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Everything posted by Gritz

  1. I went to Target today and they had them all stacked up and ready for BF in the section between the baby stuff and infant clothing.
  2. I called this morning to see if they would do a price adjustment and the person that answered put me on hold to go ask the GSTL. She came back and said Yes. Then I asked who the GSTL was in case I have problems on Friday. She told me the GSTL's name, then told me hers. Then I asked if the GSTL would be working on Friday and was told that they both would be and the gal told me she would price adjust for me. We'll see what happens on Friday though!
  3. I got the Tom Tom 140S on clearance for $50, but saw that Target will have the Tom Tom XL340S on BF for $97. Anyone know which one is better? I know the 140S is smaller, but what else is different about the two?
  4. I'm interested in the Vsmile system. Anyone know if it's already $30 at the stores? I'm guessing this item is not and that they will wait for BF to have this price, but just wanted to check....
  5. If it's completely random then I am one lucky person because I have received one almost every single time I shopped at Target recently. :) I have already used 5 of those coupons.
  6. I was at Target this morning and the Price Cut for the Tag System (not Jr) is over at my store. It's back up to $39.99.
  7. Any recommendations for toys for a 5 year old boy that seems to have everything? Also what's the latest Bakugan toy? I dont know anything about them, but know he likes them and has a lot of them.
  8. I PM'd a Fry's ad for $28.99 and used a MQ and Target Q and got it for $8.99.
  9. What ad did you use to PM Monster's Inc?
  10. They told me it takes at least 24 hrs for the system to update. However, when I had the same issue, it was for an item I had purchased several weeks prior. It must have just been a weird glitch.
  11. This has happened to me before! I only use one credit card when I shop at at Target and almost always do my returns without a receipt and just give them my card. 99% of the time I have no trouble at all (they always find my transaction with my card), but a few times they couldn't find anything and I finally found my receipt to return it -- it had the same credit card on it and the CS couldn't figure out what happened.
  12. There are two different Tom Toms on clearance right now. The 140S model is 75% off at some stores, but not all (some of mine are only 30% or 50% off still). The original price is $199. The other model is the XL340. I don't think any of the stores have these at 75% off yet. My stores are only at 30% right now. The original price is $229. You should just bring the DPCI number to a register or GS and ask them to check the price (or you can just call your local store on the phone to check the price). The sticker price isn't always accurate, so if the employee opens the case and there is a 30% off sticker on it, he/she may think that's the current price, but there is always the possibility that it has been marked down further but a new sticker wasn't placed on it. DPCI for the 140S model is 057.16.0019.
  13. It depends on the store. I have some stores that have it done by the time I call first thing in the morning (which is how I got most of my items) and others that don't do it until early afternoon.
  14. Could I have bought one at the store on Friday and gone in this morning to get a "adjustment" to get my e-card?
  15. I have been told several times that if a coupon scans, Target takes it. I guess that includes expired ones too. Who knows though...it may totally depend on the cashier.
  16. There were tons of Halloween costumes left at one of my stores and they were marked 75% off. I was surprised! In the past 3 transactions I've had at Target, I've received a $5 off $50 toy purchase Target coupon. Is this a random thing and I just happen to get it 3 times in a row or does the system somehow know I am a big Target spender :) because I always use the same credit card (I don't have a Target CC).
  17. I had this when my son was 1 years old and he loved it. He's 2.5 now and will play with it once in a while, but he gets bored with it really quick. I wouldn't buy one specifically for a 2.5 year old -- that's just my opinion though. Every 2 year old is different....
  18. I went to one of my Targets today and they didn't have the Toy Coupon Book out so I went to GS to ask for one. I was told that they will not have any in the store and that you can only get them in the mail. Then I asked if there was a kiosk where I could print the Target Coupons and she looked at me like I was crazy. She told me I could only print stuff from home. I have never printed Target coupons from the store, but I know there are people that used to do it from the kiosks. How do you do that?
  19. The code works! I used it on Paul Frank headphones (not on sale) and it took 50% off. Thanks so much!!
  20. If the TQ Tag Reader coupon won't scan for the Tag Jr, you can still use the coupon? Will the MQ $10 Tag coupon scan with a Tag Jr?
  21. I called one of my stores about the Tom Tom and GS said it was $49 and then said there were zero at their store. I didn't believe her, so I had her transfer me to Electronics. They had 3 on the floor. I was so happy to get one because at 75% off -- all the other Targets in my area are only 30-50% off (most are only 30% off). It seems like my stores are always slooooooow to mark things down, compared to everyone else that posts. Our Halloween stuff was only 50% off and there were NO chocolate candy bags left. I did get a Leapfrog Scout for $6.99. I used the $5 TQ and had another $3.00 MQ that I got from a baby magazine. I hope my little guy likes it!
  22. My Target still had tons left (for dogs and humans). They were 50% off.
  23. I tried it on an item that was on sale and it said the promo code doesn't work on that item. Unfortunately, it's only available online too. Bummer!
  24. If you have a Marshalls near you, I know a lot of the costumes were on clearance for $2-$3. Ours still had a lot left to choose from (adult and kids).
  25. Most of our stores don't have any Vizios and the one store that does has them priced at $450.
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