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Everything posted by setlok73

  1. Got this for my BFF that lives a thousand miles away. We always say this to each other! https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Birthday-Girlfriend-Coworker-Lavender/dp/B0B5SSCRM9/ref=sr_1_27?crid=942EWHCQ1I4C&keywords=sentimental%2Bgifts%2Bfor%2Bfriend&qid=1700241790&sprefix=sentimental%2Bgifts%2Caps%2C307&sr=8-27&th=1
  2. My mom did something like this for all us kids one year. She wrote all her recipes out by hand, so not only do I have the recipes but I have her handwriting too! One of my most cherished items!
  3. Great gift for a coworker https://www.amazon.com/Office-Mugs-You-Christmas-Employee-Coworker/dp/B07XXM6G7Q/ref=sr_1_41?crid=1UATR547AHHXK&keywords=crazy+gift+ideas&qid=1699983978&sprefix=crazy+gift+idea%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-41
  4. A SUPER LONG time ago in a mall far away...was my first BF that I remember going out in the wild. My mom, sisters, and I went to Denny's (they were the only place open back then) at I think 3am. We had all the flyers all over the table and were making our game plan. Stores opened at 7 back then and it was early. KB Toys still existed so that was our first stop, since we still had littles. The Furby craze was going on and they had some. Folks were yelling and pushing trying to get one. Some man looked me in the eye, grabbed my shoulders and said "Ready?" I said "Go!" and he literally shoved me through the crowd, I grabbed two and he pulled me back out. He got one and I got one. Never saw him again. Was being offered hundreds for the one I had. Thank you random man for helping me get my little brother his gift that year.
  5. Great gift for a coworker https://www.amazon.com/Office-Mugs-You-Christmas-Employee-Coworker/dp/B07XXM6G7Q/ref=sr_1_41?crid=1UATR547AHHXK&keywords=crazy+gift+ideas&qid=1699983978&sprefix=crazy+gift+idea%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-41
  6. Anything Grinch Themed!! But I think these slippers are super cute! https://www.amazon.com/Qubuwalk-Cartoon-Christmas-Slippers-Grinch/dp/B0CJN7DNGV/ref=sr_1_11?crid=3ICB12VQY80BI&keywords=grinch&qid=1699898486&sprefix=grinc%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-11
  7. I have one of these and not only do I love it but DH uses it too. It has warming and massage and compression options. If you know anyone who works alot with their hands or has general hand pain...I highly recommend this (it also has a $20 off right now and a 10% coupon) https://www.amazon.com/CINCOM-Rechargeable-Massager-Compression-Arthritis/dp/B0872Y3HJC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=17NE3RV9BKUI4&keywords=unique%2Bgifts%2Bfor%2Bwomen%2Bover%2B50&qid=1699822217&sprefix=unique%2Bgifts%2Bfor%2Bwomen%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-6&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18630bbb-fcbb-42f8-9767-857e17e03685&th=1
  8. setlok73

    I did a thing!

    I had no idea (they don't let me know). It is available now on Walmart as well or BN...the hardback is cheaper at Walmart than Amazon https://www.walmart.com/ip/Holding-On-for-Santa-a-Little-Leaf-s-Wish-Hardcover-9798988926801/5113427139?from=/search https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/holding-on-for-santa-mimi-lakes/1144201683?ean=9798988926818 Thank you for letting me know.
  9. We have a pair of squirrel underwear that come back every.single.year! Its an unwritten law that whoever ends up with them must bring them back. Its been going on for years now (no idea how long). No one remembers who started it but they now get fought after. Thats the gift everyone wants. I have a weird family
  10. No idea if it comes with anything outside of the standard, but I use my CC that extends my warranty for a year regardless. Always check to see if your CC extends purchases...it got me a new VR when mine bit it some time ago. I was a few months past my original warranty and my card covered a new one. It was pretty great.
  11. setlok73

    I did a thing!

    Thank you so much! I hope you like it
  12. Yes…I didn’t even see the one at walmart
  13. REI has Hoka running shoes on sale https://www.rei.com/product/201759/hoka-carbon-x-3-road-running-shoes-womens?color=CERAMIC/EVENING PRIM...
  14. setlok73

    I did a thing!

    Oh my goodness! Thank you Bopeep! I can't thank you enough. Please tell me your honest thoughts. I am truly touched..thank you again.
  15. Super fuzzy socks, I kid you not, when I say I have a big rubbermaid tote full of socks. A bin in my closet, and more in another bin in another closet. Its an addiction!
  16. setlok73

    I did a thing!

    I got Brad's ok before I posted this. I wrote my first book, its a Children's Christmas Book that's available on Amazon and Barnes/Noble. If you like it, can you please share the links with friends/family? Or write a review. Its about a little Maple leaf that doesn't want to fall off the tree because she wants to meet Santa. The forest animals help her through some tough spots. I'm super proud of it! https://a.co/d/7cpPADL (Amazon link) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/holding-on-for-santa-mimi-lakes/1144201683?ean=9798988926818 (BN)
  17. Lets see if I can not trip right at the end of the race this time
  18. DH will be out of town so just me and the pups. I have to be on call so I'm hoping it will be quite and I can be online
  19. Woo Hoo, got my curved monitor today. Its not the laptop I need but its a start for my new office.
  20. I don't like how there's no "Black Friday" anymore. They start the sales early, some things aren't even really great deals. It feels like a huge bait and switch alot of the time. I know there are a few deals that are on BF but I think you know what I mean.
  21. Back in the days of actually sitting outside the store for BF. Best Buy had a really great laptop (its been 10 years at least). I think it was something crazy like $159 but it was a really good one. That year there were a ton of deals, wish I could remember them all. We were #3/4 in line. BB had a great way of handing out "tickets" so there was no racing in to grab it. We both were able to get a ticket and our 2 older kids that were heading off to college ended up with laptops that got them through all 4 years (I believe). BB also had personal shoppers that would grab anything not a doorbuster the night before. Put it in a cart. We walked in, handed her our tickets. We got more than just those laptops...don't remember what else. She took the tickets...got the doorbusters...walked us to the auto sound area...checked us out. I think once the doors opened we were in/out in 15 minutes. But man I could use another high end laptop for $159!
  22. Yeh! Thank you Brad! And thanks to those who shared...I am not waiting for the holidays to try some of these!
  23. Emergency gifts to be given to unexpected guests
  24. Posted in wrong forum initially sorry Dinosaur Alphabet Blanket Funny Educational Learning Gift for Girls Boys Kids Dinosaur Lovers-Super Soft Flannel Blanket for Sofa Camping Travel-Warm Home Decor for Summer,40"x50"for Kids/Baby 50% off coupon should show on the page, if not its LR83UQ85
  25. Those are great ideas. Not sure he will be into them. We live out in the middle of nowhere so very few folks decorate (since there's no one around). Our town that we go into does decorate and does Christmasy things. But I do like the idea of coming up with something other than traditional gifts. I'll think about what we can do. Thank you
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