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Everything posted by phil1128

  1. DD14. DD12 and DS8 constantly on IPods DS8 plays regularly with his Legos
  2. White Christmas (Oldy but a classic) and Christmas Vacation Ours Kids love Elf
  3. All claimed!! Bummer.... My friend is still on the waitlist; wishing him goodluck!!
  4. I left my computer for two minutes and the nooks are now sold out.... darn potty break!!
  5. Last year it was a "free for all" in the first aisle where the Tv's were. People were pushing and grabbing Tv's like wild animals. Needless to say, I did not get a tv... I hope the line does not wrapped around 3 or 4 aisles this year. It was very confusing!!!
  6. Way to go! You must be focused and organized!! I have only just begun... as it gets closer to the Holidays, christmas shopping almost seems like a second job:)
  7. I am planning on going there to check it out... last year I happened upon this sale and it was awesome. I got birthdays, Father's Day and Christmas stock piled. The Gift closet is empty and its time to rebuild!!
  8. My wife and I are done... she keeps using the excuse that she is getting B-day and Easter things. I just think that she is addicted to shopping and needs therapy!!
  9. I am visiting family in Indy and the dollar tree had 3ft stockings the were wide.
  10. Ty for sharing!!!! My DS damaged my DD's DS.
  11. We have had mild fall weather so far... but starting tomorrow it is going to get much colder. Just in time for us to stand outside in the cold Friday at 4am:)
  12. We put up our lights 10/29, because it was such a mild day... but we won't turn them on till BF. My wife wants to put up the tree and decorate next weekend. She says it takes so long to decorate; we should be able to enjoy it for a longer time.
  13. My Aunt would buy my sister an off white chunky knit sweater with huge, oddly placed flowers on it. She got these sweaters from 4th through 8th grade. We still tease her about these and about how Mom made her wear them at Family events... our Aunt was soooo pleased at how much she loved them!!!
  14. TY!! Happy shopping!
  15. TY!!
  16. I work in retail and it is our policy to always say Hello and greet customers. Now... trying to get teenagers to understand this is a challenge. Customers are not a burden, but our livelihood. I find that small "mom and pop" stores are very friendly and helpful.
  17. TY this will come in handy!!
  18. Thanks for the post!! Hope they have some great deals.
  19. I work for a small independent grocery store and we cannot accept outdated coupons. Our coupons are sent away and sorted. If they find any outdated we get fined, plus we are out the money for the coupon(s).
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