: -Card Table set -3.6v screwdriver -Misc. Stanley tools Spent $75 before I send the rebates in. Willbe closer to $50 when i get those back Home Depot: -2 of the Husky LED flashlight 3 packs Spent $10 there Office Depot: -Memorex pack of 30 jewel cases for CDS Spent $5 there Target: -Pack of CD-Rs -Couple misc DVDs -Vince Flynn book Spet $50 there sicne the book and 1 of the DVDs wasn't on sale... So overall $140 spent before rebates today and no place was overly busy Add that to the $200 I spent on Old NAvy.come, AE.com and Bestbuy.com I think I came out well ahead with the stuff I wanted/needed.
  7. So far: Old Navy clothes totalling $70ish(no standing in line with the BF deals online) American Eagle clothes totaling $90ish (with free shipping and 15% off) Best Buy 2gb of RAM for $70ish (was on sale online for $130+ off) And a couple hours I will hit Target briefly Office depot (maybe), and Home Depot briefly and then go to Ace...and then home. Cheance i will go to BB later in the morning/day for some other DVDs but that isn't likely.
  8. Got my stuff ordered: 2 pairs of jeans 2 fleece pullovers 1 pair of socks 1 pair of lounge pants all for like $70ish...very good deal and NO LINES!!!
  9. I a, hoping the jeans go on sale soon cause I don't want to go out to Old NAvy tomorrow to buy clothes.
  10. Yeah, the Kennesaw store will get packed. I might stop in there tomorrow late morning to see if there are any DVDs left. No way was I gonna camp there with friends being home from college and stuff. Especially sicne there wasn't much that was just eye popping.
  11. Just a general question... Both LCD RPTV and DLP have bulbs that have to be replaced every "x" amount of hours, correct? I only ask this here because my computer is acting up and I can't get onto any of the avsforums or stuff. And then also b/c brandsmart has a sony rptv for 700 that is a 50" 720p.
  12. Also saw where they had a 50" Sony RPTV for like 698... That one intrigues me more since I am in college and it is $300 cheaper.
  13. Ah, ok. Very cool. Thanks. I am going to be putting a new headunit in my car afte the first of the year so this will be soemthing to look into. Since al of the decks now have the outputs for an ipod, hd may be something I look real hard at.
  14. What is the big deal with HD radio? I know it is supposed to sound better or something and pick up extra stations? Is this something that will/is becoming mainstream or what?
  15. Bleh... I didn't expect much from them. Unless I missed any good SD card or stuff...
  16. I know last year NONE of the HD in my area received a couple of the items (flashlights and soemthing else) so they substituted some. Well, they sub. mag lites (like 2 light and single sets) for $5 EACH. When my dad and a couple other guys heard that they each went grabbed 2 of each type and since we had our other stuff already went and checked out before they realized what they did.
  17. HD was better imo too. Of course, the Lowes is 15 min away. Whereas I have 1 HD within 5 min, 3 within 15 min and 3 more within 20 min, so there are 7 within 20ish min of me.
  18. I have heard they are almost more of a madhouse than BB and CC. I would like to know what they will have but i'm just not sure I would want to go there and have to deal with it...unles there is just a HUGE deal on a tv or soemthing.
  19. I think the 13' we got for around $50 last year...but it barely reaches to the roof over our porch to put up the lights and to clean gutters. So the 17' with the stand for $90... I think I can convince him with that. Only thing us he and I may have to go to HD and Target sep. if they both open at 6am. Granted, they are in shopping centers basically across the street from each other so no big deal.
  20. All the HD around me open at 6am so I figure that is when they will open...
  21. Looks like my dad and I will hit up HD too. Probably just for one of the tool sets and then the gorilla ladder. Anyone know what retail is on that ladder? I was checking around but my internet/computer are being stupid. We bought the 13' last year but having the 17' would be great for doing Christmas lights and stuff.
  22. Right now Target then Ace and that is probably it. Unless Home Depot or Office Depot have something in their ads I see. I might go to BB later in the day to get some movies or tv seasons but the BB closest to me (Barrett Parkway in Kennesaw, north of Atlanta) IS HELL from BF until early Jan.
  23. I was gonna post that question later. That is the last tore I want to see except maybe Home Depot. I am home Brandsmart will have a tv deal or two (lcd or a dlp/lcd rptv).
  24. Is there a huge difference in those contrast ratios? I am only looking at the 22" that BB and target have. If there is a huge difference b/t a 1000:1 and a 700:1... I only ask because I know I can get to Target and get one whereas the BB closest to me always has a long line starting at noon-ish of Thanksgiving.
  25. I agree with the thouhgt that retailers don't like it b/c it gives people in general a few days (in some cases maybe a couple weeks depending on when ads are leaked) to compare in far greater detail than they could by getting them the day of Thanksgiving. They also count on the impulse of a buyer to buy something at the drop of a hat this time of year. I mean, every year (except 04 wehn i was in NY for the MAcys Parade) my dad I always go to Target, HHGregg and Ace. We added Home depot to that last year. And I might add Sears this year for a couple things they have. We won't touch BB, CC or WM b/c the lines are HORRIBLE (especially living just north ot Atlanta). I will look at those and might like soemthing but won't bite if one f the others has soemthing that is simialr. So I can understand why retailers get upset when people will have time to actually compare products or look at a certain brand's reliability. But, they should also realize that 90% of the people that get out super early on BF are not the type who think to compare and do a few hours of research.
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