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Everything posted by Gritz

  1. 30% off candy and dollar spot 50% off decorations and costumes
  2. Have you tried Childrens Place? They have slim adjustable pants. Not sure how long they are in comparison to what you need though. They are having F&F sale now too.
  3. Anyone know when the toy clearance will start?
  4. It was at all the old navy's. I think it ended yesterday though.
  5. Camping definitely went 70 off. I got a 10 person tent on Tues. It only had a 50% off sticker on it but when I scanned it, it was already further reduced. There were several 10 person tents and also 12 person tents for 70 off also. I also got a sleeping bag, camping pillow, lights and flashlights.
  6. My store is still additional 40% until Thursday. That's what they told me when I called this morning.
  7. I found a leapster game last week that was only marked 50% off (most of the other toys were 75%, as were all the other leapster games, except this one). There was a markdown crew nearby so I asked one of the guys to scan it for me to see if it was supposed to be 75 off. It really was only 50 off! He said sometimes the manufacturer doesn't allow them to mark them lower than a certain percentage. I went back today and a bunch of other toys were marked 75 (like the 10-in-1 table) and that leapster game was still only 50 off. So strange! No sure if it was mentioned earlier (I may have missed it), but kids snow boots were 75 off. Not sure when the markdown occurred, but my store had a bunch of them left. Lots of baby gear was 50 off too. Gates, crib mattresses, swing, carseats (infant and convertible), Maclaren volo stroller, Graco tandem stroller, etc.
  8. I saw one today for $74.98 (it was marked 50% off). It's the Fisher Price Lil' Lamb Dream swing. DPCI is 030-09-0220
  9. Thanks so much! I was able to pick one up. There were only 2 left.
  10. I think your DPCI for the lego table is missing a number. Would you mind double checking for me and re-posting? I want to call my stores to see if they have any in stock. If anyone has a picture of it (or a link from the web) can you please post? I haven't seen any lego tables at my stores. I checked 2 stores in my area today and neither were 75% off!
  11. I went to 3 Targets today and none of them were even close to 75% off. Most of the stuff was surprisingly still at 30%. I have noticed during the past toys clearances that it seems my stores are much slower with the mark downs. Not sure if it has anything to do with the cost of living here (ie., they keep them at 30% longer)... For the person that was looking for the Vtech V.Reader. I saw a ton of them marked down to 30% off. I only saw it at one Target though. They were full price at the 2 stores.
  12. Anyone know if there is any baby gear on clearance? I haven't seen anything at my stores. I've only seen clothes and small miscellaneous things, but no big ticket items like strollers, carseats, etc.
  13. it's this one: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2536180
  14. I got a few toys at 75% off today: ### Fisher Price Two Tunes TV ($7.74) ### Little Mommy Princess Doll ($4.47) ### Circo 120-piece train set ($10.74)
  15. Thanks for the photos and posts about the Crayola flip-top markers and the No-Spill bubble buckets. Neither one of these were marked at my stores and they were in the regular aisles. The no-spill bubble buckets rang up as $0.37 at my store (it scanned that way). I'm waiting for the Leapster re-chargers to go 75% off (they are 50% right now), so if you see them marked down next week, please post. :) ### 081.04.2284 Roseart Designer Desk $3.74 Thank you!!
  16. How do I get the 15% off coupon?
  17. I'm in N. CA and looked at my Fry's ad, but I didn't see anything listed. Was it in their Sat or Sun ad?
  18. The old model may have been clearance and the new model may be what you are scanning at regular price. Sometimes the items look exactly the same or very similar, but have different UPCs. I found the 4 person tent and 70pc Legos that way. The packages looked the same, but when I looked at the UPC number, they were different. When I scanned both versions of the item, one was on clearance and the other was regular price.
  19. Anyone know if there are any 12" (toddler-size) bikes on clearance? Someone posted a Toy Story one, but I checked a few of the Targets in my area and none of them have that bike on clearance.
  20. I found the Coleman 4-person dome tent for $19.99 today. Thanks to mju for posting the DPCI and 75% off price for me! I also found... ### 258110003 Samsonite Aspire 21" spinner luggage $24.99 (50% off)
  21. No luck on the big baby gear this morning! I found the person marking down baby stuff and he scanned some items for me. One small item was marked 75% off today, but the bigger things were still at 50% off. Maybe Target is hoping that some of the 50% off items will get sold during their Baby Sale this week. For my sake, I hope not!
  22. I have purchased many baby items for 75% off...Britax umbrella stroller, Sit n Stand, Graco Sweetpeace, Fisher Price bouncers, Graco Snugride carseat and a lot of other smaller items like Boppys, covers, sheets, shoes, etc. I have a lot of Targets near me, so that helps. Anyone have DPCIs for the camping tents that are on clearance?
  23. Thanks SO much for posting this with the DPCIs! I went to the store looking for the Eddie Bauer small roller bag, but they were OOO. I was able to find the 24" Swiss Army one though! It wasn't marked (no sticker), but since I knew the DPCI, I knew it was on clearance. I scanned it and sure enough, it was 24.98. I would have never known if it wasn't for your post. Thank you so very much!!
  24. I got one for 75% off. It's huge!
  25. I don't know if it's on clearance this time, but the same Step 2 motorcycle (probably the older model) was on clearance in all my stores at the last to clearance (late July). I managed to get one for 75% off -- they were hard to find though.
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